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18 votes

"libintl-9.dll is missing" when trying to run PostGIS 2.0 Shapefile and DBF Loader Exporter

It might be required in C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10\bin\postgisgui (or wherever the loader is installed). It is however suspicious that the lib isn't included in the installer, and it might ...
JGH's user avatar
  • 42.5k
15 votes

"libintl-9.dll is missing" when trying to run PostGIS 2.0 Shapefile and DBF Loader Exporter

I found the libintl-9.dll file in the folder : C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\bin\ and copied it to the folder : C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\bin\postgisgui then ran the .exe file in that folder ...
Michiel Stas's user avatar
12 votes

Query field disabled in edit data mode in pgadmin 4

This happens when you view a specific number of records from your table by right clicking on it and pgAdmin4 allows you to only view the records and does not allow you to edit the query. The Query ...
Ahsan Mukhtar's user avatar
9 votes

pgAdmin version 4-5.3 where is the geometry viewer

Go to the far right of the geometry column and click on the eye icon ==>
JGH's user avatar
  • 42.5k
7 votes

"libintl-9.dll is missing" when trying to run PostGIS 2.0 Shapefile and DBF Loader Exporter

Go to C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10\bin\postgisgui (or wherever the loader is installed). For example, for me, C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\bin\postgisgui. Make a copy of the libintl-8.dll and ...
Jérémie Beghin's user avatar
7 votes

PostgreSQL PostGIS: Spatial join but keep all features that don't intersect

To obtain all topo rows, whether they have an adb or not, use LEFT OUTER JOIN: SELECT, topo.geom, topo.ogc_fid, topo.theme, topo.class, adb.uprn FROM public.wolv_topobuild as ...
Vince's user avatar
  • 20.2k
6 votes

PostGIS update column with selected

If you want to copy the geometry, you would add a new geometry column then copy the selected records. Assuming your data is using SRID 4326: ALTER TABLE myTable ADD COLUMN geom_point geometry(point,...
JGH's user avatar
  • 42.5k
6 votes

Load LINESTRING in WKT-format from CSV to pgAdmin?

If I understand your question correctly, then there are various ways to load data from the * .csv format in PostgreSQL DBMS, and here is one of them. 1) Prepare your data so that each data set is ...
Cyril Mikhalchenko's user avatar
5 votes

ERROR: parse error - invalid geometry (Postgis)

I have no idea how you got the [] round what appears to be a textual representation of a LINESTRING, and there is a fairly strong clue in the error message. To remove them: use regexp_replace to ...
John Powell's user avatar
  • 13.7k
5 votes

How to upgrade pgAdmin 4 in Windows?

Update: After upgrading to version 5.2, it created a new folder 'v5' within 'Program Files\pgAdmin 4' (instead of overwriting 'v4'). So, I manually uninstalled pgAdmin 4 'v4' (through Windows 'Control ...
Andre Silva's user avatar
  • 10.3k
5 votes

Saving modifications in PostGIS layer edited in QGIS

TL;DR: You can modify data physically present inside individual tables, but you cannot alter their columnar structure (or row counts) based on a join of multiple data sources. Make sure you ...
geozelot's user avatar
  • 30.6k
5 votes

View two geometry columns together in pgAdmin Geometry Viewer

Not directly, but you can construct a new geometry - or a geometry collection - containing the two geometries using st_collect select st_collect('point(1 1)'::geometry, 'linestring(0 0, 0 1)'::...
JGH's user avatar
  • 42.5k
4 votes

Is there a way to run a Python script inside pgAdmin 4 without relying on e.g. the QGIS Python console to do so?

I think you are trying to use postgres and python together. One option could be that: You use pyscopg2 to execute your postgres script and return your results to python (you can use PL/pgsql to ...
Asad Abbas's user avatar
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4 votes

Create new database in shared drive Postgresql

You can do this in one of two ways. Move you entire data directory to a new drive. The data_directory is a config setting in postgresql.conf . So, you would need to stop the server move everything ...
John Powell's user avatar
  • 13.7k
4 votes

PostgreSQL select value where '100%' using bigint

The LIKE keyword in SQL operates on strings not numeric datatypes like bigints. Presumably you want all the items where the uprn field begins '100'. There are 2 approaches: Select a range of values:...
RoperMaps's user avatar
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4 votes

Create PostgreSQL user for QGIS project

By default, the public role (which is assigned to everybody in the DB) allows creating objects in the public schema. You can revoke this. It is indeed a good practice to remove every rights from the ...
JGH's user avatar
  • 42.5k
4 votes

Forcing geometry columns to be small on pgAdmin 4

On the top left menu, go to "Files > Preferences" and then click the "Results grid" in the left column. Change the "Maximum column width" to the desired value, here ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
  • 10.7k
3 votes

pgr_createTopology uses too much memory and "connection to the server has been lost"

This problem is a very common one when using huge graphs with pgrouting and a limited amount of RAM. One solution (which may be automated with Python - but not necessarily) would be to use the ...
root676's user avatar
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3 votes

ERROR: parse error - invalid geometry (Postgis)

It looks like you're getting that error because you're attempting to change the data type on a column that is already populated with a different data type. The data you have doesn't look like any ...
Ben Mearns's user avatar
3 votes

"libintl-9.dll is missing" when trying to run PostGIS 2.0 Shapefile and DBF Loader Exporter

That worked for me (postgresql-11.3-1-windows-x64) : check that there is a libintl-9.dll in C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\bin directory add that directory to PATH environment variable (original ...
Elian Carsenat's user avatar
3 votes

Problem with PostGis Shapefile Import/Export Manager with no explanation

Finally, that was quite a simple stupid error : I forgot to enable postgis in this specific Database, as JGH mentionned ! If you have the same problem, run "CREATE EXTENSION postgis", and ...
J.Delannoy's user avatar
3 votes

Finding all isolated buffer points using PostGIS

You can use ST_ClusterDBSCAN: with cte as ( select id, ST_ClusterDBSCAN(geom, eps := 0, minpoints := 2) over () AS cluster_id, geom from public.buffers100k) select id, geom from cte where cluster_id ...
Bera's user avatar
  • 76.2k
3 votes

QGIS will not save edits for data stored in PostGIS

As I understand you tried to not just edit but create new object (insert new row). So, you have not such privileges on table primary key sequence. In your example it's "Test_Line_Layer_id_seq&...
RainForest's user avatar
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2 votes

How to find name of tables for which you are the owner in pgAdmin 4

you can try this select * from pg_tables where tableowner='user'
Asad Abbas's user avatar
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2 votes

Parse Error on PostgreSQL when using ST_AsText

The error message mentions " 0101000000A7E8482EFFC", with a trailing space, which makes the geometry invalid. The dirty solution is to trim your data SELECT ST_AsText(TRIM(GPS)) from schema.table; ...
JGH's user avatar
  • 42.5k
2 votes

Updating geometry as Multipolygon from Polygon table using PostGIS?

Try ST_COLLECT: update master as m set geom = w.geom from (select st_collect(geom) geom, layer from wise group by layer) w where m.layer = w.layer If you want the borders of ...
Bera's user avatar
  • 76.2k
2 votes

Error when creating PostGIS extension in pgAdmin4

Try to reinstall PostGIS by the following executable on this page : The download will allow you to get the necessary dll files. When PgAdmin4 was ...
Vincent Bré's user avatar
  • 4,110
2 votes

Error when publishing a table/layer from PostGIS to GeoServer

Checking the GeoTools code base indicates that this was switched 4 years ago. So you are probably running a very old version of GeoServer and this will go away if you update as @geozelot suggests.
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 82.6k
2 votes

QGIS error message while running PostgreSQL code. WARNING Invalid PostgreSQL layer

Normally that error occurs when QGIS cannot find a column with a unique "primary key". Ensure that the pin column has no duplicates, or add another field with a proper primary key. See this ...
Andre's user avatar
  • 41
2 votes

Saving modifications in PostGIS layer edited in QGIS

As soon as you save your edits in a PostGIS layer, the modifications will be committed to PostGIS, so that it will be visible in any other tools (e.g. pgAdmin). Although, if you do a attribute join in ...
MortenSickel's user avatar
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