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Converting pipe-separated file containing GeoJSON geometries to GeoJSON with ogr2ogr

As geom is not the default name, you need to add -oo GEOM_POSSIBLE_NAMES=geom to tell ogr2ogr that the geometry is in the geom column: CSV driver: open options. Something like this: ogr2ogr -f "...
Pieter's user avatar
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More efficient way to use Symmetrical Difference tool for layer with many features

A typical way to solve this is to reduce the size and complexity of the input geometries by first doing an intersection of them with a grid-layer. This can give an enormous difference in processing ...
Pieter's user avatar
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Dealing with NULL when using aggregate function in QGIS Expression

You can replace NULL with empty geometry, e.g. geom_to_wkt(union(make_point(1, 4), if(is_empty_or_null(make_point(1,2)), geom_from_wkt('POINT()'), make_point(1,2)))) --> 'MultiPoint ((1 4),(1 2))' ...
alphabetasoup's user avatar
2 votes

Dealing with NULL when using aggregate function in QGIS Expression

One way is to use array_remove_all to actually remove all NULL values from an array before using collect_geometries: geom_to_wkt( collect_geometries( array_remove_all( array(...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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QGIS - collect geometries with geometrygenerator by value to display only one label

If your road are polygon feature you may use the expression : buffer (collect ($geometry,"name" ),0) in the geometry generator to get one polygon for feature with the same name
J.R's user avatar
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More efficient way to use Symmetrical Difference tool for layer with many features

Having large complex geometries will slow down processing. Try: Multipart To Singleparts Subdivide 3. And Create Spatial Index On both input layers
Bera's user avatar
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