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GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) is an open source translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats.

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Import GDAL Error

Finally, I installed only shapely, psycopg2, and fiona in one command with no version specification and then I saw that GDAL is also installed and it is working!!! … The Installed versions are: Python = 3.12.3 1- Shapely = 2.0.1 2- Fiona = 1.9.5 3- Psycopg2 = 2.9.9 4- GDAL = 3.6.2 I am able to import GDAL and work with it even if I did not mention …
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1 answer

How to merge two *.gml files with different geometry types into one gml file

I have two gml files one contains linear data and the other one contains polygon data. I want to have the correct ogr command to merge the two gml files into one file. I found this answer from 2012 th …
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How to clip a raster with polygon with no "NoData" pixel outside of polygon

if possible, how can I do it with QGIS or GDAL? …
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1 answer

How can I read the Geometry of IHO S100 products (S123 and S127) geometry (a GML file) in Py...

I need to read this file in Python but I have errors and strange geometries using GeoPandas or GDAL. …
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2 votes
1 answer

Connecting MapServer to a raster table in PostGIS

I am new in MapServer and I want to visualize some raster tables in MapServer. My mapfile is: MAP CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "error.log" DEBUG 5 NAME "milad" STATUS on SIZE 600 600 EXTENT -8321547 566 …
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Populate an empty raster with values from intersecting vector layers

I can think of two solutions: Dump your raster as polygons using this function ST_PixelAsPolygons(). Then, do your calculations for the centroid of each polygon (first calculate the centroids of the …
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Connecting MapServer to a raster table in PostGIS

I did some steps and with the help of @nmtoken I was able to fix it. I believe that my raster table had some problems maybe because I created it with complex geometries or maybe another reason. This t …
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Modifying GML with xlink:href attributes to simple GML

I mean this part of the GDAL GML driver page: I used this command, but it produced nothing!!! … : ogr2ogr -f GML output.gml input_data.gml --config GML_SKIP_RESOLVE_ELEMS NONE Should I add something to this command or it is because my GML file has strange tags for GDAL? …
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