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7 votes

How extensive is OSM Sidewalk data?

Sidewalk coverage in OSM is far from complete and obviously varies a lot depending on which part of the world you're looking at. However, I suspect that the poor results of your Manhattan query have a ...
Tordanik's user avatar
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7 votes

Distance between GPS travel route and country border

You can do this using QGIS and OpenStreetMap data, so OpenSource/Open data and free to use. The process includes several steps. Using the online QGIS documentation can help you for the steps. When you ...
Babel's user avatar
  • 73.9k
6 votes

Overpy or Overpass Turbo: How to get nodes by their IDs

I didn't get any answers or hints, nor could I find any examples of doing this (except in Overpass API, which has a slightly different syntax), but by trial and error I discovered the answer (which is ...
Aaron Bramson's user avatar
6 votes

Finding the nearest named highway way id

Overpass API doesn't support a "nearest neighbor"-like query at the moment. While I don't really understand your workaround, you can certainly limit the output to a max of 1 entry: [out:json]...
mmd's user avatar
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5 votes

How to query Overpass API with Postman?

If you want to learn fishing: Go to Then enter the overpass query (QL/XML doesn't matter) that you like to check. Before running the query, open your browser network tab ...
Hou's user avatar
  • 51
5 votes

Exporting buildings and their types with Overpass

You need an additional union statement, so that the final result contains the result from both subqueries. Otherwise, your second part of the query will overwrite the results of your first part of ...
mmd's user avatar
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5 votes

Distance between GPS travel route and country border

With QGIS you can use the following processing tools: GPS route as input: Densify by interval (add vertices every 1 m) Extract vertices (create a point layer from the vertices) With country border ...
Bera's user avatar
  • 76.4k
5 votes

How to query relations and visualise it on Overpass turbo

Unfortunately, it's not clear from your description what you mean by "visualise only the relations". Relations are made up of ways and nodes, and ways are made up of nodes. Relations don't ...
mmd's user avatar
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5 votes

What does either of the appreviations b and u refer to

These are just arbitrary names for sets. Sets contain OSM elements such as nodes, ways and relations. If you don't specify an explicit set name then the default set named _ will be used. From your ...
scai's user avatar
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4 votes

From Overpass Turbo to GeoJSON without map

If you're familiar with the command line: Download boundaries as JSON (not GeoJSON!) file directly from Overpass API into a local file, via Export --> raw data directly from Overpass API in ...
mmd's user avatar
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4 votes

Difference in Cycle ways and cycle relation routes in OpenStreetMap data model

No, it doesn't. A bicycle relation includes all ways that are part of this specific cycle route. A specific relation can represent a certain local/regional/national/international cycle network, for ...
scai's user avatar
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4 votes

Getting entrance of building?

You need an area query to find entry=main node inside your stadium way. This doesn't work for every way (it depends on specific Area Creation Rules on the Overpass API server), but your example is ...
mmd's user avatar
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4 votes

Limiting overpass turbo query by postal_code and country

Overpass API does not support area in area queries. However, you can define two different areas and use both of them as filter criterion in the same statement: area[postal_code="19300"]->.zip; ...
mmd's user avatar
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4 votes

Overpass Turbo parse and static error

You just had a typo - gecodeArea >> geocodeArea The rest of the query is fine. [out:json][timeout:1000]; //fetch area "Tokyo" to search in {{...
Nil's user avatar
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4 votes

Overpass API - Exclude ferry routes from bicycle query

The = in the function call to add_feature is not a comparison, but rather passing the value of an argument, as opposed to == or >= which are used in queries, and some functions that accept ...
Elio Diaz's user avatar
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4 votes

How to display in QGIS a mountain saddle with a symbol which indicates the orientation of the saddle?

You need the information on the orientation of the saddle clockwise in degree from North/0° as an attribute. Then use data defined override on the rotation of the symbol, handing it the field ...
Erik's user avatar
  • 16.8k
3 votes

Query Overpass API with geocodeArea returns error

{{geocodeArea:Oregon}} is syntactic sugar that was invented by overpass turbo (the web frontend). Overpass API (the backend) doesn't know anything about those shortcuts. See https://wiki....
mmd's user avatar
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3 votes

What is a correct overpass-turbo query for getting all streets in a city?

You can use a regular expression to combine several highway=* queries into a single one. [out:json]; area[name = "New York"]; (way(area)["highway"~"^(motorway|trunk|primary)$"];>;); out; Note: ...
mmd's user avatar
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3 votes

How to query Overpass API with Postman?

At build your query, then simply go to Export -> Query -> OverpassQL for obtaining an Overpass API URL for your query. Unfortunately I have absolutely no idea what Postman is.
scai's user avatar
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3 votes

Getting Bike Lanes using Overpass Turbo

I would suggest using relation in place of way. It seems to replicate opencyclemap but best to check and modify as required. [out:json][timeout:25]; // gather results ( // query part for: “cycleway=*...
Cushen's user avatar
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3 votes

Query to find road paths of area

The spelling of the name "Colac" is not correct. You need to use exactly the same uppercase/lowercase as in the original OSM data. Also, there's a missing semicolon towards the end of your query, ...
mmd's user avatar
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3 votes

Look for all `highway` type `way` in certain area, using the overpass-api directly (not overpass turbo) or osmosis

Backend solution (no API) I found a solution using just backend scripts without overpass or any other api using osmium instead of osmosis. Download the extract you want from (.pbf file) ...
Emeeus's user avatar
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3 votes

There are some OpenStreetMap data that doesn't show when I query it with Overpass. Why does this happen?

Your Overpass API query looks for the traffic_sign=* tag, however node 6786529269 doesn't have this tag. Instead it is tagged as highway=stop. You have to expand your query to look for both tags: node[...
scai's user avatar
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3 votes

How extensive is OSM Sidewalk data?

In general, I think the answer from Tordanik already summarizes the current situation quite well. I just wanted to add some data points and diagrams to support and enrich some of his statements about ...
tyr's user avatar
  • 363
3 votes

Extracting skatepark data as JSON file

Use Overpass Turbo web interface, zoom to your region of interest, click Wizard and enter this string: sport:skate or sport:extreme. Using double points : instead of equal symbol =, it uses wildcards (...
Babel's user avatar
  • 73.9k
3 votes

overpass-turbo Export CSV of all adresses

In overpass-turbo, you can use something like this that creates a CSV: [out:csv('addr:city','addr:housenumber','addr:postcode','addr:state','addr:street',building;true;',')] [timeout:25]; ( nwr[&...
Bjorn Svensson's user avatar
3 votes

Overpass turbo OSM: how to combine and unite several filters?

You need to store the result of your area() call in a named set first. Without a named set, the results are stored in the default set. This default set gets overwritten by your node[shop](area); query....
scai's user avatar
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3 votes

How to get all the streets limited to containing a particular text name in Overpass

That's is because you are searching by node instead of way. And you are serching for addresses, not for streets names. Try [out:json][timeout:250]; area[name="...
Grzegorz Sapijaszko's user avatar
3 votes

Openstreetmap: Overpass QL query to get all house numbers and streets of a city with coordinates

The main issue was about not using geocoding to search the area. Try with the following : [out:csv(::lat, ::lon, "addr:street", "addr:housenumber"; true; ",")]; // fetch ...
ThomasG77's user avatar
  • 31.1k
2 votes

Getting Bike Lanes using Overpass Turbo

You can check for bicycle lanes. CycleOSM uses as the tags that get included. For checking how it ...
Jonas Gröger's user avatar

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