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14 votes

Create Layer from Selected Features tool: How is the list of features stored?

Create Layer From Selected Features DOES NOT create a DYNAMIC layer. The resulting layer is not dynamic at all. It is based on an FIDset. If you change the source data, the FIDs will change and your ...
jbalk's user avatar
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13 votes

Create Layer from Selected Features tool: How is the list of features stored?

The best way I've understood how Create Layer from Selected Featuresis this reference that I came across Create a temporary layer to select features Creating a temporary layer allows you to do things,...
whyzar's user avatar
  • 12.1k
9 votes

Creating empty feature class in file geodatabase based on schema of ArcSDE feature class?

Just use the CreateFeatureClass tool, passing the original feature class as the template argument. Grab the shape type from the Describe object of the input feature class. Unlike the other answer, ...
Tom's user avatar
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9 votes

ArcPy UpdateCursor auto pausing after every 1000 records

By default the auto commit interval is set to 1000. You can change the interval using the following: arcpy.env.autoCommit = 5000
Lorne Dmitruk's user avatar
8 votes

Set workspace to SDE version using ArcPy?

You can set your .sde database connection to a specific version in ArcCatalog so that any access to the gdb using that connection will use that version. In the Catalog window, create a new connection ...
Midavalo's user avatar
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8 votes

How are unsaved/temporary edits stored during versioned editing?

In short, unsaved/temporary edits in ArcGIS geodatabase are stored in a table, specifically Delta tables also know as A (add) & D (delete) tables based on the information I'm aware of and ...
whyzar's user avatar
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7 votes

Using SQL statement with ArcPy?

If you have SQL access, you can use arcpy.ArcSDESQLExecute() to use SQL from arcpy. I use this regularly to query a number of SQL databases, some of them spatial, others non-spatial. I find it ...
Midavalo's user avatar
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7 votes

Restricting values to domain codes (beyond attribute table)?

Business rules vs data integrity rules When you model your database, you specify the business logic in two spaces: a. The data integrity rules. This includes among others having an integer column so ...
Alex Tereshenkov's user avatar
7 votes

ArcGIS sde i5,i6,i7 tables

The iN table presence and function are documented in the fourth paragraph beneath the section heading "Feature classes in a PostgreSQL database using ST_Geometry storage": Once you have loaded data,...
Vince's user avatar
  • 20.2k
7 votes

CreateEnterpriseGeodatabase_management fails on PostgreSQL claiming ST_GEOMETRY not present

TL/DR: You cannot use both 10.3.x and 10.5.x geodatabases in the same non-RDS PostgreSQL instance. You do have other options. First, some background: PostgreSQL development rules forbid the mixing ...
Vince's user avatar
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6 votes

Improving poor performance of ArcPy update cursor with ArcSDE and Editor?

The nested cursors are slowing you way down. Instead, use a searh cursor to create a dictionary with UIDs as your key and rows as your values. Then use an update cursor to update your second feature ...
Emil Brundage's user avatar
6 votes

Retrieving deleted records from feature dataset in enterprise geodatabase?

You have a few possible options and they all depend on your specific environment and set-up. First, if you have versioning turned on for the feature classes in question and you have not reconciled and ...
John's user avatar
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5 votes

List of all fields and their domains for each table using SQL (table name, field name, domain name)

Refer to the XML in the DEFINITION field in SDE.GDB_ITEMS_VW. select as table_name, extractvalue(definition_xml.column_value, 'GPFieldInfoEx/Name') as field_name, extractvalue(...
User1974's user avatar
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5 votes

Does the OBJECTID in an Oracle Geodatabase table have a primary key constraint, by default?

By default, yes, it normally is unless someone overrode that and designed the table differently. Is this an ArcSDE database? There may also be GlobalID fields that act as primary keys across ...
GIS87's user avatar
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5 votes

Does the OBJECTID in an Oracle Geodatabase table have a primary key constraint, by default?

I think the answer is no. The OBJECTID in an Oracle geodatabase table does not have a primary key constraint , by default. When I query an Oracle geodatabase table to return the column that has a ...
User1974's user avatar
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Creating geodatabase (and st_geometry) in Oracle Express (XE) for home/personal use?

It is your plan to "add a sde.st_geometry user-defined type" that means you will need ArcGIS Server (of which ArcSDE is a component) licensed. If that is a mandatory requirement then your most cost ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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5 votes

Retrieving Full Path to Feature Class in ArcMap

Not sure if this is as easy as you like, but you can use these three lines of code in the python window (drag or write feature class name for fc variable). fc = (Drag feature class here from Table Of ...
atxgis's user avatar
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5 votes

ArcMap Append (Data Management) Tool is not working correctly

Try exporting the shapefile to a File Geodatabase with Feature Class to Feature Class tool and use the feature class in Append tool. When a geoprocessing tool fail with shapefile input it will ...
Bera's user avatar
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5 votes

Working on databased-stored-geodatabase with a ArcGIS for Desktop standard license?

The two highlighted passages do not contradict each other, they're merely referring to different capabilities. The first passage explains that Standard or Advanced seats of ArcGIS Desktop can ...
Vince's user avatar
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5 votes

Performance of arcpy.Exists() in SQL Server enterprise gdb environment

One of the interesting quirks of many SQL client APIs is the lack of a "table exists" function. Many implementations of an "exists" are really a low-level "describe", which returns a "does not exist" ...
Vince's user avatar
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5 votes

Connecting to *.sde file in database IDE

The ".sde" file is simply a ESRI file format that contains the connection information required to connect to an ESRI enterprise geodatabase. Using ArcMap or ArcCatalog, you can right-click on the "....
Son of a Beach's user avatar
5 votes

Is the ObjectId value guaranteed to be unique after features are deleted and re-created in an enterprise geodatabase?

The implementation differs by Enterprise geodatabase platform (RDBMS), but all OBJECTID (aka "registered rowid") type columns defined by ArcGIS will always be 32-bit integer values, fed by a ...
Vince's user avatar
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5 votes

Parsing/converting ISO 8601 datetime fields using pandas

A working sample import pandas as pd data = [{'mydate': '2007-02-01T05:00:00.0000000+00:00', 'b': 2, 'c':3}, {'mydate': '2007-02-01T05:00:00.0000000+00:00', 'b': 20, 'c': 30}] # Creates ...
ThomasG77's user avatar
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4 votes

How to replace/update authorization key for an ArcGIS Enterprise Geodatabase

In 10.3.1 the Enable Enterprise Geodatabase tool does not update the "AUTH_KEY" in SDE_server_config table of your database. See the image below. The suggested workaround from our ESRI rep said that ...
osswmi's user avatar
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4 votes

Finding SDE permissions on feature class using ArcPy?

I didn't find a pre-built tool to do this, but ended up using the following code which was easy enough to then query the dictionary to pass to arcpy.ChangePrivileges_management() import arcpy def ...
Midavalo's user avatar
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4 votes

Adding geodatabase connection from another PC to SQL server 2014?

You need to install the SQL Server Native Client so that your client machine (your PC) can talk to SQL Server. To connect to a database or geodatabase in SQL Server from ArcGIS for Desktop, ...
Midavalo's user avatar
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4 votes

Copy Enterprise Geodatabase to new SQL Server - will it work?

Yes, you can take a backup of an SDE geodatabase and move it to a new server, but it's a bit tricky. We regularly do this for SDE geodatabases with PostgreSQL. The biggest caveat is you cannot rename ...
Radar's user avatar
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4 votes

Changing layer's ArcSDE data source user name?

You can re-point your layers to another connection using Set Data Sources in ArcCatalog In the dialog that opens, select all the layers you need to update, and choose Replace All In the Replace All ...
Midavalo's user avatar
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4 votes

Get GDAL up and running with ArcSDE enabled

I was able to export all data (vector and raster) from ArcSDE using GDAL. To have ArcSDE support in GDAL it is not necessary to compile GDAL. If you have access to an ArcSDE installation, that's ...
jgrocha's user avatar
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4 votes

Finding spatial views with ArcPy?

@Vince pointed out the arcpy.ArcSDESQLExecute command. Here is a function I put together to return True/False for finding a Spatial View, based on the code sample from
RyanKDalton's user avatar
  • 23.2k

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