5 votes

How to find the correct CRS of the country Georgia

Gardabani is 41° 28′ N, 45° 6′ E. The relevant UTM zone for places between 42° E and 48° E is UTM 38N, EPSG:32638. So this is a possible CRS you can use. However, depending an what you want to do, ...
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4 votes

Get state but want country in GeoPy and Nominatim

When you try embedding exactly_one=False parameter (by default it is True) into your code, like from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent='[email protected]', timeout=...
Taras's user avatar
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2 votes

Soviet Maps projection

For such a small area as that the projection probably won't matter, the earth is essentially flat at that scale. Just define a few reference points in whatever output coordinate system you want to use ...
Spacedman's user avatar
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1 vote

Get state but want country in GeoPy and Nominatim

There is also the option to specify a region to search in or even restrict results to. This should be used when ever possible and will be much safer than playing language tricks. If you look at the ...
bugmenot123's user avatar
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