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Satellite image disappearing when zooming in

It's probably a missing tile. If that's the case, it has nothing to do with the fact that this is satellite imagery. It's because you're accessing remotely stored data that is broken up into tiles, ...
csk's user avatar
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4 votes

Merge Sentinel images in QGIS

These two sentinel images will not stitch together perfectly. I assume that they are two images taken on different days, with different atmospheric conditions, different solar angle and different ...
GeoMonkey's user avatar
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3 votes

How to retrieve Sentinel images without significant cloud coverage using Python

I think the thing that is tripping you up, is the sentinel:valid_cloud_cover property. Unfortunately I didn't find any documentation on where exactly that flag comes from, but it acts as you would ...
JonasV's user avatar
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Calibration annotation data for Sentinel-1 images downloaded from Sentinel Hub?

If you want to get sigma-naught, you can use backscatter coefficient parameter (see or configure the Sentinel Hub layer accordingly:
Grega M.'s user avatar
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Manipulating Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery to get Pixel Information

If you only concerned with one scene, you can convert the image into geotif using SNAP and then you can use either GDAL or rasterio functionalities. If your concern is on large number of scenes, you ...
Getachew's user avatar
2 votes

Running script with Sentinel 2 images?

Just slightly adapt your code. Load Sentinel-2 using: var collection = ee.ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/S2"); Composite the image using a image collection reducer, such as mosaic() percentiles, or ...
Kuik's user avatar
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Seeking Sentinel L1C images (.SAFE) from 2015-2019 since no longer available on Copernicus Open Access Hub

you can still get Sentinel-2 L1C products here: Select Collection: Sentinel-2 Single Tile" Processing Level: LEVEL1C
AndyB's user avatar
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How to identify landuse change with Sentinel data - specifically grassland/woodland to arable cropland changes

Full disclosure: I work for a company which offers these kinds of services. Your question is complicated and there are multiple topics and considerations, so lets break it down: 1. Technical ...
sbphd's user avatar
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Authentification failed when using SentinelHub Plugin in QGIS

I believe the error at the bottom says it all, and would suggest you check that you have correct client_id and client_secret copied from your "User settings" page in the dashboard (https://...
matej's user avatar
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2 votes

Georeferencing Sentinel-3 LST product

Short answer: use GDAL tools to extract lat and long data from an .nc file. Merge it with the data from any band you want to see to make an x,y,z dataset. Convert the irregular x,y,z data to a ...
wingnut's user avatar
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Missing tiles in Sentinel 1 data

Sentinel-1B died in Dec. 2021. The pattern in your image looks much like ...
Noel Gorelick's user avatar
1 vote

(GEE) Error generating chart: No features contain non-null values of "system:time_start". chart is not generated

If you print the supposed series ndvi_3, you can observe that it contains only one image without "system:time_start". It doesn't have any sense. You need a truly series with its ...
xunilk's user avatar
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Retrieving corresponding cloud mask for Sentinel-2

You are analyzing S2 L2A products and you want to use a S2 L1C output. I'd do it in two steps: 1) download S2L2A with sentinelsat. 2) Download S2L1C cloud mask from google earth eninge. First step (...
aldo_tapia's user avatar
  • 13.8k
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Retrieving corresponding cloud mask for Sentinel-2

The names for L1A and L2A products are very similar. Look for the L1C product which has the same aquisition datetime and tile, it should be sufficient Here is the naming convention of S2 products: ...
remi.braun's user avatar
1 vote

Excluding images S2 that are not complete in Google Earth Engine

filterMedatada is the function you need. Use .filterMetadata('SENSING_ORBIT_NUMBER','equals', x) where x is the orbit number you want to preserve. Check image metadata if you don't know the orbit ...
aldo_tapia's user avatar
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Mapped function's arguments cannot be used in client-side operations

See the docs for ee.Image.spectralDilation(metric, kernel, useCentroid) You need to pass it an ee.Kernel not a number. See below. I've used a circle kernel but there are others you can use. e.g. var ...
user2856's user avatar
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How to Export latitude and longitude of ROI from Google Earth Engine

Your reproject() was causing some trouble so remove that. Also you don't need to recreate a feature by mapping over the lat coordinates. This should work: // put each lon lat in a list var coords = ...
Jobbo90's user avatar
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SentinelHub WebFeatureService - finding the right tile from coordinates

Disclaimer: I work at Sinergise (company running the SentinelHub services and developing Python tools you mention) You might also have some more luck getting answers on a dedicated forum. The WFS ...
matej's user avatar
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How to read in polygonal section of a GeoTIFF

TIFF files are organized into stripes (one or more pixel rows) or into tiles. Stripe or tile is the smallest unit that can be read from the TIFF file. Both stripes and tiles are rectangular so the ...
user30184's user avatar
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How to retrieve Sentinel images without significant cloud coverage using Python

As an alternative solution, you could use sentinelsat for your download. There is an option (-c) to specify the cloud percentage with Sentinel-2 images. You can use it in command line or through its ...
radouxju's user avatar
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Problem in downloading specific bands of one Sentinel product

There is an issue with the original function as stated here by Antonio Valentino. I was able to successfully download ...
chetan's user avatar
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Opening Sentinel 2 data with Python

GDALs Sentinel2 driver exposes the data as subdatasets, with (sort of) one for each resolution. To access the subdataset that contains the 10m bands, you could use something like the following: import ...
user2856's user avatar
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Temperature using Sentinel 3 in Google Earth Engine

It is not possible to do this within GEE, as the only Sentinel-3 instrument available is the OLCI (as shown in your screenshot). There are several sensors onboard the Sentinel-3, and the instrument ...
David Kinsler's user avatar
1 vote

Sentinel-1 radar data all zeros with Python SentinelHub API

The EW mode is quite rare, only available for specific regions, see the Sentinel-1 Observation scenario. If you want these specific type of data, you can e.g. find them here, for the same time period: ...
Grega M.'s user avatar
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Calculating EVI in Sentinel 2-2A

Because you map maskS2clouds onto your image collection after addEVI, you end up dividing your EVI band by 10000. Decide whether you want to re-scale your images earlier in your script or on a case-by-...
korndog's user avatar
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Sentinel-3 single image per day

My usual approach for this is to map over a list of day offsets, from start to finish. For each, filter the collection down to that date and make a composite. I add an empty property to be able to ...
Daniel Wiell's user avatar
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Max Pixel Value Error in Google Earth Engine

In my experience, I've found that the maximum value allowed for the maxPixels parameter is 1e13. Try using it instead of 1e19.
Justin Braaten's user avatar
1 vote

Sentinelsat: Error trying to download from Norweigan mirror

I looks like the 'Online' field in OData is missing in the Norweigian mirror and this raises an error. Apparently this was resolved by setting the defaults to True in a recent bug. A temporary ...
Ruben FV's user avatar
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How to download tile from Amazon’s Sentinel-2 service

The s3 Link for your sentinel data is the link to an Amazon S3 bucket. That is where the data is stored. Amazon's cloud services can be confusing for beginners and I am far from an expert. You can ...
Chris P's user avatar
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Storing image with rasterio as gtiff modifies image histogram

Using meta instead of profile solved the problem. def geolocate_image(img, img_source, img_filename): """ Creates a tiff raster to store the img param using geolocation information from ...
kothvandir's user avatar

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