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Retrieve pixel value using SNAP-engine and Python for specific geographic coordinates

I know it has been two years, but there are three things: You have to load raster data after retrieving a band p=ProductIO.readProduct('/path/to/file.xml') iwv=p.getBand('IWV') iwv.loadRasterData() #...
MTomaszewska's user avatar
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Which time format does ESA use for Sentinel-3 file names?

This is the UTC time format according to the official source1, source2: The time reference system in the SRAL/MWR Level-2 products is the Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).
Comrade Che's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine: Masking land out of Sentinel-3 imagery

I got this working eventually by modifying a different method I found someone using to mask clouds in Landsat. //Create functions to mask land from mosaic var getQABits = function(image, start, end, ...
Matt's user avatar
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Sensing data Sentinel-3 time zone

As @JeffreyEvans said it's in GMT (or UTC to be more precise). This can be confirmed by checking out the time format seen in the manifest xml file, as well as the filename of the product. This is the ...
KostasVlachos's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine finds Sentinel-3 images with no intersect with defined ROI

As far as Earth Engine is concerned, that image does intersect your ROI. If I run Map.addLayer(band.geometry()); then I get this picture: All of those black pixels in your image are, in fact, ...
Kevin Reid's user avatar
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Wrong projection- Creating GeoTIFF from Sentinel 3 Land Surface Temperature (LST)

Sentinel-3 products don't have rectangular grids so you cannot use a classic transform. Here is a thread with an example on how to geocode Sentinel-3 data with rioxarray (it's a bit complicated). ...
remi.braun's user avatar
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Georeference Sentinel-3 Data with irregular grid

We found that the best way is by using GDAL VRTs. It is still a pain, but... You basically extract the lat and lon rasters from to e.g. VRTs: gdal.Translate("lat.vrt", 'NETCDF:...
Jose's user avatar
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Temperature using Sentinel 3 in Google Earth Engine

It is not possible to do this within GEE, as the only Sentinel-3 instrument available is the OLCI (as shown in your screenshot). There are several sensors onboard the Sentinel-3, and the instrument ...
David Kinsler's user avatar
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Retrieve image coordinates (X, Y) from geographic coordinates in NetCDF file using Numpy

From your question, you are using a swath dataset (i.e. not using a regular grid). If you were using a regular grid, you'd just calculate the pixel number from the e.g. corner coordinates. I think ...
Jose's user avatar
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Extract Sentinel 3 data into raster in R?

In case people are still looking at this RE: "how to adequately choose nrow and ncol in the rasterize() function" In order to set nrow and ncol for your "blank" raster 'r', you can ...
Labguyvancouver's user avatar
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Longitude/Latitude from NetCDF with (row,column)

# Imports from netCDF4 import Dataset # Define reading function def slstr_read_nc(fdir): """ Read lon, lat SLSTR data Args: fdir = string with the path and ...
KostasVlachos's user avatar
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Sentinel 3 OLCI/SLSTR granule footprints shapefile?

You can use the search on the Sentinel-3 Pre-Operations Data Hub: Of course you can use the API and/or OpenSeach to automate that. e.g."...
pLumo's user avatar
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