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A reference framework consisting of a set of points, lines, and/or surfaces, and a set of rules, used to define the positions of points in space in either two or three dimensions. This tag also refers to cartographic projections and coordinate system transformations.

1 vote

Azimuthal equidistant projection for small distances (<10km)

If you are going to use the projection within a radius of 10 km, the error from Earth's curvature is going to be negligible. The scaling of distances measured along circles of equal distance from the …
Jan Šimbera's user avatar
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2 votes

Lat/Long converter to local coordinate

What you are looking for is a cartographic projection, the choice of which is a study area on its own; the accuracy of the projection depends on the area you are mapping and the type of distortion you …
Jan Šimbera's user avatar
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3 votes

Project a set of coordinates - points from Excel to a shapefile with unknown coordinate syst...

It seems the first dataset (vista_nicosia_links.shp) is using a different projection, most likely UTM (the zone depending on your data's location - for Nicosia, it is most likely UTM Zone 36 North). …
Jan Šimbera's user avatar
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3 votes

Using mathematical hack (EPSG 4326 to EPSG 3395)?

(First, to clarify: you do not need to care about UTM zones because World Mercator is a global coordinate system - just far less accurate than UTM.) You are essentially performing a linear approximat …
Jan Šimbera's user avatar
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1 vote

Displace Lat/Long by meters

I don't see a (big) problem in your approach. UTM projections are well defined even outside their intended zones, only the projection distortion is a bit higher - but still small enough not to manifes …
Jan Šimbera's user avatar
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1 vote

User defined Coordinate Reference System (CRS) in QGIS is not located where expected?

I'm not really sure the data you got is correct. IMHO, the projection provided is Krovak S-JTSK, which was designed to be used in central Europe's Czechia and Slovakia, which is all but Australia. I …
Jan Šimbera's user avatar
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2 votes

Appropriate equal-area cylindrical projection for Southeast Asia?

The wizard suggests the Lambert equal-area cylindrical projection whose distortion does not change with the choice of central meridian. The projection is a cartographically sound choice for your area, …
Jan Šimbera's user avatar
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5 votes

Difference between converting a projection into WGS84 first before converting it to a intend...

To add to the answers of @GeoMonkey and @Babel and sum them up, there might be the following sources of additional error when using the two step transformation: Two rounds of transformation always in …
Jan Šimbera's user avatar
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0 votes

Indoor map with relative coordinates

You need to play with false northing/easting, leaving the UTM parameters otherwise intact. If the bottom left corner is (5000,10000) in the corresponding UTM (in meters), just subtract 5000 from false …
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