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1 vote

Create a sf from bounding box coordinates (and compare to another sf) in R

The easiest way from two corner points in a vector to a polygon is to name the elements and then make a bbox and make an sfc: > bbox_coords <- c(-7.84000, 49.68000, -6.52750, 51.10625) > ...
Spacedman's user avatar
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0 votes

Create a sf from bounding box coordinates (and compare to another sf) in R

Since you are entering bounding box as defined by Longitude and Latitude (which is perfectly fine approach) consider converting it to a polygon within context of EPSG:4326 CRS (and not the British ...
Jindra Lacko's user avatar
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0 votes

How to calculate Night Flight time for a given flight between 2 locations?

I have one simpler solution for this problem. However it only works considering that there was only one sunrise or sunset. First plot an x an y graphic. The x will be the time in hours (or minutes if ...
Lucas's user avatar
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4 votes

Rounding vertices of polygon to fixed number of decimal places in QGIS

You can use the "Snap points to grid" (native:snappointstogrid) processing algorithm
Andrea Giudiceandrea's user avatar
9 votes

Rounding vertices of polygon to fixed number of decimal places in QGIS

THIS WILL OVERWRITE YOUR DATA (MAKE A COPY) That's easy: Open Field Calculator. Insert this code: geom_from_wkt(geom_to_wkt(@geometry, 0)) Replace 0 with precision you need. Check box Update existing ...
Comrade Che's user avatar
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5 votes

Fixing unreadable coordinates in QGIS

The values for the interval need to be edited - here they are set to 100000:
Aquamarine's user avatar
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