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A vector data storage format for storing the location, shape, and attributes of geographic features. Often referred to as 'an ESRI shapefile', as ESRI developed it.

1 vote

Avoiding creation of corrupt Shapefiles during Editing using QGIS

Maybe this is another issue of a broken .shx index file. The geometry type should be stored in .shp and .shx header. If they don't match, the software will generate an error. It looks like QGIS is not …
PolyGeo's user avatar
  • 65.4k
1 vote

Fixing distortions for Baden-Württemberg

The basic thing you are stumbling upon is the difference between layer CRS and project CRS. The OpenStreetMap data is in lat/long degrees, so that layer should have the CRS EPSG:4326. You can set it w …
PolyGeo's user avatar
  • 65.4k
2 votes

Questions about EPSG:6372

You can always look up EPSG definitions at the EPSG registry online: There you will find that units of that CRS are metres. From this question Can someone recognize the CRS? I assume …
nmtoken's user avatar
  • 13.6k
15 votes

Why the shapefile of worldwide country boundaries is so large (>500 MB)?

The dataset is so large, because the borders are very detailed. If you are looking for a worldwide overview, you better take the data from Natural Earth. They provide datasets suitable for different s …
AndreJ's user avatar
  • 77.1k
1 vote

Reprojecting a shapefile with ogr2ogr when a line is crossing the international date meridian

There is no other way to display the shape properly than to cut it between 179.9°E and -179.9° (W). I described a workflow for the cutting here: QGIS display world country shape files centered on pac …
AndreJ's user avatar
  • 77.1k
8 votes

Looking for postal areas for Germany

A more recent shapefile can be found here: Postleitzahlen Deutschland ( Licensing same as OpenStreetMap Copyright and License, where the data comes from. …
Taras's user avatar
  • 33.9k
5 votes

Quick OSM Save As Shapefile error "Can't create field"

The DBF format of the shapefile attribute table generally forces to cut the filed names after 10 characters. If you have fields service_time and service_times, this will create the error you got. … Changing the file type from shapefile to sqlite, geopackage or geojson solves your problem, and will preserve the original field names from OSM. …
AndreJ's user avatar
  • 77.1k
1 vote

Need help creating Europe reference grid map using EEA shape and spatialite files

I'm afraid you are looking at the wrong datasource. The linked files only contain square grids in resolution of 1, 10 and 100km, and no boundaries as shown in the picture. Maybe NUTS regions are what …
AndreJ's user avatar
  • 77.1k
1 vote

How to "hardcode" a shapefile's CRS?

I suggest to disable On-the-fly-reprojection in QGIS. If the data looks good then, it works ok with Mason too. And make sure to switch Settings -> Options -> CRS, CRS for new layers to Prompt for CRS …
AndreJ's user avatar
  • 77.1k
2 votes

Help converting a WKT projection to proj4

The shapefile you linked has this .prj file content: PROJCS["NAD_1983_StatePlane_Massachusetts_Mainland_FIPS_2001_Feet", GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983",DATUM["D_North_American_1983", SPHEROID["GRS …
AndreJ's user avatar
  • 77.1k
1 vote

KML to Shapefile using GDAL (LIBKML) - MultiGeometry data not transforming

MultiGeometry is not yet implemented in the GDAL shapefile driver: You can try loading the kml into QGIS, which might bring you one layer for each geometry …
AndreJ's user avatar
  • 77.1k
9 votes

Shape layer turns non-editable if saved filtered

QGIS disables editing of filtered shapefiles for the sake of data safety. Remember that shapefiles use an outdated dbase storage format, with little effort to allow keeping track of data integrity. I …
AndreJ's user avatar
  • 77.1k
1 vote

Defining a projection and CRS for shapefile with undefined projection?

The sample file you provided does not have UTM coordinates, but coordinates of a transverse mercator projection centered on 22.5°E 71.5°N and false Easting and Northing of 400000m on that point. If a …
AndreJ's user avatar
  • 77.1k
1 vote

Import grid text file to shapefile in QGIS

From : The grid is 96*73 large, with cellsizes of 3.75x2.5 degrees. Note that Eastings are from 0 to 360. There is no easy way to load the data into QGI …
AndreJ's user avatar
  • 77.1k
2 votes

Convert an OSM file to a Shapefile with the same attributes

Using shapefile format, keys with : inside will be translated to _, and all field names will get truncated to 8 characters due to the shapefile format restriction. …
AndreJ's user avatar
  • 77.1k

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