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19 votes

Auto-select suitable UTM Zone based on Grid Intersection

There's the utm package, a bidirectional UTM-WGS84 converter for python. It's able to convert a (latitude, longitude) tuple into an UTM coordinate: import utm utm.from_latlon(51.2, 7.5) >>> (...
Antonio Falciano's user avatar
19 votes

Why does the same UTM northing give different values when converted to latitude?

This is perfectly normal behaviour in a transverse Mercator projection. The fact that a specific northing does not match a specific latitude (except for the Equator itself) can be easily visualized. ...
FSimardGIS's user avatar
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18 votes

EPSG code for UTM zone

The UTM zones and their respective EPSG codes cover the whole area of their respecive zone from the equator to 84N / 80S. These areas are subdivided by the letters from South to North, and these again ...
user6072577's user avatar
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Auto-select suitable UTM Zone based on Grid Intersection

Alright, the answer from Antonio above is definitely right and pointed me in the correct direction. Here is the complete code: # convert_wgs_to_utm function, see
Alex's user avatar
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16 votes

Layer disappears when changing from CRS in degrees to CRS in meters in QGIS

Do not use "Set CRS" within layer properties. This does not reproject your data. You only define the CRS there. Means: you tell QGIS that the layer is in a different CRS than it actually is. ...
MrXsquared's user avatar
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14 votes

Reprojecting vector layer in QGIS

To reproject a vector layer (or a batch of layers) (i.e. recalculate the coordinates values for a new reference system) you must go to Menu > Processing > Toolbox (this will open a side window). ...
r01f 51m035's user avatar
14 votes

What is this UK coordinate system?

Any data you receive from the UK with out a specified CRS will almost certainly be in OSGB (EPSG:27700) which is the preferred CRS of our national mapping agency (OS). Your data appears to be no ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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12 votes

What does the U mean in UTM=(32, 'U')?

UTM 32U is one tile of the UTM 32N zone. This image from Wikipedia (here the link to the following image) should explain it clearly:
mgri's user avatar
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12 votes

Convert UTM zone into EPSG code

Use pyproj (version 2.2+): from pyproj import CRS # use PROJ string, assuming a default WGS84 crs = CRS.from_string('+proj=utm +zone=36 +south') # or dictionary crs = CRS.from_dict({'proj': 'utm', '...
Mike T's user avatar
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12 votes

Determining CRS from given point coordinate set

Also you can try using projfinder. For instance, when one paste provided coordinates (4581211.88, 5811848.94) You will see several options. Then you may assume the CRS, which is mostlikely the "...
Taras's user avatar
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11 votes

Different origins of UTM projection

Both coordinates are the same. As you are in the Southern Hemisphere a False Northing (of +10000000m) is usually applied to eliminate the negatives. The utm package applies the false Northing by ...
nickves's user avatar
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10 votes

Garmin FIT Coordinate System

For the latitudes and longitudes, you can divide the numbers by 11930465 (2^32 / 360) to get values in decimal degrees. The values seem to be stored in a signed 32-bit integer range, to represent the ...
FSimardGIS's user avatar
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9 votes

QGIS field calculator giving area in acres in layer / project that is in UTM

Since QGIS version 2.14, the '$area', '$length' and '$perimeter' options are calculated based on the unit settings defined under 'Project > Project Properties' (see the changelog as well as the ...
nash's user avatar
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8 votes

EPSG code for UTM zone

The latitude band is, strictly speaking, an MGRS thing, not a UTM thing. For UTM, all you need to know is which side of the equator you’re on, so for 29U, you can use EPSG:32629.
Ture Pålsson's user avatar
8 votes

Difference between UTM Zone 15N and UTM Zone 15T

Short answer: No, UTM Zone 15 N is not the same as UTM Zone 15 T. Long answer: UTM Zone 15 N means the area bounded by: east-west boundaries are the longitudes 90° W to 96° W north-south boundaries ...
csk's user avatar
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8 votes

QGIS 3.6.1 problems with CRS

Following on Ian Turton's comment... Prior to performing ANY geometry calculations or analysis on a layer(s), the layer(s) MUST be 1) projected to the desired CRS, and 2) that CRS must be the same for ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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8 votes

Determining CRS from given point coordinate set

You can't determine the projection of a set of points just from the coordinates. Without some other information they are just random numbers. Go back to the data supplier and make them give you some ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
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8 votes

Determining CRS from given point coordinate set

It says right there in your column title "GK4" - which is for Gauss-Krüger Zone 4 ( Another hint is the leading 4 on the X-coordinates. An last but not least you ...
Erik's user avatar
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8 votes

Converting table UTM coordinates to decimal lat-long in Attribute table using expression

You can this for "Long_DD": x(transform(make_point("UTM_X","UTM_Y"),'EPSG:26916','EPSG:4326')) and this for "Lat_DD": y(transform(make_point("UTM_X",&...
MrXsquared's user avatar
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7 votes

Auto-select suitable UTM Zone based on Grid Intersection

pyproj can assist with this using the database query functionality. This is simpler to use and more robust as it queries the area of use of the CRS, which handles some strangeness in some parts of the ...
snowman2's user avatar
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Converting large data with lat and long into X and Y?

UPDATE: After thinking about it, the most efficient method for you to transform the coordinates is probably to not use apply but to use the column array. from pyproj import Proj pp = Proj(proj='utm',...
snowman2's user avatar
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7 votes

EPSG 3857 vs UTM coordinate

Both EPSG:3857 and UTM are based on Mercator projection. That is their likeness. Differences have many: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) is Direct Mercator, it does not deform distances along the equator. ...
Gabriel De Luca's user avatar
7 votes

Getting vertices of UTM grid in PostGIS

To extract the contextual corner points of each cell, find those vertices that have an angle greater than roughly 90° with respect to the preceding and following vertex: SELECT utm_c.[*], -- list ...
geozelot's user avatar
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7 votes

Explanation of syntax and parameters of a sample UTM projection file

This is a projected coordinate system with this name: PROJCS["[email protected]", which is based on a geographic (Earth-based) coordinate system with this name: GEOGCS["...
Spacedman's user avatar
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6 votes

Transforming UTM layer to WGS using QGIS?

I'm using QGIS 2.18. Hope the steps below are helpful: Make sure the shapefile with CRS "WGS84/UTM 17S EPSG:32717". "Save as..". Save it into a new shapefile and change the CRS to WGS84. Uncheck "add ...
Cy T's user avatar
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6 votes

Where is UTM origin?

The answer depends on what you mean by "origin" There are indeed 60 UTM zones numbered 1-60 and it starts at 180 W, so UTM zone 1 is used for longitude in [-180° -174°]. That being said, the origin ...
radouxju's user avatar
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6 votes

How to make projected geometry and update it to postgresql?

As user30184 outlined: It's a very common task, and there's plenty of documentation: ST_Transform. To apply this, you need to figure out the EPSG codes of your projections. UTM 35N probably is EPSG:...
Senshi's user avatar
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6 votes

Setting correct UTM zone

No, you need 14N (N is for Northern Hemisphere). The "Q" is just a latitude band designation. Latitude bands Latitude bands are not a part of UTM, but rather a part of the military grid ...
user2856's user avatar
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6 votes

Convert decimal degrees to meters QGIS

First import the data in the CSV it's actually in. Once the data is imported, then you can reproject it into the desired CRS. The coordinates in your CSV are in latitude and longitude. This means ...
csk's user avatar
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6 votes

Difference of Assign projection, Reproject Layer, and Define layer projection in QGIS?

The difference is that reproject changes the geometry coordinates. Let me start with a Point layer, with one feature, wich geometry is a point located in latitude = 1°, longitude = 2°. The ...
Gabriel De Luca's user avatar

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