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8 votes

Preventing clipped labels from QGIS Server WMS in Leaflet JS

You're hitting tiling artifacts. Namely, the labels are being cut between tiles (and the circle markers for the points probably as well); this is easily seen by adding a border to the Leaflet tiles by ...
IvanSanchez's user avatar
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7 votes

QGis-Server 2.14 raises error reading project file on Ubuntu 16.04

While you can configure the server to automatically serve a particular project, it's normally easier to specify the project (full) path directly with the MAP parameter in the query string, like: http:...
elpaso66's user avatar
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7 votes

Register custom python function in QGIS Server 3.10

I have tried quickly by writing a quick QGIS Server plugin and it worked. I have followed the link you gave more or less. Make a folder called ServerExpression for instance. In this folder, add a ...
etrimaille's user avatar
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7 votes

Guide on configuring WFS on QGIS Server

You need to go in the menu "Project" > "Properties...", choose in the configuration the section about "QGIS Server". Then, go to section "WFS Capabilities" ...
ThomasG77's user avatar
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6 votes

MapServer vs QGIS Server for WebGIS with access control

For example, one of the advantages of combination 2 (PostGIS + QGIS Desktop + QGIS Server + QGIS Client) over 1 (PostGIS + MapServer + OpenLayers) is that you could create it and set up faster and ...
sys49152's user avatar
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6 votes

QGIS Server doesn't render any fonts on Ubuntu 16.04

I put my comment as an answer: You need to set up the environment variable,export QT_QPA_FONTDIR=<path to font files> for example export QT_QPA_FONTDIR=/usr/share/fonts/open-sans But when using ...
Fran Raga's user avatar
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6 votes

QGIS SERVER - convert WFS GetFeature GML as Shapefile with ogr2ogr

Check the service with ogrinfo ogrinfo WFS:"
user30184's user avatar
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4 votes

How much resources/performance is used by each additional projection available for a WMS service?

I've never looked at QGISserver but for GeoServer and MapServer the following: Yes. Usually when it is rendered to the image being returned. Each projection will usually be cached separately. You ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there QGIS Portal similar to Portal for ArcGIS?

NextGIS Web is server GIS, which features is very close to ESRI All Portal (if you mean this software). You can install it on your server or use it in a cloud. NextGIS Web features: vector layers ...
Dmitry Baryshnikov's user avatar
3 votes

Using atlas in QGIS server GetPrint?

You could use the qgis-atlasprint python QGIS server (2.18) plugin
mbernasocchi's user avatar
3 votes

WMS GetPrint doesn't publish any layers

The problem is that your layers are not defined in the request therefore you need to add their names to the request, so the composer will display them. mysrvr/qgis_mapserv.fcgi?map=myproject.qgs&...
Piskr's user avatar
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3 votes

How to add application/json as GetFeatureInfo format in a WMS with QGIS Server?

Yes, you can. I'd suggest you to start from the XML or the text format and turn it into json. Here is an example of how to proceed (this example does something different but you get the idea): http://...
elpaso66's user avatar
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3 votes

Slow performance of WMS server

You're going to need to profile your data sources and workspace as a whole. With QGIS Server, you usually prepare the workspace in QGIS. How long does a similar map frame take to render in the ...
Alex Leith's user avatar
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3 votes

QGIS Server Accesing wms/wfs layers using user/pass

I think this mail thread answers part of your question. It looks like if you want to protect your Services, you have to do it on the request side, out of QGis itself. If I understand it correctly, ...
jlengrand's user avatar
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3 votes

Installing Lizmap with PostgreSQL

After playing around with settings I've figured it out. The problem was with the definition, I didn't add the port number so after I added 2 lines: [jdb:jauth] driver="pgsql" database="lizmap" host="...
Piskr's user avatar
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3 votes

QGIS Server 3.4 layers not valid

After removing the containers and images for QGIS Server 3.4, and pull it fresh again, I got a "Project Error". When executing the command docker logs conainer_name I could see an error 06:32:...
Theuns Heydenrych's user avatar
3 votes

Using qgis-server docker behind reverse proxy

Use a docker-compose environment. To simplify things, work on the same host as your QGIS server docker. We will be using an off-the-shelf solution, provided by JWilder. The nginxreverse-proxy will: ...
RafDouglas C. Tommasi's user avatar
3 votes

QGIS Server: Activate the WMTS Capabilities & WMS Extent using pyQGIS

You need to save a list : QgsProject.instance().writeEntry( "WMSExtent" , "/", [min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y])
etrimaille's user avatar
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3 votes

Set/Get Value of QGIS-Server Variables in ProjectSettings

I found a very simple solution: The variables are stored in the Project-File and i can see them, if its stored as .qgs. I will copy and paste them and set the variables with the following syntax: ...
fsg's user avatar
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3 votes

WFS GetFeature outputformat

It seems that for WFS service of QGIS Server MIME types application/json and application/geo+json are synonyms and there are even more of them. See " Server be nice and accept geojson mime type ...
user30184's user avatar
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2 votes

How to debug QGIS Server WMS "Download of capabilities failed"?

You can test whether the WMS service is configured correctly by making the GetCapabilities request directly in a browser http://***************/cgi-bin/projects/qgismapserv.fcgi?SERVICE=WMS&...
nmtoken's user avatar
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2 votes

Can joined tables be served by QGIS Server WFS?

I can confirm that joined tables are properly served by QGIS server as WFS my setup: postgres geometry_table postgres attribute_table The tables are joined by QGIS desktop (add geometry table as a ...
anneb's user avatar
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2 votes

Is QGIS Server Properly Installed?

I placed a QGIS file in C:\OSGeo4W\apps\qgis\bin and tried to view this by putting: http://www.localhost:8801/qgis/qgis_mapserv.fcgi.exe?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=...
nmtoken's user avatar
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2 votes

Custom function for label in QGIS Server GetPrint request

The custom registered functions don't get propagated at the server level. One way to make the server know about your custom function is to write a server plugin and register your expression in the ...
tudorbarascu's user avatar
2 votes

QQIS Web Client max zoom set to 1:2257: How to zoom more?

In GlobalOptions.js setting var enableOSMMaps = false; and enabling var enableGoogleCommercialMaps = true; Allowed me to zoom into 1:282
Irishsights's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible to render TIFF image with QGIS Server?

It seems that you're wanting to serve up raw data, which is not what WMS is used for. WMS is used for display, so it'll render the raw TIFF file in the standard image formats that you're seeing here. ...
Alex Leith's user avatar
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2 votes

getGetFeatureInfoUrl Hit-detection tolerance

If the server that you access happens to be GeoServer you can try to add a "buffer" parameter into your GetFeatureInfo request as documented in
user30184's user avatar
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2 votes

Mapproxy tiles are partly black instead of transparent

Finally solved the issue following the advice of a message on MapProxy mailing list. Seems to be a problem with with an old version of Pillow on Ubuntu 16.04. Update to latest version (and than ...
geraldo's user avatar
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2 votes

How to change PostgreSQL layer encoding for QGIS Server

The PostgreSQL layers are stored within your database. Your database has a specific encoding set, so the layers provided are in the same encoding as your database. Usually when creating a new ...
Piskr's user avatar
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2 votes

QGIS Server - Docker - Multiple Projects

I found now a working solution for my problem. However to be honest I am not really convinced of this solution (but it is working). Currently I have used QGIS Server 2.18 but I think it should work ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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