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9 votes

Is there any way to recover data when a .qgz file will not open?

You should try attacking it with a zip file recovery tool. I just tried corrupting a QGZ by deleting a few bytes at the end. QGIS crashed (this should possibly be submitted as a bug report so that it ...
Spacedman's user avatar
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4 votes

Seeking open vector format for long term GIS data storage in off-line repositories?

In my opinion, Shapefile is a good choice, but it has many limitations for historical reasons. For example, a single shapefile cannot be greater than 2GB, etc. You have to decide whether to commit to ...
tinlyx's user avatar
  • 11.2k
3 votes

Seeking open vector format for long term GIS data storage in off-line repositories?

The shapefile could be considered an open format in that its technical description is published and routines for reading and writing the format can be created without requesting permission or paying ...
Bjorn's user avatar
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3 votes

Seeking open vector format for long term GIS data storage in off-line repositories?

Library of Congress (LoC) has a comprehensive and detailed list of (not only GIS) file formats with detailed information, between elso also considerations about long term use. LoC is an authority that ...
Babel's user avatar
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2 votes

Is ArcGIS archiving based on ObjectID or GlobalID?

The Archiving documentation only shows an ObjectID column. GlobalID columns are not required for archiving operation (as they are for replication), so it seems that the registered rowid column (which ...
Vince's user avatar
  • 20.3k
2 votes

Batch-enable archiving on multiple datasets

Use the standard "batch" functionality. Right-click -> Batch...
user2856's user avatar
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2 votes

Geodatabase archival storage

There seems to be a misunderstanding. With archiving in ArcGIS there are no separate tables that hold the history or anything. History is determined by a FromDate and a ToDate field that are set ...
Berend's user avatar
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1 vote

Retire Dataset with Its Relationship Class

Well in the end it was super easy. Just copy the TABLE to my retired Geodatabase and all of the feature classes and relationship classes copied as well. Always the easiest answer that is hardest to ...
Cody Brown's user avatar
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1 vote

Querying Archive Class with REST API of ArcGIS Server?

For the posterity I post the solution suggested in the comment of Below The Radar as an answer as it helps me. When publishing a map service the capability Feature Access cannot be enabled when an ...
Marc_Alx's user avatar
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