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Use this tag when asking questions related to where features overlap.

0 votes

rtree intersection returns only zeros when filled with via stream from generator function

Strange, because with Python 2.7.12 or 3.5.1; Shapely 1.5.16 and rtree 0.8.2, I have no problem from shapely.geometry import Point data = [Point(497582.829135131,5419474.690534886),Point(565856.42713 …
gene's user avatar
  • 55.4k
2 votes

What is a OGRGeometryShadow and why can't I use it in Intersects()-method?

0), (0, 1)]) geom2 = LineString([(1, 1), (-1,-1)]) intersection = geom1.intersection(geom2) # geo_interface -> GeoJSON mapping(intersection) {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': (0.0, 0.0)} # Shapely geometry … import ogr geom1 = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt('LINESTRING (0 0, 0 1)') geom2 = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt('LINESTRING (1 1, -1 -1)') # intersection with ogr intersection_ogr = geom1.Intersection(geom2) # …
gene's user avatar
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2 votes

GeoPandas intersect not working as expected

True 28 --> 28 True 41 --> 28 True 79 --> 28 True 150 --> 28 False With two GeoDataFrames use overlay buffer = gp.GeoDataFrame({'geometry':buff}) result = gp.overlay(buffer,eur, how='intersection
gene's user avatar
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9 votes

OGR Layer Intersection

The intersection of two polygon layers is different from the intersection of a polygon layer and a polyline layer for example. … intersection = union1.Intersection(union2) print intersection.GetGeometryName() 'MultiPolygon' At this stage, you can save the resulting geometry to a shapefile (without the fields of the original layers …
gene's user avatar
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15 votes

What is the difference between Spatial predicates "Covers" and "Contains"?

Look at Martin Davis (creator of the JTS Topology Suite), Lin.ear th.inking: Quirks of the "Contains" Spatial Predicate Geometry A contains Geometry B if no points of B lie in the exterior of A, and …
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2 votes

Geopandas Overlay and ValueError

parc = parc.drop('name', axis=1) # parc is already a GeoDataFrame with a geometry column = {'init': 'epsg:4326'} parc = parc.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:3857'}) zonage = gpd.overlay(clip, parc, how='intersection
gene's user avatar
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4 votes

Create Intersecting lines and remove dangles

You need to create a segment in the direction of line1 and calculate the point of intersection with line2. 1) Find the azimuth of line1 (How do I find vector line bearing in QGIS or GRASS?) … azimuth(seg_start, seg_end)) lenght = a_distance result = QgsPoint(seg_end.x()+(a_distance*cosa), seg_end.y()+(a_distancer*cosb)) segment =QgsGeometry.fromPolyline([seg_end,result]) 2) find the intersection
gene's user avatar
  • 55.4k
6 votes

Getting Unique Intersections of Multiple Polygons Efficiently in Python

Look at the How to find the intersection areas of overlapping buffer zones in single shapefile? … and the solution is to 1) use the properties of unary_union with the LinearRings/LineString of the polygons (it cuts the lines at each intersection,Planar graph) listpoly = [a.intersection(b) for a, …
gene's user avatar
  • 55.4k
1 vote

GeoPandas road intersections (crossroads)

figure above obtained from the file provided shows 5 points but: points = [] for line1, line2 in combinations([line for line in multiline],2): if line1.intersects(line2): points.append(line1.intersection … shapefile: res.to_file("intersection_points.shp") But it is also possible to do it directly without itertools using overlay shapefile = gpd.read_file("test.shp") gdf = gpd.overlay(shapefile, shapefile, how='intersection
gene's user avatar
  • 55.4k
5 votes

Is there a way to get at C's OGRLayer.Intersection() or OGRLayer.Clip() in Python?

For the intersection of layers, you must iterate through each layer geometries. … polygon shapefile two = Polygon() source2 = ogr.Open("test2.shp") layer2 = source2.GetLayer() for element in layer2: geom = loads(element.GetGeometryRef().ExportToWkb()) two = two.union(geom) # intersection
gene's user avatar
  • 55.4k
2 votes

Finding intersection length between two polygons using PyQGIS?

intersects gives the boolean value True, False, intersection gives the geometry If you use the dir function of Python dir(intersection) ['Error', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', ' … intersection.length() for geom1,geom2 in itertools.combinations(selection, 2): if geom1.intersects(geom2): intersection = geom1.intersection(geom2) print intersection.exportToWkt() …
gene's user avatar
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7 votes

Problem intersecting shapefiles with OGR in Python

The solution proposed by Mike T is powerful but not "classic" and performs only the intersection of shapefiles. … What you are trying to do is a Spatial Join (point in Polygon) and not a simple intersection and you can use : pyshp (shapefile) (pure Python module) as in Point in Polygon or Point in Polygon 2: Walking …
gene's user avatar
  • 55.4k
1 vote

Shapely intersection cuts LineString into MultiLineString instead of LineString

, (8.986364, 60.711158), (8.986913, 60.710638), (8.987753, 60.710386), (8.98801, 60.710381), (8.988991, 60.709666)] Duplicate nodes Duplicate segments Therefore is it normal that the result of the intersection … is a MultiLineString print(type(line.intersection(circle))) <class 'shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString'> If you eliminate the duplicates (segments) the result is a LineString print(type(line2.intersection
gene's user avatar
  • 55.4k
5 votes

Multi-part Geometrical Intersection error

But, knowing that the result of the intersection of a MultiLineString with a Polygon is a MultiLineString and the intersection of a MultiLineString with a LinearRing is a MultiPoint, it is easiest to … ).intersection(ring) # MultiPoint multi_line = MultiLineString(Multilines3).intersection(Poly) # MultiLineString multi_line = MultiLineString(Multilines3).intersection(ring) # MultiPoint If you have …
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6 votes

Getting intersection of circles using shapely?

The native shapely function is unary_union (Planar graph) The circles 1) Using the script of How to find the intersection areas of overlapping buffer zones in single shapefile? … through each polygon for poly in circles: # Merge cells that have overlapping bounding boxes merged_cells = unary_union([circles[pos] for pos in idx.intersection(poly.bounds)]) # Do actual intersection
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