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7 votes

Creating Buffer Polygon following Elevations using ArcGIS Desktop?

Workaround for what you describe in absence of spatial analyst: arcpy.Buffer_analysis("target","../buffer.shp", "100 Meters") arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management("buffer","../points.shp","ALL") ...
FelixIP's user avatar
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7 votes

Transition Function Inputs

The answer to your question is indeed not obvious from the documentation. In figuring out what the transition function actually refers to, it helps to look into the source code of that function. In ...
user's user avatar
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6 votes

How to create an OD road distance matrix in QGIS?

UPDATE - QGIS3: Since this seems to be an important topic, I would like to share my answer on a similar question. If you are using the current version of QGIS (3), you can use the plugin QNEAT3. It ...
root676's user avatar
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6 votes

How can I estimate a Least Cost Path in Google Earth Engine?

Because you are using the ee.Image.and() method in your cost calculation, the resulting cost variable is binary. That is why the results seem non-sensical. The units of the output of ee.Image....
Tyler Erickson's user avatar
5 votes

Road design using Least cost path by longitudinal slope in ArcGIS Desktop?

Connecting 2 points on contours by straight line is not going to work, as seen on your second picture line crosses same contour twice. I also very much doubt that any out of the box tools can help you....
FelixIP's user avatar
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5 votes

Least Cost Path Analysis in QGIS?

It seems you're mostly confused about how to define cost. I highly recommend this post by Amanda Briney on GIS Lounge, especially the Requirements for Least Cost Path Analysis section. Cost can be ...
csk's user avatar
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4 votes

Least cost path barrier (R) (gdistance)

There are several options to create this type of barrier by using the transitionFuntion argument in the transition function strategically. This should cover 99% of the cases. Set the conductance value ...
JacobVanEtten's user avatar
4 votes

Tobler's hiking function: resulting walking speed in KmH or m/s?

The formulae in wikipedia and the R doc are identical, lets see what they say walking speed is on flat ground: > tobr = function(m){6 * exp(-3.5*abs(m+0.05))} > tobr(0) [1] 5.036742 About 5 ...
Spacedman's user avatar
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4 votes

Least cost path: what does least cost value represent, based on slope raster layer

The plugin uses the Djikstra algorithm. For orthogonal directions (up, down, left, right), the cost to move between two pixels is: (pixel 1 + pixel 2) / 2 For diagonal pixels, it's: sqrt(2) * (pixel ...
user2856's user avatar
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3 votes

Mosaic to Raster Tool in ArcGIS Darkening Grayscale Raster Output

This is normal when mosaic multiple images into one mosaic image. The data did not change, what have changed is the appearance of the final mosaic image. The original data have different minimum and ...
ahmadhanb's user avatar
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3 votes

Open source alternative to Linkage Mapper & ArcGIS

QGIS (open source) has a new plugin called Least-Cost-Paths Network (open source, GNU GPL v3) ( that will take a set of origin and destination points and calculate ...
mixedbredie's user avatar
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3 votes

Assign different values to each zone, ArcGIS 10

If you have Spatial Analyst, you can use Reclassify tool to change the old pixel values to new values. However, The tool may not work with decimals (I did not test it with decimals), but I know it ...
ahmadhanb's user avatar
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3 votes

Making least-cost paths to avoid specific land-cover types using ArcGIS Desktop?

An approach, not saying it is the best, is to exclude those areas when constructing the cost distance raster by setting them to NODATA. When you build your cost distance raster using the Cost ...
Hornbydd's user avatar
  • 44.1k
3 votes

Finding least cost path to diffuse resource using ArcGIS Pro?

I used standard Cost Allocation tool with elevation being a cost surface to get this: If they travel by foot, use method described here.
FelixIP's user avatar
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3 votes

Calculate cell distance between cells

Here I have an alternative where you can set your own parameters, file names, etc, but using R (not big deal). Here is data for tryout:
César Arquero Cabral's user avatar
3 votes

Cartographic Depth-To-Water method using Cost/Path Distance

I've also been hammering away at this process a bit to map wet areas using some additional information gleaned from this paper (available open source and on researchgate): White, B., Ogilvie, J., ...
S Koenig's user avatar
3 votes

Change Value of Cell in Cost Layer (Raster) by whether it touches neighbouring cell

This can be done as a raster analysis, with no need to vectorize, in two steps using the GRASS processing tools in QGIS: Run r.neighbors with "minimum" neighbor operation and neighborhood ...
user2856's user avatar
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2 votes

C-based implementation of Djikstra's or Fast Marching for QGIS/Python?

There are two modules in QGIS Python included: Scipy csgraph: NetworkX:
dmh126's user avatar
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2 votes

How to find a least cost path through several points?

In Customize make sure that Network Analyst is turned on. Then, under Network Analyst Tools, under Analysis, open Make Route Layer. Input the set of points you would like to have your route travel ...
Anna Wegbreit's user avatar
2 votes

Fixing ModelBuilder error? Error 010045: COSTPATH: The number of FROM cells is 0

Try making Start_123, Output Cost Distance, and Output Backlink prerequisites to Cost Path. What ModelBuilder is probably trying to do is run the Cost Path operation first, before the other bits of ...
P.T. Curran's user avatar
2 votes

Automating procedure to calculate least-cost path to destination locations from multiple source locations using ArcGIS Desktop?

I recently came up against a very similar challenge and produced the model below using ArcGIS ModelBuilder. The key part here is the "Iterate Feature Selection" element. It will output each of the ...
Unencoded's user avatar
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2 votes

QGIS Least Cost Distance Points to Destinations via Roads

The solution is to use the GRASS algorithm See here for documentation. Also see Spatial distance analysis in QGIS - not all steps are necessary for my solution, but it was most ...
ge0m3try's user avatar
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2 votes

Automated mapping of cost paths from multiple origin points

With elevation being single component of cost surface, the task is purely hydrological and can be saved by using relevant Spatial Analyst toolbox. Fill elevation model to remove sinks Compute flow ...
FelixIP's user avatar
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2 votes

Cost Path in ArcGIS Desktop drawing no path?

I strongly believe that Fill DEM & Flow Direction is the best to achieve your goal nevertheless I did:"POINTS", "DEM", "C:/JOBS/SCRATCH/blink")"...
FelixIP's user avatar
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2 votes

Cannot get field value from shapefile

The problem may be that you are referencing a shapefile and not a feature class. Or that the path to the shapefile is not being found. One thing that I usually do when running a new Python script is ...
enolan's user avatar
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2 votes

Unit of costmap created by r.walk

The problem here is you used a geographic projection, so the cells are not square, so the units are not going to make sense. The only way this works is to use a UTM raster with square cells. With a ...
Erik Marsh's user avatar
2 votes

Cost Distance Analysis QGIS with Vector files

You have to use PyQGIS for that, here is an example: # define the point pt = QgsPoint(572470.29638,191838.143182) pt = QgsGeometry.fromPoint(pt) # get the active polygon layer = qgis.utils.iface....
pnz1337's user avatar
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2 votes

Finding Least Cost Corridor in QGIS?

What you are talking about called graph simple paths problem. Basic graph below has 2^5 = 32(!) simple paths connecting "From" and "To" nodes, because there are 5 intersections ...
FelixIP's user avatar
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2 votes

Looking for land value data for anywhere in North America especially for Florida

Land value (at the parcel level) is typically available from each county's Assessor office. Most of these offices have web sites that allow you to download their parcel data (including assessed value)...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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2 votes

Create polygon of fixed area based on cost/friction surface

I've checked and not sure anymore this is doable in model, because it needs computation of cumulative total in the table. Anyway script below solves 1st part of your question. import arcpy,scipy from ...
FelixIP's user avatar
  • 23.2k

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