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Changing pixel size of georeferenced historical map

The original scan of the map can be found here: I have enlarged the details on central bottom of the map The CRS of the blue lines can be ...
Hans Erren's user avatar
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What datums were used in North America before NAD27?

New England Datum of 1879 Was the first geodetic datum of this type in the United States. The reference ellipsoid was Clarke Ellipsoid of 1866. United States Standard Datum of 1901 (First North ...
Taras's user avatar
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4 votes

Identifying coordinate system of historical map for Arctic Ocean?

Just a wild guess, to me it looks similar to a Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection, rotated 80 degrees (I mean, looking from N80E toward N100W direction). (Above: North Pole area by QGIS 3.8 ...
Kazuhito's user avatar
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Geo-referencing historical topographical in ArcMap using the original grid

At the bottom right there's some red text. In the corner it tells you how to read coordinates off the map (basically its an early UTM) while a bit to the left it tells you, also in red, that the red ...
Erik's user avatar
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3 votes

Georeference historic/medieval map

According to your Wikiepdia link, "Ptolemy's 2nd-century Geography [...] measured latitude from the Equator", and the prime meridian, as you say, somewhere off the west coast of Africa. But ...
XaC's user avatar
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3 votes

QGIS how can I open my own map into QGIS (not an Open Street Map)?

I am guessing a map from 1949 is paper. Scan it and use Raster > Georeferncer to import it and align it to the other data you are using. (Load Open Street Map into QGIS and use it as a base to ...
Richard Rasch's user avatar
3 votes

Mapping multiple historical routes from lists of points

Here are two different methods. Each method requires a different spreadsheet setup. I recommend choosing whichever option requires the least manipulation of your spreadsheet. Option one: Make each ...
csk's user avatar
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3 votes

Seeking historical shapefiles of Europe in modern era

Searching for a similar set, I stumbled across this resource: However there's no projection info or .prj files, so it doesnt seem usable?
Mike Honey's user avatar
2 votes

Seeking historical shapefiles of Europe in modern era

Direct link to the ThinkQuest downloads mentioned in other answers:
brncsk's user avatar
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2 votes

Georeferencing set of historical maps to each other then georeferencing set to current map using ArcGIS Pro

I would suggest doing it the other way around. If you're going to align them to each other then pick the best one and georeference that first, then georeference the rest to that.
TeddyTedTed's user avatar
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What does this symbol mean on an 1853 GLO map?

Could just be a stream. Plat Survey shows a water bend cutting right of the water.
Geo's user avatar
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Offset after georeferencing of an old maritime map of Quebec

This is just using the screenshot image: (if can have a higher resolution will be more accurate) WGS 84 / UTM zone 21N Using QGIS 3.26.2 Georeferencer
Mapperz's user avatar
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Export distortion grid and displacement vectors from MapAnalyst and use them in QGIS: incorrect projection

The trick is to apply the distortion grid to the new map (the OpenStreetMap basemap on the right side). This map is georeferenced, unlike the (ungeoreferenced) old map image, basically a scanned ...
Babel's user avatar
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Avoid warping when georeferending non-equirectangular map in QGIS3

There are two things you can do to resolve your problem: Set your project CRS to the same (or a similar) CRS that your historical map was produced in. Like this, you can avoid massive warping of the ...
Babel's user avatar
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Georeferencing a historic map to a local custom coordinate system

I would try to georeference it to EPSG:4326 and then change that to your local system. A 2-step process. Have you tried it?
wingnut's user avatar
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Seeking historical shapefiles of Europe in modern era

I recently found this website, though unfortunately the data is not free. It is also available from Stanford University, on the off-chance you're in some way affiliated with them or know someone who ...
Ben's user avatar
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