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12 votes

QField connected to Cloud is exactly what you're looking for. It is natively supported in QField and allows you to synchronise your field survey directly to the cloud (and to your team) as soon as you have ...
mbernasocchi's user avatar
11 votes

How to enable camera and take pictures for features in QFIELD?

I figured it out finally. Thanks to Matthias Kuhn for assistance. First one needs to create an attribute form ("Attachment", used to be "External resource") for a layer field in question. This will ...
Ville Koivisto's user avatar
11 votes

Attribute subdomain in QField/QGIS

You can do this with the widget Value Relation. The process is fully explained here. Example: Create a point layer with the fields: type, text data type subtype, text data type Create a table ...
Oisin's user avatar
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11 votes

What does checkbox do for QField?

I have not used QField since a few years but in the docs they write: Remember attribute values For quick collection of rather homogeneus [sic!] datasets, it is crucial to not having to enter the ...
Thomas's user avatar
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10 votes

QGIS - QField - Retrieve target field value when source feature intersects target feature in target layer

refFunctions won't work in QField as it is a QGIS desktop plugin (and is the downside of the many answers that rely on a plugin for expression-based solutions) - QField won't recognise the functions. ...
she_weeds's user avatar
  • 12.7k
10 votes

Converting azimuth to bearing with QGIS expression

I assume you want your output in bearings as per this image below, where the angles shown are relative to north or south (whichever is closer), in either an east or west direction (credit Dr Dave ...
she_weeds's user avatar
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8 votes

Multi-User offline edit synchronization using GPKG

There are multiple questions involved and without a specific project I can only give general hints. It needs a system architect with an understanding of workflows, data structures, business processes ...
Matthias Kuhn's user avatar
7 votes

Why can't I save new points created in QField?

There are potentially two things that could trigger this behavior. The project might be located on an external SD card. Android prevents apps from writing to external SD cards except for an app ...
Matthias Kuhn's user avatar
7 votes

Creating multiple select dropdown list in QGIS

First I recommend to use QGIS 3.4.2, because QGIS 2.18.26 did not provide the desired results. If your species data are saved in a CSV file, load the data into the QGIS as a table from Add vector ...
ahmadhanb's user avatar
  • 41.2k
7 votes

Add tabbed fields within QField

In the drag and drop form designer, between the middle pane (Form Designer) and Right hand pane (widget settings) there is a green + button. Press this to create a 'container'. Give it a name (will ...
Oisin's user avatar
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7 votes

Make a style rule that tests for a child having an attribute with a given property

Hopefully this is what you are aiming for. Let me know if I have misunderstood your data structure. I have two tables, one plants_parent and the other plants_child. plants_parent has 3 records which ...
Matt's user avatar
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7 votes

Look up value in other table based on two attributes

Select your spreadsheet layer and open Field Calculator. Select 'Create virtual field', output field name RegNr, field type text, length whatever you need, and enter the following expression: "...
she_weeds's user avatar
  • 12.7k
7 votes

Autogenerate consecutive job numbers per group using QGIS expressions

I am not sure what you meant to achieve with the $id=array_first(array_agg($id, "CircuitID")) part of your expression, as that's what is returning the 1 and 0 values. It's checking whether ...
she_weeds's user avatar
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6 votes

Does QField on Android tablet work with plugins, Grass or the processing toolbox generally?

According to their website, qfield is designed to be simple: QField aims to help the user to perform the tasks he needs to do without cluttering ...
Victor's user avatar
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6 votes

Expression-based labeling in QFIELD 0.8.2 not working

QField is based on the code for QGIS 3 which removed some deprecated variables, among them $scale. These variables have replacements which are prefixed with an @. Just replace $scale with @map_scale. ...
Matthias Kuhn's user avatar
6 votes

Choosing raster format for QField?

The QField documentation recommends using COG raster for this purpose. Other sources (citation needed) recommend mbtiles format. Whatever you choose, here are a couple of things to consider: Tiling ...
Matthias Kuhn's user avatar
6 votes

QGIS Actions in QField

For now, QField does not recognize clickable URL. An issue has been reported on GitHub, let's wait for this enhancement.
Elvis Gunther Dahnert's user avatar
6 votes

QField - Get attribute from selected feature

In Qfield 1.9.1 just select the feature, open attribute form and press 3 points button. There is "Print Atlas Feature to PDF" function.
BlackTesta's user avatar
6 votes

How to trigger calculation on QGIS startup?

I think what you are looking for is a virtual field. It is a field based on an expression that is always evaluated and not stored in memory. To do it you have to open the field calculator check the ...
Corentin Lemaitre's user avatar
6 votes

Automatic fill-in value map columns in QGIS

Let's assume there is polygon layer called 'test2' with several features in it, see image below. Step 1. Create a drop down list with values for the "TaxonName" field. Check these threads ...
Taras's user avatar
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5 votes

Can QField record GPS Z-Value

QField can record z value from NMEA sentence. Create a layer, then save as, select geometry type and flag include z-dimension. I use it with an RTK GNSS. I collect point, lines (I have not try with ...
Paolo Federicis's user avatar
5 votes

High quality photos using QField

QField version 1.4, to be released soon, fixed the native camera problem. A few more days and it will be available.
Elvis Gunther Dahnert's user avatar
5 votes

Using QField to connect to external Bluetooth GPS

If you want to use an external GNSS-Reciever on QField in your (Android?) mobile you need to connect your mobile (phone or tablet) to the GNSS using a separate app that provides a mock location to ...
Val P's user avatar
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5 votes

Difference in QField Sync's offline editing vs. copy & replace

Offline editing is useful for collaborative editing. While using it offline, it will create a log of changes (added, deleted and updated features) and reapply those changes on sync time to the main ...
Matthias Kuhn's user avatar
5 votes

Direction of taken photo (QFIELD)

It is possible to store the EXIF data using Qfield. You just need to configure a QGIS expression using the function exif(path, [tag]) Where path is an image file path and tag is the tag to return. For ...
Rosa Aguilar's user avatar
5 votes

QField connected to Cloud

You can try which is based on QGIS and comes with a cloud synchronisation service called Mergin ( Data from same QGIS project can be downloaded on ...
Lutra's user avatar
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5 votes

Show attribute instead of fid in QField form

You must go to the layer properties and choose the right attribute for Display option. You can use an Expression if you want to show more than one
Nelson Silva's user avatar
5 votes

Auto-increment associated with field type in QGIS

Try this, configure the form for Station_ID this way basically is to turn off the editable option, turn on apply defaults on update and paste this expression in the default value: format( '%1-%2',...
Mayo's user avatar
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5 votes

Form layout I created in QGIS won't transfer to QField

First, you have to select the option Properties... (right-click on the desired layer), then on the left panel, choose Attributes Form. At the top of the window, locate the upper dropdown and select ...
DannaC17's user avatar
5 votes

QGIS very slow to display symbols (~1100 entities)

The reason your layer is slow is the virtual field. This is your expression, which is tied to the symbology of your layer. So every feature is running this every time the renderer is triggered. CASE ...
cndnflyr's user avatar
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