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9 votes

Finding pixels in DEM with 5% slope or less?

You mention 3D Analyst so I am assuming you have ArcGIS. Use the tool ArcToolbox-3D Analyst Tools-Raster Surface-Slope to create a slope surface from your LiDAR data. Use the tool ArcToolbox-3D ...
GBG's user avatar
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7 votes

Creating Buffer Polygon following Elevations using ArcGIS Desktop?

Workaround for what you describe in absence of spatial analyst: arcpy.Buffer_analysis("target","../buffer.shp", "100 Meters") arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management("buffer","../points.shp","ALL") ...
FelixIP's user avatar
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5 votes

Viewshed Analysis incorporating tree height

Your workflow will be something like this (you don't mention what software you're using but this should work with anything). Basically you just need to add your pine trees to the DEM as if they were ...
Dan C's user avatar
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5 votes

Slope calculations appear to be 90 degrees off in ArcGIS 3D Analyst?

I think your error is a result of performing a slope calculation on a DEM that isn't in a projected Coordinate Reference System (CRS). The reason for performing a transformation/warping of your DEM is ...
Zeitsperre's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the arcpy.ddd module?

When you type arcpy.ddd into the python console in ArcMap or ArcCatalog it notes arcpy.ddd is: arcpy.ddd The 3D Analyst toolbox provides a collection of geoprocessing tools that enable a wide ...
artwork21's user avatar
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5 votes

Finding pixels in DEM with 5% slope or less?

You can take the DEM and run the "Slope" tool in 3D Analyst. It is under the "Surface" Toolset. Choose "percentage" as the output type. Once you have the "Slope" raster you can run the Reclass tool ...
Keagan Allan's user avatar
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4 votes

Calculating difference between two rasters using ArcGIS for Desktop?

Yes you can use Spatial Analyst for this. I'm not a Spatial Analyst expert, but I would look at the Raster Math tools to accomplish this - starting with the Minus tool.
Midavalo's user avatar
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4 votes

Making 3d block from flat 2d polygon in ArcScene?

The workflow to get this: Elevation of original buffer = 100m. I defined plateau elevation = 150 m, and computed D=50/tan(35). D=71.40 m. Next - create negative buffer "outside only" with minus 71.40 ...
FelixIP's user avatar
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4 votes

Digital elevation model versus hillshade for creation of cross-section In ArcMap

If I understand you correctly, the DEM contains the values (elevation) that you want to use to create your cross sectional visualizations to show faults or fractures in the terrain. You may want to ...
Kartograaf's user avatar
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3 votes

Visualizing elevation profile across a whole mosaic dataset?

As a workaround solution, you can interpolate a line from your mosaic dataset using the 'interpolate line' tool. You can then use the output line to create the profile. According to this post: https:/...
jbalk's user avatar
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3 votes

Calculating Slope of Street Segments using ArcGIS Desktop?

I usually approach this problem with a different workflow: Focal statistics on DEM with MEAN and small window like 3x3 cells (to get rid of potential artefacts in elevation data and account for the ...
messamat's user avatar
3 votes

Unlocking 3D Analyst and Spatial Analyst Tools with ArcGIS Pro?

If you already have ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap) with those extensions, ArcGIS Pro is licensed to use the same extensions - you won't need to buy the extensions again. You will need to set up your ...
Midavalo's user avatar
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3 votes

Displaying multiple stacked layers in ArcMap

The Layout View of ArcMap only displays a planimetric view. For the view that you seek you could investigate the ArcScene application of ArcGIS 3D Analyst.
PolyGeo's user avatar
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3 votes

Assigning elevation to reclassified raster in ArcScene or ArcMap

Go to the Layer Properties of your Geomorphogical_FPA layer, Base Heights tab. Click the radio button 'Floating on custom surface'. Choose your DEM as the surface to drape the classified image on top ...
Mattropolis's user avatar
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3 votes

Create points based on location of known points in a layer

If you look in the ESRI code sharing website, you can bet someone has done something similar and uploaded free to the community, you just need to search for it. For example I've created a tool ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
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3 votes

All cells in raster have the NODATA value

I believe the error is due to your point being on a NODATA cell. How can you do a viewshed if you do not know your height? View sheds are traditionally run on surface DEMs, where every cell has an ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
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3 votes

ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 - Create Line of Sight not showing intermediate points

Esri has a good reference page Creating a line of sight A line of sight is a graphic line between two points on a surface that shows where along the line the view is obstructed. The color of the ...
whyzar's user avatar
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3 votes

Create 3D Cylinder in ArcGIS Pro

I was able to achieve what you desired following this workflow: Create a PolylineZ feature and ensure z values were set Create a 3D buffer, in my example I had set diameter to 50m. Create another ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
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2 votes

Using "texture" image from Drone2Map for ArcGIS?

I was also trying to find out about textures in Drone2Map, but I didn't get a reply from ESRI. So I tested the trial versions of Agisoft PhotoScan Professional ( and Pix4D PhotoMapper ...
David's user avatar
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2 votes

Replicate elevation profile extraction (3D Analyst toolbar) in ArcPy

Following up, the extremely straightforward solution (offered up by KHimba) is a built-in function that I was unfamiliar with, called StackProfile in the 3D Toolbox. Here's a condensed version of how ...
joechoj's user avatar
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2 votes

Create profile graph over multiple rasters (ArcGIS 3D Analyst)

I would suggest using the "Stack Profile (3D Analyst)" tool in ArcGIS. With this tool you are able to input line features and output profiles over multiple Profile Targets (Multipatch, Raster, TIN or ...
Jordan Walker's user avatar
2 votes

Batch processing Surface volume calculation in ArcMap?

This tool will loop through a range of user-defined values and write the outputs to a text file. You can get the Arctoolbox tool version here ...
GBG's user avatar
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2 votes

Get 3D length of line from contours (as attribute)

"You need a surface (not contours) to calculate this in ArcGIS. The tool is called Add Surface Information, and for polylines it will return the 3d length (surface length) of the line. If you do ...
Ben S Nadler's user avatar
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2 votes

Setting height field in Create TIN" tool in ArcMap when using it in model?

The 'Height Field' can't be a standalone option, since it is always related to each of the input feature classes. But you can se the 'Input feature class' as parameter of the model, the Height Field ...
GISGe's user avatar
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2 votes

Elevation graph shows all the profiles starting at the same point eventhough one of them starts farther inland?

If the three different colored cross-section lines are intended to compare profile differences across different DEMs, then the simple answer is to use a single (longest) line segment (the blue one) ...
JasonInVegas's user avatar
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2 votes

Elevation profile using linear shape in ArcGIS Desktop?

If you have the 3D Analyst extension, this is pretty easy: Make a 3D line out of your line shapefile with Interpolate Shape (use the DEM as Input Surface) Add your 3D shapefile to ArcMap Add the 3D ...
GISGe's user avatar
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2 votes

Convert a set of points to multiple single points?

To split a feature class into separate feature classes for each feature you can use ModelBuilder, the Iterator Iterate Feature Selection and Copy Features: The Workspace variable is added by right-...
Bera's user avatar
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2 votes

Replacing Z-field in vector file with attribute table column for export as a Z-enabled KML from ArcMap?

You want to be using the tool Feature To 3D By Attribute which is in the 3D Analyst Toolbox > 3D Features. This will create a new dataset which will be a PointZ FeatureClass where the Z value comes ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
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2 votes

Slow rendering of tin of large area in ArcMap?

ArcScene has some limitations, although I think the link I am providing is for x86 systems. From personal experience you cannot load large TINs(> 1GB) into ArcScene/Desktop and visualize, but you can ...
alecsx's user avatar
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2 votes

Slope between max and min values of a defined area within a DEM

I truly struggle to understand your definition of slope and believe slope derived drom DEM is the one you need. Alternatively you might apply TIN and take a slope of steepest triangle. However If ...
FelixIP's user avatar
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