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5 votes

Free Open Source Geocoders using Local Address Data

You should definitely look closer at the Mapzen Pelias geocoder. We have been having this same issue for several years, and recently discovered that one of the back-end sources for Pelias is ...
Inactivated Account's user avatar
5 votes

Returning US Census geographies within range of coordinate using PostGIS and Tiger Decoder?

Query structure: In general, querying a table for true radius lookups is best executed using ST_DWithin, i.e.: SELECT * FROM <your_table> WHERE ST_DWithin(<geom_colum>, <ref_geom>, ...
geozelot's user avatar
  • 30.9k
5 votes

Extracting roads shapefiles from old TIGER/Line RT format?

QGIS has a built-in driver for the TIGER data, as you've noted, through GDAL. This is exposed through the GUI in the Data Source Manager/Add Vector layer dialogs. Similarly to how one would load ...
Saijin_Naib - No To OpenAI's user avatar
4 votes

Wrong results from TIGER geocoder for WA

You are probably missing the District of Columbia data. Using what you have for the state of Washington, you get the "best" result, which is fairly bad (wrong town and postal code)
JGH's user avatar
  • 43.1k
4 votes

Working around US Census site blocking of IP addresses?

To simplify the download on multiple machines, you can use more advanced downloading tool (such as aria2c) that supports resume etc., and have a script continuously download the dataset from a file of ...
laser's user avatar
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3 votes

Working around US Census site blocking of IP addresses?

I only see you mentioning http sites. Try using the Census' FTP site,
neuhausr's user avatar
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Return GeoJSON from a Census Tract

You could use GeoServer to handle the conversion of PostGIS results to GeoJSON for you. A simple WFS request like this would return the geometry (and optionally the attributes associated with it). ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
3 votes

Loading Tiger Data, and populating missing table data (such as tabblock)

The 304 error that you're getting is expected since you're re-running the script and the data has already been downloaded locally for most of the data sets and isn't deleted between runs. There seems ...
Brideau's user avatar
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3 votes

Which the columns available on the TIGER geocoder

Tiger data doesn't include parcels. It just has street centerlines and census tract. For census tract that may be be turned off loading by default since I recall it taking some space. If it's not, ...
Regina Obe's user avatar
  • 10.6k
3 votes

Local geolocation to FIPS county using Latitude and Longitude

See this FFC site, it has moved:!/area/get_area And some python 3 code to get the data: import urllib, json, requests with urllib.request.urlopen("https://geo.fcc....
Martien Lubberink's user avatar
3 votes

Changing unit of measure from degrees to meters in QGIS?

You need to save the shapefile as (right click the shapefile name and "save as") and when you save it - choose the new CRS, make sure to tick the "add to project" box at the bottom before you confirm. ...
Shira's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

Assistance Speeding up a Query with ST_Distance_Sphere

Your query seems slightly odd to me since you are going from a point to point with ST_Point(ST_X(ST_Centroid. That is going to slow things down for sure. Another thing is that you don't get the ...
tilt's user avatar
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3 votes

Extracting roads shapefiles from old TIGER/Line RT format?

The following code uses R to open the appropriate layer from TGR files for roads and saves it as a shapefile format. I added additional steps within R to filter for just the roads in the code I used ...
SMiller's user avatar
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Why GeoServer returns 404 response with coverage limits?

The TMS specification is clear that a 404 response is to be returned when a client requests an non-existent tile. Error Handling When an error occurs in the server, it is important that the ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
2 votes

Tract FIPS code from commuter survey, missing record in Census TIGER table

I just did a spot check of all the tracts that were said to be missing (such as GEOID's 08005004952 & 08121924200) using the 2010 Census Tract Shapefiles. I matched all 36 of your example tracts ...
Kotebiya's user avatar
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2 votes

Filtering zip code shapefile by state/other zip code shapefiles?

From the ZCTA brochure ZCTAs follow census block boundaries but are independent of all other statistical and governmental entities, therefore ZCTAs frequently cross the boundaries of other ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Accepted asks for the DB password for each step

in bash, you can set a variable in this way: PGPASSWORD=mypassword without any space aroud the equal sign. If you are using Postgresql, usually there is a fila called .pgpass under you profile root ...
Daniele Licitra's user avatar
2 votes asks for the DB password for each step

Try removing the double quotes. I'm not sure about the unix environment, but none of string type system environment variables on windows have double quotes around them.
bebego's user avatar
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Tiger geocoder is not finding results from manually loaded tables

ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:dbname=test1 -progress -nlt PROMOTE_TO_MULTI /GIS/data/ma_suffolk_county/tl_2016_25025_edges.shp -nln ma_suffolk_county This is not how you load the data. Follow the section ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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2 votes

Does the TIGER geocoder intersect the polygons to match an address?

The primary dataset that the postgis tiger geocoder uses is the edges (to provide the geometry) and addr table (for address range and zip). If you look at the addr table it is broken such that each ...
Regina Obe's user avatar
  • 10.6k
2 votes

Changing Coordinate System of Census TIGER data in ArcGIS

I believe I found the cause. For some reason I don't understand, the TIGER files from 2015 are slightly different from the TIGER files released in 2016. I was comparing the 2016 TIGER files to the ...
ekbarber's user avatar
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2 votes

Where are contained the coordinates in the TIGER data

on the census ftp site (as an example) will be a and the geometry is in shapefile format (polyline) unzip the file and load in ...
Mapperz's user avatar
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2 votes

Spec for TIGER all lines files?

Your question seems to be from a very new starting point, shapefiles are a de facto spatial file standard that was written many years ago by the 500lb gorilla of the GIS industry ESRI. Many government ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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2 votes

Low accuracy for TIGER geocoder

From the above it sounds like you are missing some tables. The census akamai firewall has caused a lot of problems and often causes this issue with half loaded states resulting. It seems to start ...
Regina Obe's user avatar
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2 votes

PostGIS Geocode function taking a lot of time some address, but not others

What error do you get when you run install_missing_indexes? It shouldn't fail even if you have some indexes in place, since it skips over ones already created. If it's not then that's a bug I'd like ...
Regina Obe's user avatar
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2 votes

How to download TIGER data (for Postgis_tiger_geocoder) for one state through FileZila

You need files from state, county - there should just be one in each folder for these since these are for the whole country. For each state you need files from below folders, all the ones prefixed ...
Regina Obe's user avatar
  • 10.6k
2 votes

postgis moving tiger data

Yes I do it all the time. What version of PostGIS are you running? SELECT postgis_full_version(); And postgis_tiger_geocoder: SELECT extversion FROM pg_extension where extname = '...
Regina Obe's user avatar
  • 10.6k
2 votes

PostGIS geocoding with local street centerline data

I would use the tiger geocoder as a backup and create your own geocoder using data and full-text search in postgres.
Jnb2387's user avatar
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Feature becomes invalid when reading through WFS/GML in GeoServer

Thanks to @AndreaAime, I was able to determine that this was due to decimal truncation by Geoserver. This is really a duplicate of the following question. What causes these geometry differences ...
ekbarber's user avatar
  • 263
2 votes

2020 census block shape files

Mike Ratcliffe, GEO, Census Bureau, told the New Mexico Data State Data Center Users Conference that there are fewer census blocks in the 2020 Census than in the 2010 Census. See slide numbered 4 in ...
Adeline Wilcox's user avatar

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