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3 votes

Finding all layers not using the project CRS in QGIS

You can use QGIS expressions with the following expression to get a list of all layernames that are in another CRS than the project CRS. You can apply the expression wherever you can use expressions: ...
Babel's user avatar
  • 73.8k
3 votes

QGIS custom CRS definition error

Coordinate frame method and its parameters are in XYZ, 3D geocentric space, while your parameters are part of a 2D conformal, or similarity, transformation--they're applied to the easting, northing ...
mkennedy's user avatar
  • 19.1k
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QGIS reprojection of layers with differing CRS

To create a new vector layer in the desired CRS, you should use the Reproject layer tool. Raster layers are reprojected with GDAL's Warp (reproject). You can change the CRS of your project in the ...
ChloeG's user avatar
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QGIS showing extra vertical lines when using Natural Earth graticules

From the look of the labels those lines are on the other side of the Earth, you need to clip the graticules to the area around the UK.
Ian Turton's user avatar
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Choosing projection for taking measurements across one state with multiple state planes

You can use ESRI:102600 NAD83 California (Teale) Albers (USFt). It covers the whole state of California.
Pointdump's user avatar
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Zonal Statistics - Creation of a FeatureCollection to Perform Analysis on two dataset with different resolutions

If I understand correctly, you want to create a grid matching your coarse resolution image! In this case, what you are looking for is a built-in function .coveringGrid() that can create grid based on ...
Es_a's user avatar
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Projection with transformation returns unexpected results using GeoPandas compared to ArcPy

GeoPandas, Shapely, pyproj, and the rest of the GIS world (besides ArcGIS Pro) do not yet contain native methods to implement this ~1m shift, which is apparently related to actual movement of the ...
apyxosaurus's user avatar

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