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US 000 file type maps

The .000 file is in S57 format. This is a standard, but rarely seen in my experience, geographic data format. That is mentioned here: If you need to convert it ...
Spacedman's user avatar
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3 votes

Road Network with 4th & 5th road level (small agriculture roads & footpaths)

OSM has a good coverage of agriculture/forestry roads (highway=track) and foot paths (highway=footway, highway=path, highway=bridleway, highway=cycleway), especially in Germany. Just take a look at ...
scai's user avatar
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3 votes

Points shapefile from QGIS to Android?

It's not a direct answer to your question (which is a bit unclear to me) but you might be interested to have a go at Qfield which is a mix between QGIS and an Android app. Basically, you need to ...
gisnside's user avatar
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Why is the CORS coverage density in the US is so high?

This seems to be an issue of data aggregation - none of these maps show all of the CORS stations in each region. The NOAA coverage map is composed of the stations provided by all state's Dept. of ...
EastWest's user avatar
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What are all the straight lines on old nautical charts?

It is called Portolan chart and according to Britannica: Portolan chart, also called harbour-finding chart, compass chart, or rhumb chart, navigational chart of the European Middle Ages (1300–...
ahmadhanb's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I transfer shape or database files to Terrasync without Pathfinder office?

There is, sort of. You can use the Trimble Data Transfer Utility (which is a free download) to transfer a shapefile to your GeoXT and use it as a "background" layer in Terrasync. That will allow you ...
Dan C's user avatar
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2 votes

Interactive shapefile based map

The part that you are missing is a map server. A map server has the job of taking raw map data and (ordinarily) serving it up as a styled bitmap image with the colors and format based on some pre-...'s user avatar
2 votes

Reading GPS data from iphone and save data into computer?

So the tool I mentioned in my comment is called exiftool by Phil Harvey. I probably didn't think this through thoroughly because looking at your question, you didn't specify your data coming from ...
jbchurchill's user avatar
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2 votes

Points shapefile from QGIS to Android?

You can try NextGIS Mobile NextGIS Mobile accepts GeoJSON (can be easily obtained from QGIS). ESRI Shape file support will be in v3. Also you can get QGIS map with symbology using QTiles plugin. And ...
Dmitry Baryshnikov's user avatar
2 votes

Loading and displaying NDS (Navigation Data Standard // SQLlite)?

NDS encodes LatLon in EPSG:3857, using Morton code.
Michał Leon's user avatar
2 votes

Automatically navigation graph creating

This is more a comment than an answer. It seems that graph based on a regular points: will produce more realistic path: compared to skeleton approach. Shortest path not necessarily goes in the ...
FelixIP's user avatar
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1 vote

Minimum number of satellites per constellation in Multi-constellation Navigation

With a few assumption about your position (i.e. on the surface of the Earth), you can locate yourself with three timing codes from the same constellation. However, a fourth satellite's timing code (...
radouxju's user avatar
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1 vote

How do you create a line network with GeoJSON navigation point data

I believe I figured something out. So you will use hublines, using your initial geojson as hub layer using id as hub field and create a neighbor layer which will be used as spoke layer and use ...
B-C B.'s user avatar
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Is the GPS signal being scrambled near military bases

How is your GNNS antennae mounted? My experience from doing airborne surveys is that I have lost the fix quite often during turns, as the hull of the airframe attenuates the signals differently.
MortenSickel's user avatar
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Is the GPS signal being scrambled near military bases

Jamming or spoofing the GPS- (and most likely also other GNSS) signals near military bases would seem very logical to me and is very much possible from a technical standpoint. Also, officially ...
Rob's user avatar
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Simulating navigation bar in attribute table of ArcMap using ArcPy?

From What is ArcPy?: ArcPy is a site package that builds on (and is a successor to) the successful arcgisscripting module. Its goal is to create the cornerstone for a useful and productive way ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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Seeking GIS Navigation App for High Accuracy Data?

I use Maverick to load kml files and navigate to them. And I would like to try QField soon.
Gabriel De Luca's user avatar
1 vote

How to name a point where we are "back to the initial route"?

Maybe "re-entry point" would be a meaningful name.
Mesa's user avatar
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Converting GPS track to turn by turn directions

I don't know of a ready-made library to do this with OSRM, but one of the developers outlined an approach in this mailing list posting:
Richard Fairhurst's user avatar
1 vote

Points shapefile from QGIS to Android?

One option would be: Open QGIS Desktop and add in shapefile Download/enable qgis2web plugin Open up plugin and create either OpenLayers 3 or Leaflet map/app Finally, convert your web map javascript ...
artwork21's user avatar
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Interactive shapefile based map

As a backend for your maps you can use NextGIS Web (or free account). Nice QGIS or Mapserver styles are supported. Shapefiles can be styled in QGIS and upload to NextGIS Web with ...
Dmitry Baryshnikov's user avatar
1 vote

Simple Linux desktop navigation system for tracking a drone

I guess the easiest would be to build some web application. Basic approach could be something like: Write a small program in any language pushing gps points from gpsd to Postgis. Put PostgREST in ...
Nicklas Avén's user avatar
1 vote

Routing Engine / data for hiking trails (Austria)

You can use OSRM for this purpose but you will require a hiking profile. The OSRM demo instance has just a car profile and won't do foot routing. However that's a limitation of this particular OSRM ...
scai's user avatar
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1 vote

Replace Navteq maps by a free one in a car built-in GPS

NAVTEQ stores maps and POI (point of interest, like hospital,hotel,restaurant,bar,.....) in different file formats. You may add your own POI spot(s) easily by editing your POI files (idx,url) which ...
Iman Nia's user avatar
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