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2 votes

Raster Subtraction with QgsRasterCalculator in PyQGIS

Like Joseph said, there is an error in the first parameter of QgsRasterCalculator. But it must be string, unlike Josephs suggestion. So i tried this: calc=QgsRasterCalculator ('%s - %s'%(target.ref, …
Andreas Müller's user avatar
5 votes

Load PostGIS layer/table to QGIS canvas using Python

The sql-parameter is not what it sounds like. It only takes a where-clause, like 'id = 20' in your case. So try: uri.setDataSource("public","table", "the_geom", 'id = 20',"gid")
Andreas Müller's user avatar
0 votes

Running Python script in QGIS startup?

You can register/load and run a plugin like this: import sys sys.path = ["your/path/aboveMyPlugin"] + sys.path import MyPlugin plugin = MyPlugin.classFactory(iface) plugin.initGui() My …
Andreas Müller's user avatar
1 vote in QGIS not executed

not fulfill the requirements of a plugin, which has the structure of a python package, which means it consists of a folder whith file, a function named classFactory and more, described in the pyqgis
Andreas Müller's user avatar
10 votes

Importing paths for QGIS 3 standalone scripts

For QGIS3 we need a special environment, that differs from the QGIS2-Versions. Because not only Python changed to python3 but also pyqt5/Qt5 need different settings. To work with a complete environme …
Andreas Müller's user avatar
3 votes

Converting QgsRaster object to array

Barry Rowlingson build an plugin for QGIS2 called "Rasterlang" (, inside there is a modul named with a function call …
Andreas Müller's user avatar
5 votes

Updating layer extent after changing source in PyQGIS?

This works for me: if iface.mapCanvas().isCachingEnabled(): lyr.triggerRepaint() else: iface.mapCanvas().refresh()
Andreas Müller's user avatar
5 votes

Error when using input() pyqgis (RuntimeError: input(): lost sys.stdin) QGIS 3

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QInputDialog def getTextInput(title, message): answer = QInputDialog.getText(None, title, message) if answer[1]: print(answer[0]) return answer[0] …
Andreas Müller's user avatar
5 votes

QGIS plugin development and libraries

In my comment I mentioned two different possibilities to include additional python modules with a QGIS python plugin. Regarding how and where a plugin is installed, it is not comfortable or even possi …
Andreas Müller's user avatar
1 vote

QGIS 2.18 ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found

I'm using a batchfile to set the environment for python and qgis, like this: SET QGIS_PREFIX_PATH=%OSGEO4W_ROOT:\=/%/apps/qgis SET PYTHONPATH=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\qgis\python SET PYTHONHOME=%OSGEO4W_R …
Andreas Müller's user avatar
2 votes

Add postgis temporary table using pyqgis into canvas failed

You don't need the sql parameter! In particular, it only takes the where clause, so the name sql is misleading. See Adding PostGIS layer from QGIS Python plugin for a simple example. supplement: if …
Andreas Müller's user avatar
0 votes

qgis appends to a dictionary / hash

If the problem is to load a plugin inside qgis python console, you may check this code: import qgsAffine # or another plugin modul plugin = qgsAffine.classFactory(iface) # standard interface for regi …
Andreas Müller's user avatar
1 vote

Using Windows Batch File (.bat) for executing QGIS Python program without opening QGIS Software

I tried for long and found the following points are important Always use the OSGEO4W-Shell to execute an osgeo-program, don't use cmd.exe directly. (The shell executes all batch files in %OSGEO4W_RO …
Andreas Müller's user avatar
1 vote

QGIS Plugin does not show attributes

I broke it down to a simple example. Here, at least one vector layer must be loaded in QGIS and it must be the top one. Then you can execute this in the python console as a script: from PyQt5.QtWidge …
Andreas Müller's user avatar
2 votes

Creating standalone python Script using PyQGIS?

Second, a standalone pyqgis script has to "prepare" or init a pyqgis app, analog to a qt5 app. … There is a description for writing standalone scripts in the pyqgis developer cookbook And finally call that script through the batch file created in the first step. …
Andreas Müller's user avatar

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