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Showing QGIS Print layout extent in map as polygon

Static export - Processing tool For a one-off export to an actual layer, use the processing tool 'Print layout map extent to layer'. To access the processing toolbox press Ctrl+Alt+T, or go to ...
she_weeds's user avatar
  • 13k
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Clickable HTML link in QGIS print composer pdf export?

Came here to add an update after searching for an answer on this in lots of places. Turns out that it's totally possible to get clickable links, in a variety of ways, but as this comment in GitHub ...
Mike D's user avatar
  • 158
1 vote

QGIS – Add columns (number and names) based on the content of another column

Here’s how I approached this problem. Although it’s not the cleanest method, several constraints led me to this solution: I don’t know how to program in Python. The expected results are more about ...
Giene's user avatar
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2 votes

Self-referencing objects inside functions on print composer

You don't need to use map_get(item_variables(name_of_the_map)). There is a variable called @map_scale, which is the scale of the map for which you want the grid.
katagena's user avatar
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Only selecting Features that have another layers feature on top

Another option - use the field calculator to access the field in the poles layer that you want to transfer to the splitter layer with an expression like this: This expression will set the new field ...
Aquamarine's user avatar
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Only selecting Features that have another layers feature on top

You can use Select By Expression CTRL+F3: overlay_nearest( layer:='Splitter', limit:=1, max_distance:=5) on your Poles layer. Replace Splitter with the name of your splitter layer. The ...
Bera's user avatar
  • 77.7k
3 votes

How to snap Heatmap to outline of an island in QGIS

To clip the heatmap display to the island, move your island polygon to the top of the layer stack and display it as an inverted polygon, as described in this answer:
winnewoerp's user avatar
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Calculate weighted raster values per polygon depending on overlap with vector layer

I believe Zonal Statistics is calculating weighted average. Are you sure it doesnt when you use it? I have a raster with values from 0-100 and a polygon layer with two polygons in it. The first ...
Bera's user avatar
  • 77.7k
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Creating polygon from selected lines in QGIS

The problem was that there were tiny gaps in my street segments. For example, the long top segment (the city limits) were separated from the vertical connector street in the center by 6cm. I diagnosed ...
Nick K9's user avatar
  • 225
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Calculate weighted raster values per polygon depending on overlap with vector layer

You can use the tool "Raster pixels to polygons" to retrieve a polygon layer, with the extent and resolution of your raster layer. Each polygon holds the value of the pixel it was derived ...
Fjedsen's user avatar
  • 516
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We getting different scale of dxf to base DWG file once we did georeferenced in QGIS?

Maybe the reason for your issue is that the GDAL DXF driver is setting the unit into Imperial Inches GDAL writes DXF files with ...
user30184's user avatar
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Creating one atlas QGIS plan to show multiple features that control atlas

I'm coming late to this party but I just had to figure this out by myself aswell. In my case I had 100's of point features randomly distributed all over, some being very close to each other so there ...
Miksi's user avatar
  • 21
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What is combine function in QGIS?

it is called r.cross ( finally found it too
gggeogael's user avatar
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Is there a tool in QGIS similar to ArcGIS Combine?

I was facing the same problem and today i found r.cross (, since i didn't find anything in the internet talking about it i am comenting here
gggeogael's user avatar
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Showing lines as stacked bars side-by-side in QGIS

Using line symbol with an offset will give a close result, the main difference will be at the extremity of the segment where you may get superposition or gap. There are two way to implement this With ...
J.R's user avatar
  • 17.4k
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Getting back to side bar after detaching layer panel in QGIS

Appears to still be a bug with Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS (Noble Numbat) and QGIS 3.40.0-Bratislava. I cannot bring the Layers panel docked back to the side of the main window. Even after re-starting the ...
wiltomap's user avatar
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Display French survey DEM in QGIS

So, after taking up the issue to QGIS side, there are some answers. The jpg and png layers are served as 8 bit, which is clearly inadequate for a DEM (at the very least in France you need to code ...
jfmoyen's user avatar
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Loading raster results in wrong spatial location

In my case, I had an .ovr file in this context: ├── draft_birm30 │   ├── dblbnd.adf │   ├── hdr.adf │   ├── metadata.xml │   ├── sta.adf │   ├── vat.adf │   ├── w001001.adf │   └── w001001x.adf ├── ...
Nick K9's user avatar
  • 225
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QGIS scale-based callouts

You may use data-driven override on the callout lines, based on the variable @map_scale.
Erik's user avatar
  • 17.1k
4 votes

How can I create a print layout that is exactly filled with the contents of a shapefile?

you can use the data defined override possibilities of QGIS and override the map extent and the aspect ratio of your mapview in the layout with the following expressions: override the mapextent of ...
eurojam's user avatar
  • 11.9k
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Getting layer last modified value with QGIS Expression

For now, I can only suggest Python solutions that can be turned into a custom function via the Function Editor. So, there is a polygon layer called 'polygon', which was the last modified on: 2024-12-...
Taras's user avatar
  • 34k
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Importing DATEX II file to QGIS

I could suggest the following workflow. It is based on several Python packages: xml, requests, geopandas, and shapely. It works directly with the DATEX II file from the provided URL: https://fixcyprus....
Taras's user avatar
  • 34k
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Vector nodes no longer highlighted in QGIS

As mentioned in the comments the snapping needs to be enabled either via Settings>Options>Map Tools>Digitizing or the Snapping Toolbar (right click on the top of qgis menus) the Shortcut is ...
Mapperz's user avatar
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QGIS Change treeview categories in browser(2) panel

Using PyQGIS, it is possible to rename the Browser Root Items. Although these changes are not permanent. from qgis.utils import iface browser_root_items = iface.browserModel().rootItems() for ...
juto96's user avatar
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3 votes

Calculating quantity of sight using Viewshed in QGIS

First, create a set of points at the mast location with observ_hgt, target_hgt and radius values, like this: Then running a viewshed is going to consider an observer at those heights up a mast, and ...
Spacedman's user avatar
  • 66.5k
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Getting attribute from CSV with QGIS Modeler

I've created a model with two input Vector Layers: First one for the csv file with geometry type = Geometry Not Required Second one for a point layer which should get the buffer value joined to it ...
Bera's user avatar
  • 77.7k
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Does HydroSheds ( provides labels?

Alright, I just read the FAQ: Do the rivers, lakes, and basins in HydroRIVERS, HydroLAKES, and HydroBASINS have names? It is currently not possible to identify the name of each waterbody or watershed ...
Sarasa's user avatar
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Interpolate from points from one vector layer along line vector using QGIS

one possible solution would be: Interpolate by Inverse distance a new raster layer over your points Buffer your line layer (river) Clip the Raster with the buffered line layer as mask
eurojam's user avatar
  • 11.9k
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Was QgsMapLayerRegistry being removed in QGIS 3?

In standalone way: """remove layer from memory""" QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(your_layer) QgsProject.instance().removeMapLayer(
MigueL's user avatar
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Adding virtual field to layer from QGIS Graphical Modeler

Answer for anybody that would have the same question : I found 2 ways to add a virtual field to an output (vector) layer from a model : Create a new process that edits the output layer of the model ...
Boris CALVET's user avatar
7 votes

Is stitching and aligning two layers a proper use of QGIS?

The Georeferencer is what you use to do this. Access it in the Layers -> Georeferencer... menu: The tool will open in a new window. Add your un-georeferenced image (the 18th century map) to the ...
user2856's user avatar
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Writing predominant class of polygons on overlaying polygon in QGIS

Try the following expression for labelling: array_majority( overlay_intersects( layer:='buildings', -- the layer with building expression:="class" -- the field with ...
Taras's user avatar
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How to get Orthometric (or geoid) Elevation in QField?

On the documentation of Qfield (link), you will find this: Altitude values can be corrected with vertical grid shift files to calculate orthometric height. Vertical grid shift files have to be made ...
Christophe P.'s user avatar
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QGIS Stuck during boot-up 'QGIS READY'

Solved. Logged in on another user profile on my PC. Copied all text from the QGIS3.ini file and pasted into the one associated with my profile. It looks like the issue lies with QGIS trying to load a ...
Donny's user avatar
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Save processing modeler output layers to project folder/relative path?

If you want to save all output files to the same folder in the project directory you can enter the expression @project_home || '//output' as output directory in an algorithm. The folder "output&...
brauer-t's user avatar
1 vote

Saving processing results in file with QGIS Modeler

It is possible to save processing results as .gpkg to a dynamic filepath and directly load the newly created layer to the project : The expression I used is: file_path(@csv) ||'/'||base_file_name(@...
brauer-t's user avatar
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Colouring polygons based on point layer in QGIS

Let's assume there are point and polygon layers, see the image below. Both are in the EPSG:5348. As was specified in the comment polygon features could also contain enclaved territory. Step 1. Apply ...
Taras's user avatar
  • 34k
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Labelling with unique value and concat

What you can do is: Add a column to your existing layer to combine Parameter and measurements, you can call it Measure and the formula is the following: concat(ParameterName,': ',...
Kasper's user avatar
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The minimum and maximum value statistics obtained using ee.Reducer.minMax() are inconsistent with those displayed in QGIS

I set up the symbology in QGIS as follows, and the band range of the TIFF file opened in QGIS matches the range calculated in GEE.
Ozymandias's user avatar
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Oracle connection fails in newer builds, but works in QGIS version 3.22.16-Białowieża

henkie's user avatar
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Exporting georeferenced image from WMS in QGIS

Yes, your option is correct. Second is to make layout and what you need Legend and North sign for example and export it with worldfile. Third option is to use processing rasterize chose range and ...
Łukasz Świątek's user avatar
4 votes

How to create a raster layer of distance to a vector layer's features (e.g. rivers, roads, lakes) in QGIS?

Rasterize your line layer. A fixed value to burn=1 Proximity (raster distance), target_pixels = 1, distance_units=Georeferenced coordinates
Bera's user avatar
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Summing up values of polygons within bigger polygon in QGIS

You can use Expressions. I have two layers: Neighboorhod Building I want to summarize the Building attribute population for all buildings whose point_on_surface is within each neighborhood. ...
Bera's user avatar
  • 77.7k
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Layer style autoupdates to match data range in QGIS

To avoid having the classes being recomputed, you can switch from graduated to rule based. On the source layer, configure the graduated as you wish, then change the style to rule based. The classes ...
JGH's user avatar
  • 43.1k
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Customizing label frequency of waterway river layer obtained by QuickOSM in QGIS

Use the "Dissolve" tool using the river name field as the dissolve field then use the resulting layer for labelling. As the resulting layer will only have one feature par river name you will ...
J.R's user avatar
  • 17.4k
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Setting min and max values for gradient of vector layer style larger than the layer's data in QGIS

If you add a value in your layers with no geometry (trough the attribute table) with the min and max value, the symbology will take them into account.
katagena's user avatar
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JGD2011 and X Y Z coordinate problems with QGIS

I tried your coord, add them like you (blue) and with swaped X and Y (red), and answer is swaped X with Y, If you have coords in CSV file You could just add layer in QGIS with Select Field X as second ...
Łukasz Świątek's user avatar
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Creating rasters with exactly 1km x 1km resolution in QGIS?

Can you use Create constant raster following the picture, I think it'll work, my QGIS version is 3.20.3:
孟泽楷's user avatar
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How can I avoid map size and scale changes in print composer?

If when you are printing and the size keeps on changing ! Click on the map and go to item properties then untick the controlled by Atlas
William chirwa's user avatar
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Loading selected geometry from GeoParquet with multiple geometry columns into QGIS

The GeoParquet I tested with "multigeom.parquet" has "name", "multipoly_geom" and "centroid_geom" columns. Using ogrinfo I can select each geometry column ...
user2856's user avatar
  • 69.6k

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