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Find majority land use class within polygon

This answer isn't based on QGIS, but I solved my issue in R: library(sf) library(dplyr) library(tidyverse) wd <- "path/" area_data <- st_read(paste0(wd, "wards_2021.geojson"...
Nikos's user avatar
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More efficient way to use Symmetrical Difference tool for layer with many features

In addition to the other excellent ideas presented,I would recommend that you run the Fix Geometries tool on both of the input layers. This tool repairs and/or removes any geometry errors which would ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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More efficient way to use Symmetrical Difference tool for layer with many features

you're going about it backwards. Most times when you convert a raster to a shapefile you meaninglessly large number of vertices (at least until you do simplification on the boundaries) and often an ...
Llaves's user avatar
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More efficient way to use Symmetrical Difference tool for layer with many features

Having large complex geometries will slow down processing. Try: Multipart To Singleparts Subdivide 3. And Create Spatial Index On both input layers
Bera's user avatar
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3 votes

More efficient way to use Symmetrical Difference tool for layer with many features

A typical way to solve this is to reduce the size and complexity of the input geometries by first doing an intersection of them with a grid-layer. This can give an enormous difference in processing ...
Pieter's user avatar
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QGIS Identify multiple intersecting vectors

I've created a model with two input parameter: Multiple input. Which allows you to select the 30+ vector layers Vector layer, for your drawn layer The model merges all 30+ layer into one (they all ...
Bera's user avatar
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QGIS Identify multiple intersecting vectors

The spatial join tool will transfer the attributes of your tree planting constraints to the attribute table of your polygons if and only if those vectors overlap. Here is a tutorial on spatial ...
GBG's user avatar
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