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Why are there no Sentinel-2 images in northern latitudes from November to January?

The Sentinel-2 mission uses a sun-synchronous orbit and was planned to produce image products with similar local constant viewing conditions. The planned Local Time at Descending Node per image is 10:...
huckfinn's user avatar
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Opening a Sentinel-2 image downloaded from esa scihub in QGIS

Open the metadata file "MTD_MSIL1C.xml" and select which dataset you want, the 10m, 20m or 60m bands.
user2856's user avatar
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What causes difference between two sources?

Geographic vs. Projected Coordinate Systems The CRS (Coordinate Reference System) of the files you are using is EPSG:4326, which is the identifier of the plain WGS84 in EPGS's nomenclature. Since ...
RafDouglas C. Tommasi's user avatar
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Sentinel-1a real azimuth resolution

The formula that gives the azimuth resolution as being equal to half the antenna length is only true in Stripmap mode, where the satellite scans the ground as fast as it moves along its orbit. The ...
guampi's user avatar
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Which time format does ESA use for Sentinel-3 file names?

This is the UTC time format according to the official source1, source2: The time reference system in the SRAL/MWR Level-2 products is the Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).
Comrade Che's user avatar
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Which version of Sen2Cor is used by the ESA?

You can check the processing baseline in the MTD_MSIL2A.xml file (inside .SAFE) under the tag . Sen2Cor v 02.08 started with the processing baseline 02.12. But notice that the S2 PDGS is using more ...
MarujoRe's user avatar
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Transforming categorical land use raster to raster with continuous values

Example data with four classes library(terra) r <- rast(nrows=10, ncols=10) set.seed(1) values(r) <- sample(1:4, 100, replace=TRUE) A solution is to use segregate to get a layer for each class. ...
Robert Hijmans's user avatar
1 vote

Less data from Sentinel 1B

The Sentinel-1 observation scenario shows your where and how the earth is imaged with the S1 pair. As you can see,...
HDunn's user avatar
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Opening a Sentinel-2 image downloaded from esa scihub in QGIS

They are inside the GRANULE folder. There are several subfolders and image format is JPEG2000. Everthing is explained here:
Alešinar's user avatar
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How can I know which Sentinel Tile is further north?

You could write a function that extracts and compares the last letter of each id. The tile whose letter has the highest lexicographic order, is further north than the other.
André Rosa's user avatar
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Projects using compatible Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 reflectance data

I would check out the citing articles (n=108) from the 2018 NASA HLS paper: That should give you an idea of some of the ...
Tim Assal's user avatar
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Limit to download images from Open Access Hub

There is a limitation with how many images you can download at a time. This is 2. But i don't believe there is a limitation overall. However, if you're using Python, try the "sentinelsat" API. ...
Rhodri_22's user avatar
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Changes in extent in sentinel image while calibration with snap tool

I believe your problem lies in the fact that you are using an SLC product. The IW mode is taken in the TOPS mode and requires TOPS processing. The process is to TOPS Split > Calibrate > TOPS Deburst. ...
user10853's user avatar
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Importing AWS downloaded Sentinel-2 data into SNAP software?

The Sentinel-2 L1C AWS bucket is populated by Sinergise, who also publish a Python library called sentinelhub-py that allows you to reconstruct the .SAFE format as expected by SNAP including the ...
Kersten's user avatar
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Can a satellite go over the same area in different passes overtime

Sentinel-1 definitely takes images of the same point on Earth in both ascending and descending passes. Just search for all images intersecting a point (or tiny area) on any service that provides ...
Joooeey's user avatar
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