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7 votes

Turning off layer visibility in ArcGIS Pro with Python

I expect that your for loop never runs, because there is no layout element that matches your "Layer" wildcard. You should be getting your layers from the map, not from the layout. Use m....
Son of a Beach's user avatar
6 votes

How to add a custom tool to ArcGIS Pro tab/ribbon

Watch the video I have prepared below, this is how you create custom ribbons with all the tools you want. I show a custom python script tool being added but it could also have been a standard UI tool ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
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5 votes

Search cursor skipping every other row

for row in sCur: is iterating over the cursor, i.e. requesting the next item. Then below that, you request the next item again by using, thus advancing the original iterator. So the ...
mikewatt's user avatar
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5 votes

Using search cursor or select for related table data in ArcPy

Instead of all that, let's try using the FREQUENCY Statistics Geoprocessing tool, operating over the BLOCK data, with the zoneID as frequency field and SUM(population) as the computed sum field: arcpy....
JasonInVegas's user avatar
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4 votes

Importing CSV file in ArcGIS Pro ArcPy script using relative paths

This: scriptsPath=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) will give you path to toolbox (works with tbx), so join 'data' and scriptsPath to get location of csv file.
FelixIP's user avatar
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4 votes

Using page query with python

Use Python CIM access as described below. A handy way to see what you want to update is to set it manually, then export the layer to lyrx and open the lyrx in a notepad to view the JSON. ## access ...
Clubdebambos's user avatar
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Running Python Toolbox in Background

The simple answer is canRunInBackground doesn't do anything in ArcGIS Pro, because as you point out from that article, there is no separate background process to run in. So it doesn't matter if its ...
KHibma's user avatar
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4 votes

Unable to remove "SHAPE" from field list

As commented by @MichaelStimson - case is important, use .upper(). Try the following instead to use a list comprehension and save using a loop block: deleteFields = [ for f in arcpy.Describe(...
user2856's user avatar
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4 votes

"AttributeError: ArcSDESQLExecute: StreamExecute ArcSDE Extended error 900 ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement" error when running SQL query via ArcPy

With the current code, this isn't a case of a SQL statement not being valid but of passing a non-SQL statement to a method expecting a SQL statement. The error message returned will be the same in ...
bixb0012's user avatar
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3 votes

How to increase line width?

Checkout the Esri docs for Python CIM here. I'm assuming it's ArcGIS Pro and version 3.0+ Here is an example. The definition described below is like JSON. I reccommmend setting symbology manually and ...
Clubdebambos's user avatar
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3 votes

How to add a custom tool to ArcGIS Pro tab/ribbon

If your tools and script are stored in a toolbox you need to add the toolbox to your project before trying to personnalise (in the catalog pane navigate project>toolbox right click and choose add a ...
J.R's user avatar
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3 votes

arcpy.mapping ListLayers to listLayers

You are trying to listLayers on the list object of maps. You need to select a map from that list. Example: dfList = aprx.listMaps()[0] #First map in list
evv_gis's user avatar
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Delete MS Word-Object in Dataview with ArcPy (ArcMap)

I don't think arcpy exposes any methods that allow you to delete OLE objects inserted into a data frame. You can automate this using ArcObjects. So in screen shot below I have a polyline layer, ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
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3 votes

arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management() in standalone script

The FIDSet returns the selected features of a layer, but if you are working directly on a featureclass, there is no such thing as a selected feature. It should probably work if you create a ...
Berend's user avatar
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3 votes

What function in ArcGIS Pro Python replaces the ArcMap data frame method zoomToSelectedFeatures()?

I don't know of a direct equivalent in ArcGIS Pro. However, the code below is similar to what I do for zooming to a list of layers' extents, taking into account selected features. It's a fairly ...
Son of a Beach's user avatar
3 votes

Move an existing layer into a group layer using ArcPy in ArcGIS Pro

You want to use addLayerToGroup... see attached example code... aprx ="CURRENT") mp = aprx.listMaps()[0] #mp = aprx.listMaps("Specific Map Name")[0] Use ...
Jason Miller's user avatar
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3 votes

How to move a layer to a group using Python code in ArcGIS Pro?

The help file states that listLayers() - Returns a Python list of Layer objects that exist within a map. So in your code lyr_to_move is a list object. To retrieve the layer from the list to feed into ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
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3 votes

AttributeError: 'ArcGISProject' object has no attribute 'listStyleItems'; ArcGIS Pro 3.1.4; Python Notebook

I would assume the listStyleItems method was added to ArcGIS Pro 3.2 and does not exist in 3.1. If you use the drop down at the top of the page you reference (
KHibma's user avatar
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3 votes

AttributeError: DescribeData: Method spatialReference does not exist when iterating listLayers()

The map object method listlayers() returns all sorts of layers, not all of them are spatial so the describe doesn't have a spatialReference property when used on them. Just to be sure you could check ...
Michael Stimson's user avatar
2 votes

Adding data to existing .aprx layout and zooming to extent of new data using ArcPy with ArcGIS Pro

It's unclear from your question what your actual problem is, but I can see one issue in the code... In ArcGIS Pro, updating the map's camera extent, doesn't update the camera extent of the map frame ...
Son of a Beach's user avatar
2 votes

Select Layer by Attribute not working with variable, but doesn't give errors using ArcPy

Check that you're formatting your parameter into the selection string correctly. I'd guess looking at this that your query ends up looking for a parcel who's id are the string "param0" ...
ycartwhelen's user avatar
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2 votes

Getting SQL that defines Query Feature Class using ArcPy with ArcGIS Pro

The Python CIM access - ArcGIS Pro | Documentation allows for one to get the SQL query for a Query Feature Class directly from Layer - ArcGIS Pro | Documentation without having to save the layer to a ...
bixb0012's user avatar
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2 votes

Determining if no features in layer are selected using ArcPy

Looking at Layer - ArcGIS Pro | Documentation and Layer - ArcMap | Documentation, there is a layer method that can be called directly to get selection information: getSelectionSet(). Calling layer....
bixb0012's user avatar
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2 votes

arcpy Geometry pointFromAngleAndDistance method

If I use your code, but tweak it to Remove prettytable Specify the XY resolution of the SpatialReference Remove the unimplemented 'PRESERVE_SHAPE' it looks like this: import arcpy maxDistance = 100....
Vince's user avatar
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2 votes

ArcPy intersection method passing in two polygon features returns an inaccessible line feature object

You have explicitly requested a Linestring result by specifying intersection = geometry_a.intersect(geometry_b, 2) when you should have specified: intersection = geometry_a.intersect(geometry_b, 4) ...
Vince's user avatar
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2 votes

WKT Conversion: Object: Error in executing tool

If you take a look at tool reference for Create Feature Class you can see that the: first parameter is: path, second: name, third: type and fourth: template So you are passing spatial_reference as ...
Bera's user avatar
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2 votes

Moving points based on updated x,y values

I'll guess that: You have a way to select the points where the new coords are needed. You have two columns with coords. If thats the case do: Filter the data Get the coords, create Geometry Make ...
Hildermes José Medeiros Filho's user avatar
2 votes

gdal projection string not recognized by arcpy.SpatialReference()

Try creating an osr.SpatialReference() object from the GDAL WKT, then using MorphToESRI() to make any WKT it spits out ESRI-compatible. Should look something like this: from osgeo import osr ...
mikewatt's user avatar
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2 votes

Setting up parameters for linear referencing tools in ArcPy

A simple solution is to run the tool from toolbox in ArcGIS Pro on some sample data then go to history and right click on the run tool and choose copy python command and paste that into your IDE, you ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible select a field if it contains specific text in ArcGIS?

Regarding the question, "Is it possible [to] select a field if it contains specific text in ArcGIS?" The short answer is "yes," while the longer answer is to a slightly different ...
bixb0012's user avatar
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