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6 votes

Natural Breaks Results Difference in Different GIS Analyst Tools

The first question to investigate is, what method are these programs using to calculate Natural Breaks? Are they all using the same method? QGIS calculates Natural Breaks (Jenks). Based on the name "...
csk's user avatar
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3 votes

Applying Jenks classification on subset of features using PyQGIS

You can use your_layer.setSubsetString("ADMIN ILIKE '%Bécancour%'") It does the same action as using right click on a layer in the layer tree panel, choosing "Filter..." and ...
ThomasG77's user avatar
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3 votes

Defining not-custom graduated style to polygon layer in PyQGIS

You can use/adapt the following code snippet: layer = iface.activeLayer()# Polygon vector layer default_style = QgsStyle().defaultStyle() # Use any existing color ramp e.g. # 'Greens', 'Purples', '...
Ben W's user avatar
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2 votes

Jenks Classification with multiple colors PyQGIS 3

The QgsGradientColorRamp class takes additional args e.g so the following should do what you want. # Below line can be commented if not standalone ...
ThomasG77's user avatar
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2 votes

How to determine the appropriate classification type in a graduated style choropleth map?

I've been experiencing the same kind of problem. The solution that I worked out at the time was using the 'Histogram' option in Qgis. In this option you can manually determine the classification of ...
Douwe Vermeer's user avatar
1 vote

Choosing color classes for comparing differently distributed spatial data

I don't know if I am missing the point, but maybe you could "normalize" the values? For Map A, divide all the values you want to represent by the largest value of the dataset. You will get a value ...
TurboGraphxBeige's user avatar
1 vote

Pseudo natural breaks classification

In QGIS one can manually change the values of the ranges even if the classification chosen was an established one (Jenks, for instance). I do it very often: I first get the picture of what a set ...
Pescariz's user avatar
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