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15 votes

Creating Sentinel-2 NDVI time series chart in Google Earth Engine?

You are using the variable NDVI to compute the chart, but this variable is a single image, because you applied median(). If you want a time series plot you have to compute the chart using the NDVI ...
HMSP's user avatar
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10 votes

Moving Pie Chart in QGIS and creating leader line

Creating centroids was an unneccessary step. The placement properties of the diagrams offer "Data defined positions". First you create the "x_coor" and "y_coor" columns. I don't know what coordinate ...
AndreasK's user avatar
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10 votes

Creating bar chart from point layer using QGIS Geometry Generator

Let's assume there is an input point layer called 'points_in_polygon' with its attribute table, see the image below. Attributes Imitatation : "city" → "CATEG" "month" → ...
Taras's user avatar
  • 33.7k
9 votes

Opening ArcGIS Pro layer in ArcMap?

If you don't need the symbology that is packaged with the layer, you can simply unzip/decompress the lpkx and grab the FileGeoDatabase within that contains the data. As for the symbology, you'd need ...
Saijin_Naib - No To OpenAI's user avatar
8 votes

Creating bar chart from point layer using QGIS Geometry Generator

Use the following expression in Geoemtry Generator, style the resulting line as arrow and assign the color corresponding to the category values (see below for that). The expression creates a bar chart,...
Babel's user avatar
  • 73.8k
7 votes

Labelling column plot with unit on top in QGIS?

I've tested some options (QGIS 3.10). It's not really straight forward, and you will need to write quite a few expressions, with some math involved. Diagram size need to be in "Map units" (also in ...
Klas Karlsson's user avatar
5 votes

Esri Cedar.js (based on D3.js)

Cedar is (currently) based on Vega which in turn is based on d3. Obviously those layers of abstraction over d3 (Vega and Cedar) should make certain things easier. In short, just about anything you ...
Tom Wayson's user avatar
5 votes

How to move polygon pie charts symbols in ArcGIS?

I not sure there is an automated way of doing this. You can use the maplex engine to ensure your labels are centred but then they clash with the pie symbol. A solution is to create your pies exactly ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
  • 44.2k
5 votes

Displaying pie charts in web map created using QGIS?

You don't mention how you create web map. For example using NextGIS Connect plugin for QGIS 2.18.x you can create such pie charts. This is done using cloud web client, based on OpenLayers. ...
Dmitry Baryshnikov's user avatar
5 votes

Time series analysis of NDVI using Google Earth Engine

ui.Chart.image.series defaults to plotting system:time_start on the x-axis, which your dataset does not contain. You can use the optional argument xProperty to specify another parameter to use as x-...
phloem's user avatar
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5 votes

GEE Change the number of pixels on chart

I got the same problem in one of my project, and came up with a workaround. The idea is to split the chart creation into 2 steps: Reduce each image to the value of interest. This will create a ...
Kevin's user avatar
  • 531
5 votes

Group points by expression to create pie charts in QGIS

With a simple test data of 2 locations ("group" in this case) with 6 points each; Create a new field to count each type at each location, for instance type_A by: count( "type", group_by:= "group", ...
Kazuhito's user avatar
  • 31k
5 votes

Grayscale pie chart in QGIS

You may want to create your own pies using geometry generator more or less below expression and by multiplying the number of geometry generator by the number of class you need e.g rotate( make_polygon(...
ThomasG77's user avatar
  • 31.1k
5 votes

Sort column by values in ui.Chart.feature.byProperty in Google Earth Engine

Dictionaries (and Feature properties) aren't ordered, so you have to jump through some hoops to convert them into something that has an order first. Get the importance keys and values as lists, sort ...
Noel Gorelick's user avatar
4 votes

Values on top of each bar of a histogram in QGIS

I'm using QGIS 3.4, but this answer should also be possible in 2.18. Unfortunately it doesn't look like there's a way to directly display the histogram values as part of the histogram. A workaround ...
csk's user avatar
  • 25k
4 votes

Create a line chart from a dictionary of values in google earth engine

I missed the bounty, but anyhow I got an answer. See if this is what you needed.. var createFC = function(element, list) { list = ee.List(list) // cast the 'accumulating' object element = ee....
Rodrigo E. Principe's user avatar
4 votes

Creating bar chart from point layer using QGIS Geometry Generator

Solution using Excel Using PowerQuery within Excel (only works for Office on Windows) you can access your local data (GeoJSON for example) or even remote data (PostGres DB etc.). So after setting your ...
Bernd Loigge's user avatar
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4 votes

How to prevent hidden objects when move extend layer

You can show bar charts created by Geometry Generator even for input features whose geometry is outside the map canvas, but, as others mentioned, it is not possible by default. Just a few of the ...
Babel's user avatar
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3 votes

Showing Pie charts in QGIS Legends

Recently I ran into the same problem, but I found a creative solution. To be fair without using using outside program, it only works with 4 data in the chart, but I believe it can be any amount. ...
Sz_Tom's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

Google Earth Engine chart error: No features contain non-null values of "system:time_start"

exports.temporalCollection = function(collection, start, count, interval, units) { // Create a sequence of numbers, one for each time interval. var sequence = ee.List.sequence(0, ee.Number(count)....
Nicholas Clinton's user avatar
3 votes

Drawing charts(pie or bar) on map Arcgis Api for javascript

Well...since there is no feature in JSAPI satisfying the need, I created a server-side solution for making the charts and the drawing it using "esri/symbols/SimpleMarkerSymbol" . I explain the ...
Arvin Sanaei's user avatar
3 votes

Opening ArcGIS Pro layer in ArcMap?

Layer Package is just zip archive and the file geodatabase is inside it along with LYR file
GeospatialInformationTech's user avatar
3 votes

Opening ArcGIS Pro layer in ArcMap?

When you "opened [the LPKX file] in ArcGIS Pro [and] found out that the functionality to add proportional piecharts is not (yet) implemented" I think you must have been using a version from ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
  • 65.3k
3 votes

Set bar colors on a Google Earth Engine chart

You will need to rework the data calculated in ui.Chart.image.series() into a feature collection. Then you will add a property for each different month and you can plot each month using ui.Chart....
Kuik's user avatar
  • 10.1k
3 votes

Leaflet map click event: how to update bar plot in external div?

This will be an attempt to guess of how you would want your chart to look like. Option labels gives label to each of your data on x axis, option label names your data set (displayed above chart), ...
TomazicM's user avatar
  • 26.5k
3 votes

Error generating chart: String: Unable to convert object to string

You first spectra chart fails because the points are not within the image bounds, so the chart actually has no values. Make sure these point fall within the image pixels. For simplicity, I used: var ...
Kuik's user avatar
  • 10.1k
3 votes

Stacked bar chart in QGIS

This feature has been introduced with QGIS 3.12. See:
MrXsquared's user avatar
  • 35.2k
3 votes

Controlling class label and color from classified image in GEE column chart?

Chart.image.byClass is just calling a grouped reduceRegion. Probably easiest to just build your own data table, so you can then configure the rest of the charting any way you want. var palette = ee....
Noel Gorelick's user avatar
3 votes

Creating chart with day-of-year time series for multiple regions using Google Earth Engine

The problem is that in the ui.Chart.image.doySeriesByRegion, the seriesProperty argument is set to 'label'. However, that property does not exist in your FeatureCollection. Try changing it to a ...
Jonathan V. Solórzano's user avatar
3 votes

Creating formatted chart for Confusion Matrix using Google Earth Engine

You can use the style argument when creating your ui widgets and use a subset of CSS to style them them. There are some missing features, like the border-collapse property, that makes it tricky to get ...
Daniel Wiell's user avatar
  • 14.5k

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