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Why is SQL Server 2019's STDistance Very Slightly Different Than The Vincenty Formula? (Same Up To ~0.0001km)

SQL Server's STDistance function does not compute geodesic distances. Its algorithm essentially generates straight lines in 3D, densifies them and maps them on the ellipsoid in a manner described more ...
FSimardGIS's user avatar
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7 votes

Difference between Vincenty and great-circle distance calculations?

My apologies for posting a second answer here, but I taking the opportunity to respond to the request by @craig-hicks to provide accuracy and timing comparisons for various algorithms for computing ...
cffk's user avatar
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Translating X, Y coordinates to lat/long

Based on your comments there are two steps here: Translating your known coordinates in latitude and longitude to the projected coordinates of EPSG:32723. Calculating the distance to a given cell. To ...
om_henners's user avatar
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How to measure distance between 2 GPS points in Pandas?

You can do it like this: Cross join the two dataframes using pd.merge. (The key field is just an auxiliary to be able to compute a full cross join.) df_all = pd.merge(df.assign(key=0), df_loc.assign(...
Jan Šimbera's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is SQL Server 2019's STDistance Very Slightly Different Than The Vincenty Formula? (Same Up To ~0.0001km)

Without having access to the source code of SQL Server it may be impossible to say. As a comparison, PostGIS ST_Distance query from the geography example of ...
user30184's user avatar
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Meaning of "Elevation above surface of ellipsoid"?

HAE, or Height Above Ellipsoid, or "elevation above surface of ellipsoid", is commonly the form of altitude a GPS receiver returns. It differs from AGL (height above ground level) and MSL (...
Gabriel Staples's user avatar
3 votes

Difference between Vincenty and great-circle distance calculations?

Whether using vincenty or haversine or the spherical law of cosines, there is wisdom in becoming aware of any potential issues with the code you are planning to use, things to watch out for and ...
always_learning's user avatar
2 votes

Haversine accuracy worse when using geocentric radius vs average Earth radius

Ok I figured it out after some research. Instead of using the Geocentric radius I instead calculate the radius Use the “Radius of Curvature formula at azimuth α” formula from the paper (page 5): http:/...
Rob's user avatar
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2 votes

Difference between Vincenty and great-circle distance calculations?

It appears that the geopy.distance package offers a function "distance()" which defaults to vincenty(). I would recommend using distance() on principle, as it is the package recommendation, in case ...
Craig  Hicks's user avatar
2 votes

Vincenty or (Project + Euclidean) for accurate distances

GeographicLib has the highest accuracy for measuring distances on ellipsoids of revolution, with a published accuracy of less than 15 nm. For example, using GeodSolve to solve the inverse geodesic ...
Mike T's user avatar
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1 vote

Vincenty or (Project + Euclidean) for accurate distances

Per your points, your baseline is about 100m. I've made tests about this before, and on such short distances it barely makes a difference (in fact, sphere-Earth calculations such as haversine give ...
Roberto Ribeiro's user avatar

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