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5 votes

Is the ESRI ArcGIS definition of California Albers projection using units of feet correct?

Disclosure: I work for Esri as a product engineer focusing on coordinate reference systems and transformations. Disclosure 2: I'm on the subcommittee that maintains the EPSG registry. You are ...
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2 votes

Coordinate Bar Units in BC Albers (EPSG:3005) - QGIS 3.10

All points in every projection are always relative to the {0,0} of the projection. For an Albers Conic Equal Area projection, this would generally be the intersection of the latitude of the "...
Vince's user avatar
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2 votes

How to show Puerto Rico in "albersUsa" projection in Vega-Lite or Vega?

Vega does not support the AlbersUSA projection with Puerto Rico in it because the D3 implementation doesn't either. You can add a custom projection to Vega, though. See
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1 vote

Replicating standard D3.js Conical US Albers projection in QGIS?

This is actually three map projections. For example, Hawaii has been magnified and Alaska has been greatly reduced in size. So you cannot do this in the main map display, but you can produce maps for ...
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