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How can I use ogr2ogr to left join a CSV to a GPKG file and produce a GeoJSON output in a scalable way?

One possible solution is to load the CSV file to the GPKG file as a new layer. Once it's in the GPKG, there is no need for INDIRECT_SQLITE! So: ogr2ogr -update base.gpkg join.csv -nln csv ogr2ogr base....
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Transform GeoJSON from EPSG:31983 to EPSG:4326 in OpenLayers

To convert CRS of GeojSON features from EPSG:31983 to EPSG:3857 when reading them with .readFeatures method, you first have do define EPSG:31983 projection to be used during conversion (see example ...
TomazicM's user avatar
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Python Script to grab .geojson files from my N drive in many different folders and place in one folder?

Many alternative ways to do this... this is a solution using Path.glob: from pathlib import Path import shutil src_dir = Path("C:/temp/test_recursivecopy/src") dst_dir = Path("C:/temp/...
Pieter's user avatar
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Python Script to grab .geojson files from my N drive in many different folders and place in one folder?

You can use shutil and os: import os from shutil import copyfile n_drive_path = r"/home/bera/Desktop/gistest/" #The folder to search for geojson files. Change it out_folder = r"/home/...
BERA's user avatar
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Transforming R data.frame with column of GeoJSON strings into sf object

First time using {geojsonsf}, so I don't have a flash of genius proposing an approach much more elegant, but I should make your current code work, I guess. The last operation of your pipe .$geometry[1]...
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