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Use when the version you are using of the OpenLayers JavaScript client toolkit is 3 or later

2 votes

openlayers3 KeyboardPan not working

Make your map HTMLElement (div) focusable: <div id="map" tabindex="0"></div>
Jonatas Walker's user avatar
1 vote

Making get feature request to forget between clicks in OpenLayers 3

Just try changing to: map.on('singleclick', projectName); Reference
Jonatas Walker's user avatar
1 vote

Deactivating Openlayers Cluster after a certain zoom level openlayers3

You can also listen to: map.getView().on('change:resolution', function(evt){ //according to // I think this is not true for any scenario …
Jonatas Walker's user avatar
7 votes

OpenLayers 3, hover (select interaction with pointMove condition) on overlapping features

I don't know if you're yet interested but I came up with this plunker. I've learnt a lot doing this. It looks like yours but I didn't remove ol.interaction.Select.
Jonatas Walker's user avatar
1 vote

Undoing last point when drawing linestring in OpenLayers 3?

I've made some tests and this can be done with something like this: Set a custom listener to your draw interaction. draw.set('escKey', ''); Set a global variable if drawing start, and store the cr …
Jonatas Walker's user avatar
1 vote

Default Property/Attribute Template For Features On Specific Layers

You got it. The library itself cannot do it for you. Listen to: layer.getSource().on('addfeature', function(evt){ //add your attributes var feature = evt.feature; });
Jonatas Walker's user avatar
1 vote

How to clone an ol3 style?

Adapted from ol-debug.js: var typeOf = function(obj){ return ({}) .match(/\s([a-zA-Z]+)/)[1].toLowerCase(); }; function cloneObject(obj){ var type = typeOf(obj); …
Jonatas Walker's user avatar
8 votes

OpenLayers 3: How to check if vector source is ready?

You can provide your own loader function and set some custom listeners, as it follows: var source = new ol.source.Vector({ loader: function(){ var url = '....../data/json/world-110m.json' …
Jonatas Walker's user avatar
2 votes

Select multiple features in OpenLayers 3

You may want this: var selectClick = new ol.interaction.Select({ condition:, toggleCondition:, }); map.addInteraction(selectClick) …
Jonatas Walker's user avatar
8 votes

Creating new buttons and removing default ones - Openlayers-3

})); CSS, this is up to you: .custom-zoom{ bottom: .5em; left: .5em; } .custom-zoom button{ background-color: rgba(40, 40, 40, .7); border-radius: 50%; } To create new controls: Openlayers
Jonatas Walker's user avatar
2 votes

cannot add second interaction, openlayers 3

ol.interaction.KeyboardZoom() is enabled by default as docs state: Allows the user to zoom the map using keyboard + and -. Note that, although this interaction is by default included in maps, the …
Jonatas Walker's user avatar
0 votes

Openlayers 3: Hover effect below top layer with labels?

If you use select interaction, an overlay is created with the hover effect, that's why the label's tile are covered. So, set style on feature on pointermove. A working fiddle.
Jonatas Walker's user avatar
1 vote

Remove or delete selected feature in openlayers

UPDATED to achieve when layer is within a ol.layer.Group. Now you should pass map reference to method. A method to get ol.layer.Vector from feature you ca …
Jonatas Walker's user avatar
1 vote

One source to create multiple layers?

UPDATE: Trying to formulate an answer: Load you json file with some AJAX function (a custom one here), and add to a new ol.layer.Vector depending on some parameter, called here category: function ge …
Jonatas Walker's user avatar
1 vote

Feature-source gets overwritten? - Openlayers-3

Make a clone instead of an assignment (var sourceChange = source;): var sourceChange = clone(source); function clone(obj) { var copy; // Handle the 3 simple types, and null or undefined …
Jonatas Walker's user avatar

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