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41 votes

Finding Georeferencer in QGIS

Since version 3.26 it has moved to the Layer menu because it now supports both raster and vector data. This is now documented, though it wasn't when the question was asked.
user2856's user avatar
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39 votes

Transformation types in geo-referencing of QGIS?

The following are quoted from the QGIS docs regarding the Available Transformation algorithms: The Linear algorithm is used to create a world file and is different from the other algorithms, as it ...
Joseph's user avatar
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23 votes

Missing Georeferencer in latest QGIS 3.28

Because it can be used on vector layers as well, it is now found under the Layer menu (explained here): Doc:
swiss_knight's user avatar
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21 votes

Are three points really necessary to georeference?

The Fundamentals of georeferencing a raster dataset page from Esri explains the fundamentals of georeferencing. In short, the number of points depends. It depends on if you are simply moving the data, ...
Fezter's user avatar
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19 votes

Differences between different georeferencing transformation algorithms in QGIS

Linear transformation only set the offset and scale (no rotation), minimum two points required (raster is not resampled as the original pixels are preserved) Helmert transformation is sometimes called ...
Zoltan's user avatar
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16 votes

QGIS 3.26 Georeferencer Failing to Create Destination File

Unchecking "Set target resolution" solved the problem for me.
Ahmed Laatabi's user avatar
14 votes

Georeferencing vector layer with control points using QGIS?

Several of the answers provided here are no longer options for QGIS 3, and/or only allow for linear transformations of the vector file being georeferenced. This may answer the OP's question, but ...
user92448's user avatar
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14 votes

QGIS Georeferencer Failing to Compute Transform

I had this problem for a while, uninstalled and reinstalled QGIS several times, but actually turned out to be an easy fix, I unchecked the 'Set Target Resolution' in the transformation settings window....
stacy's user avatar
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13 votes

Georeferencing images and losing quality in QGIS?

You're setting the target resolution to 1 which is 1 meter per pixel. This is definitely low resolution compared to the original plan. Leave that option out and the output should be fine.
Techie_Gus's user avatar
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11 votes

Georeferencing in QGIS 3.0?

I had the same issue. The bug is in the box. Place the box next to Georeferencer plugin and activate it:
aldo_tapia's user avatar
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11 votes

Tracing raster map on QGIS

The workflow that you can follow to get the desired output is as follows:- Georeference the Map Georefrencing in QGIS Once the map is georeferenced, create new shapefiles(Points, Lines, and Polygons) ...
Yogesh Chavan's user avatar
10 votes

Georeferencing old map in QGIS?

It looks like the map is aligned to lat-long and the grid system is skew to that slightly. The map corners have lat-long markers and seem to confirm this. So in the QGIS georeferences, tag the four ...
Spacedman's user avatar
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9 votes

Is there image editing software that will not alter a GeoTIFF's embedded georeferencing?

Try using Paint.NET. As of my last testing (GIMP, Affinity, Photoshop), this is the only "traditional" image editing software to properly preserve GeoTIFF metadata. Be aware that at current, not ...
Saijin_Naib - No To OpenAI's user avatar
8 votes

Accidently deleted layer from Layers panel of QGIS?

During geo-referencing you are asked to save the new file somewhere. Check that location. It could be good practice to save out the control points you create in case this issue ever happens again.
Knightshound's user avatar
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8 votes

Importing, moving, rotating and scaling jpg images onto OSM maps in QGIS

Since your images are without any georeferences, you can use this QGIS plugin named: Freehand raster georeferencer In QGIS, open the "Plugins" > "Manage and install plugin" dialog. Install the "...
userPyGeo's user avatar
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8 votes

QGIS Georeferencer Problem After Photoshopping Source Raster

Try using Paint.NET. As of my last testing (GIMP, Affinity, Photoshop), this is the only "traditional" image editing software to properly preserve GeoTIFF metadata. Be aware that at current, not ...
Saijin_Naib - No To OpenAI's user avatar
8 votes

Finding Georeferencer in QGIS

In QGIS before 3.26 it's not a PlugIn, it's in the Raster Tab.
Pointdump's user avatar
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7 votes

Georeference a image representing the world with unknown projection system

Try playing with the input CRS. This looks kind of like a Robinson projection that has just been turned into a rectangle along the edges. Also, if Oceania is your main area of interest, start with ...
Lovette's user avatar
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7 votes

Georeference single drone image from EXIF data

As requested, posting my own (partial) answer. The actual math is not too bad, but there are surrounding issues making application difficult: UAV camera focal length specs seem to be before sensor ...
Houska's user avatar
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7 votes

Unable to georeference Arrowsmith's "The World, on Mercators Projection" historical map

Set your project CRS to a pacific centered CRS like EPSG:3832 or EPSG:8859. Your map canvas with basemap should than look like in screenshot 3 below. Than georeference your map using the same CRS for ...
Babel's user avatar
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7 votes

Exporting map to image using PyQGIS

You can create an external world file, which provides the georeferencing information for the raster image you export. ... # save the image'/home/bera/Desktop/test_render.png') # world file ...
Kadir Şahbaz's user avatar
7 votes

Continuous errors in georeferencing - rotated, scanned images in QGIS

Never seen this before but the scanned (or photographed?) image is marked as rotated into the EXIF metadata. The image looks like this with rotation-aware viewer (IrfanView): but QGIS georeferencer, ...
user30184's user avatar
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7 votes

Difference between control point, reference point, and tie point

You can better understand the difference by taking a hypothetical drone/satellite survey example. So, in a drone survey, you collect multiple images and process them later. A tie point is the same ...
Yogesh Chavan's user avatar
6 votes

Is it possible to georeference an existing, un-georeferenced pdf?

I know this question is old, but I had this issue recently and eventually came out with a way to do this. This can be accomplished by using Osgeo's gdal, which happens to have a PDF driver included. ...
DarkCygnus's user avatar
6 votes

Georeferencing vector layer with control points using QGIS?

Since QGIS 3.26 this can now be achieved with the georeferencer, same tool that is used of raster georeferencing: "QGIS now supports georeferencing vector layers in the georeferencer tool. This ...
HeikkiVesanto's user avatar
6 votes

How does ArcGIS modify a TIF file while georeferencing?

There are two ways ArcGIS puts the georeferencing to the tiff. The one is to create auxiliary files where the transformation rules are stored. This can be achieved by using the option "update ...
Matte's user avatar
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6 votes

QGIS Georeferencer plugin TIF format problems

Your TIF file might have paletted colours. This is bad for georeferencing, because the georeferencer tries to interpolate between neighbouring pixel values. You have to convert your TIF to RGB colour ...
AndreJ's user avatar
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6 votes

Georeferencing scale error

Because of Pseudo Mercator? Pseudo Mercator is not a proper Coordinate System to measure areas. Depending where you are on Planet Earth, there can be huge differences in area-size compared to other ...
AndreasK's user avatar
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6 votes

When using ArcGIS Georeferencing tool, why does fourth point show up as yellow crosshair?

It looks like you are selecting that point from the Link table , as you can see below: If you remove selection, it will become red again:
ahmadhanb's user avatar
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6 votes

Georeferencing in QGIS 3.0?

A bug in your install. You should be able to tick the box next to Georeferencer GDAL. After which it will be in the Raster menu.
HeikkiVesanto's user avatar

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