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The ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript was formerly known as the ArcGIS API for JavaScript
Modifying text and adding suffix to legend items in ArcGIS JS API
You can use the JSAPI to query the endpoint and get the legend data for the layer, then you could construct your own legend in html and the format it how you want.
Here is the start of querying a MapS …
how to highlight map area with extent geometry onmouse click
Here is the code to change the sample to accept the mouse click.
//listen for when the onMouseOver event fires on the countiesGraphicsLayer
//when fired, create a new graphic with the geo …
Dijit Horizontal slide bar issue
Try to override the default theme css with this (using Claro in this example, replace claro with whatever theme you are using)
.claro .dijitSlider .dijitSliderProgressBarH {
background-color: wh …
Defining custom basemap gallery in ArcGIS API for JavaScript?
I just separated it out a little bit, create each basemap separately and then add to the gallery. Try this.
var fx_image =new BasemapLayer({url:" …
Javascript API Scalebar halo CSS Styling
I couldn't figure it out, not sure if it is possible. You can get a white box the size of the whole scale bar area, which looks pretty silly. You can do this with by changing the .esriScalebarLine css …
Removing Layer on ArcGIS API For JavaScript>
You have to make sure it is loaded. I couldn't get layer1 to get recognized when I used 'load', but this works fine. Just click on map and the points will go away.
map.on("click", function unload …
ESRI Local Government Park Locator App Template Deployment Issues
Your basemap issue is giving this error.
Mixed Content: The page at
'' was loaded over
HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoi …
ArcGIS JavaScript API won't recognize ArcGIS online material that isn't shared publicly
I think you need to use IdentityManager from the API that allows you to sign in with your account and then receive access to the data. Whatever users from your organization that have accoun …