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10 votes

Converting ArcGIS raster colormap file (*.clr) to QGIS style file (*.qml)

Nice answer from @whyzar! You could load .clr files into QGIS and then save it as a .qml file. As described in this post, the standard text format is: Value R G B Alpha Label So in your case, you ...
Joseph's user avatar
  • 76.1k
5 votes

Looking for QGIS equivalent of ArcGIS "Delete Colormap" tool

I did not find ready made tool for that. Could be a good option to add into Meanwhile you can remove the colortable with GDAL and Python. Writing an empty colortable seems to effect like ...
user30184's user avatar
  • 68k
5 votes

Colour gradation in ArcMap - shades of blue

You could use a site like colour brewer the get the RGB or HEX values for a sensible sequence of blue colours. I've set the link above to already show you a sequence of 8 blue colours. You can then ...
Dan_h_b's user avatar
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5 votes

Creating Mosaic Dataset in ArcMap with Colormap as renderer or adding Colormap after creation?

You can apply a colormap to a mosaic using this workflow. Keep in mind that your data needs to be integer type. First, you need to create and export a colormap from your styled raster. Then you ...
Albert's user avatar
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5 votes

Converting ArcGIS raster colormap file (*.clr) to QGIS style file (*.qml)

I haven't yet to find a clean cut way to do this. I have come across different resources that can offer option to work with in attempting to achieve what you are interested in. Converting/using ArcGIS ...
whyzar's user avatar
  • 12.1k
5 votes

Circular color map in QGIS

Interesting question, and one I've stumbled on myself but not found an answer to. I haven't found any, not even in the extensive cpt-city catalog.. and ColorBrewer doesn't appear to have any either. ...
Steven Kay's user avatar
  • 20.5k
4 votes

Colour gradation in ArcMap - shades of blue

You can use any existing blue color ramp and modify the range as you like as you can see below: Right-click on the Color ramp -> Go to Properties: You can change the blue range of the two colors ...
ahmadhanb's user avatar
  • 41.2k
4 votes

How to let rasterio use a colormap file when showing a TIFF

I've had partial success. At least I've been able to write a GeoTIFF - with a suitable colormap built in - to file. It was less easy than I had hoped. Anyway, these are the most important code lines: ...
Dobedani's user avatar
  • 281
4 votes

logarithmic color scale

You can do that easily. Go to properties of the layer, select "graduated" style and write a function like "log10("YOURATTRIBUTE")". Then classify you values.
César Arquero Cabral's user avatar
3 votes

Cannot count the cell amount

You can create an Attribute Table using the Build Raster Attribute Table tool which: Create or update a table with information about the classes in your raster datasets. This is used primarily with ...
Marcelo Villa's user avatar
3 votes

color point shapefile based on cell values

You can do this in the Style tab under layer properties. Within the Style tab, change single symbol to categorized or graduated and choose which column you would like the color to be based on (cell ...
mmoore's user avatar
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3 votes

Why do Landsat 8 grayscales have a range of (0, 2^16-1) while the screen colors are (0, 2^8-1)?

Because the values have physical meaning - reflectance is a physical property, from which you can derive actual biological values such as chlorophyll content etc. Since the values measured by the ...
Mikkel Lydholm Rasmussen's user avatar
3 votes

QGIS singleband pseudocolor color interpolation

You have to consider the interpolation is done for each value of your hexadecimal rgb-triplet separately, in your example: r = #01, g = #02, b = #04. Calculate the ratio of 0.0759562 / 3.3752645 = 0....
Jochen Schwarze's user avatar
2 votes

Specifying values in stretched raster histograms of ArcMap?

You still want to used a stretched classification. You can adjust the classification using the custom histogram settings: You will have to play with the settings until you get the colors displaying ...
jbalk's user avatar
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2 votes

Style points using color gradients with QGIS

You can use SVG2ColoR plugin. (1) Start the SVG2ColoR plugin and read your .svg file from Matlab. I did not have such a sample, so I visited cpt-city and obtained rainbow color (just because it has ...
Kazuhito's user avatar
  • 31k
2 votes

Why does my raster layer disappear when changing colors?

Your layer doesn't dissapear, only the values are out of range. Maybe pixel values of your layer are smaller than 2567 or bigger than 6749. You have activated "Clip out of range values", deselect it ...
aldo_tapia's user avatar
  • 13.8k
2 votes

Circular color map in QGIS

Since this question was originally asked, a full set of perceptually uniform colour ramps, including seven designed for circular data, has become available at An XML file for ...
obrl_soil's user avatar
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2 votes

python-gdal write a GeoTIFF in colour from a data array

You can create a color ramp for the color table instead of having to specify a color for every single value in the raster. The CreateColorRamp() method takes four arguments: Start value Start color ...
Marcelo Villa's user avatar
2 votes

High resolution and reasonable cost RGB satellite images

I'd take a lookt at Planet. They offer three different resolutions (1, 3 and 5m). You can get a free-trial and check if it fits your needs. For the costs, maybe check this conference paper that does ...
Marcelo Villa's user avatar
2 votes

Randomly coloring provinces in country map?

Layer Styling (right-click - Properties - Symbology, or Layer Styling Panel) Select "Categorized" Pick a Value field (Province in your case?) Color ramp "Random colors" Click "...
Bera's user avatar
  • 76.2k
2 votes

'Add Colormap' tool returns nothing in ArcGIS Pro 2.2

As @Hornbydd said in comment, my raster did not fulfill the requirements needed to used this tool: the values were not integers. Some clues if someone got the same problem and want to round pixel ...
J.Delannoy's user avatar
2 votes

Custom Colormap (cmap) rasterio, Python

This worked for me levels = [0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.8, 1, 2, 4, 7, 17, 70, 500] clrs = ['#E3E8E81A','#3DFDFF8C', '#3CFAFF', '#6A95FF', '#E61AFE8C', '#FF04FF', '#f4ded9', '#f4dbaa', '#eda14f', '#...
azis511's user avatar
  • 91
1 vote

Updating sldstyle based on user choice

When you execute sldStyle() with a new document, you get a completely different image. While you can update the visualization parameters of a layer, you cannot replace the image. You'll have to ...
Daniel Wiell's user avatar
  • 14.5k
1 vote

Are raster color band codes standardized in ArcMap/ArcGIS?

In my experience the assigned colors can differ. However, you can check the symbology of your TIFF files. There you can find how raster values are assigned to a colour or colour scale. There you can ...
MarcM's user avatar
  • 1,156
1 vote

Randomly coloring provinces in country map?

I suggest you have a look at 'Topological coloring' which is in the Processing Toolbox. This will create a new field called 'color_id' in the attribute table of the polygon layer that can be used for ...
nhopton's user avatar
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1 vote

GDAL Creating color ramp gives "ERROR 1: TIFFSetField:Images/out.tif: Cannot modify tag "PhotometricInterpretation" while writing"

Try setting the color table before writing the array: # create color table and split color ramp into 16 different colours (equal-interval) colors = gdal.ColorTable() colors.CreateColorRamp( 1, (253, ...
Marcelo Villa's user avatar
1 vote

Changing color scale in KML files?

The three KMLs you linked to all use image overlays to display the data, so the colors are built into an image file that they are laying on the map. One way to re-color them would be to try and ...
Christiaan Adams's user avatar
1 vote

How to let rasterio use a colormap file when showing a TIFF

My understanding of Rasterio is that when you read a GeoTIFF it reads it as an array. Because Rasterio/Matplotlib display rasters as arrays it doesn't automatically use the colourmap associated with ...
Kat R's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

Extracting RGB values from symbology of .lyr or polygon file using ArcGIS Desktop?

Export colored polygons as png raster with world file. Export result as grid format add components of above as separate grids Sample points inside polygons
FelixIP's user avatar
  • 23.3k
1 vote

QGIS 2.x - 4 colors theorem - TopoColour and Map Coloring plugins

Map coloring plugin works for my first test shape and it used 4 colors:
stellatus's user avatar

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