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29 votes

Displaying overlapping points in QGIS

Try renderers: "Point displacement" or "Point Cluster" from symbology menu. (QGIS 3.x required for point cluster.) As point displacement they can look like this for example: And ...
MrXsquared's user avatar
  • 35.6k
26 votes

Drawing wavy/wiggly lines in QGIS

Short answer: you can get it using a custom SVG. See bottom of this post for one. Long answer: I believe it is better to represent it than to modify the line geometry. Should you want to move an ...
JGH's user avatar
  • 43.1k
23 votes

Drawing wavy/wiggly lines in QGIS

I propose a solution using PyQGIS. It should work both for Linestring and MultiLineString layers. This solution is based on the creation of semicircular rings, so you need to set a value for the ...
mgri's user avatar
  • 16.3k
21 votes

Styling polygon layer as dissolved with QGIS Geometry generator

You can now do this with the geometry generator in QGIS 2.99/3.0 by using buffer(collect($geometry), 0) in the expression builder. The new collect() aggregate function collects all the feature ...
she_weeds's user avatar
  • 13k
20 votes

Shifting display of overlapping lines in QGIS?

I propose an approach that only recurs to a geometry generator and a custom function. Before starting, I want to underline that I will focus the attention on the explanation of the minimal things to ...
mgri's user avatar
  • 16.3k
20 votes

Showing the bounding box for every coordinate system in QGIS

Yes, QGIS holds this information in an SQLite table. Go the menu layer / data source manager and select Browser then go to where QGIS is installed (like C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.16\) and dig down to ...
JGH's user avatar
  • 43.1k
18 votes

Visualising WKT geometry string in QGIS

No Plugin required In QGIS deploy a "Virtual Layer" through Layer > Add Layer > Add/Edit Virtual Layer.... In the Query window simply paste the following expression: SELECT ...
Taras's user avatar
  • 34k
17 votes

Viewing LIDAR data (.las) in QGIS?

QGIS 3.18+ supports point cloud visualisation natively.
Peter Petrik's user avatar
  • 1,485
17 votes

Visualising WKT geometry string in QGIS

In QGIS >=3.18.3 we can copy one or multiple WKT strings into clipboard and paste them using Edit > Paste Feature As > Temporary Scratch Layer... into map canvas. CRS needs to be adjusted ...
christoph's user avatar
  • 6,395
17 votes

Making lines curvy in QGIS

Use Arrows style instead of Simple Line style. For example, these lines with Simple Line style: look like this with Arrow style: You can turn off the arrow heads by setting the head width and ...
csk's user avatar
  • 25.1k
14 votes

Styling polygon layer as dissolved with QGIS Geometry generator

I've tried using the Geometry Generator with no success, and decided on a "Virtual layer" and a SQL query SELECT st_union(geometry) FROM layer_name You need to replace "layer_name"...
Klas Karlsson's user avatar
14 votes

Applying pattern only into strip inside polygon border in QGIS

New method - QGIS 3.36 QGIS 3.36 introduced a new Outline: Filled Line symbology that makes this task a lot easier. Just configure the following settings under Filled Line: Set Stroke width to x ...
she_weeds's user avatar
  • 13k
13 votes

Showing antenna symbols on the map: point symbols or features (polygons)

If you want to use symbology only, I propose a solution inspired by my answer from a similar question: Creating sector lights in QGIS?. Following a similar approach, and assuming you are working on a ...
mgri's user avatar
  • 16.3k
13 votes

Drawing wavy/wiggly lines in QGIS

Attention! This answer is outdated. Please follow the link here: Custom QGIS linestyle expression function won't work with MultiLineStrings In QGIS 3.10 it's possible to dynamically create zig-...
christoph's user avatar
  • 6,395
12 votes

Changing marker shape based on a rule or column value in QGIS?

Assuming to start from a point layer having this Attribute Table: you can perform the third step: "Shape of marker denotes if the soil samples were taken in "topsoil" or "other"." by firstly ...
mgri's user avatar
  • 16.3k
12 votes

Rule-based symbology in QGIS

On the symbology tab of the properties - Select Rule-based For the filter enter "riparian Veg" = 'Yes' AND NOT "Primary" = 'Riparian vegetation management' capitalization matters - it has to match ...
Llaves's user avatar
  • 6,043
12 votes

Making an animation of an evolving digital elevation model

Probably the best tool for this is Paraview. Once you've downloaded and acquired that you'll want to load your images: Use the CSV reader to load them: Below, you can find filters faster by pressing ...
Richard's user avatar
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12 votes

Setting constant labels positions in QGIS

In Labels tab in Layer Styling (F7), open the Placement tab. Click the Settings button below Label Anchoring. Select Use Entire Line for Clipping and Strict for Placement Behavior.
Kadir Şahbaz's user avatar
12 votes

Filtering which points to display using expressions in QGIS

Use either "Drilled ID" in ('value1','value4','value8') Or "Drilled ID" = 'value1' or "Drilled ID" = 'value4' or "Drilled ID" = 'value8'
MrXsquared's user avatar
  • 35.6k
11 votes

Producing Space-Time Cube in QGIS

One option to do this would be by modifying your data and visualizing it with the excellent qgis2threejs plugin. The idea is to turn your your time to Z coordinates. I tried it out with two GPX tracks ...
tjukanov's user avatar
  • 633
11 votes

Creating polygon mask in QGIS

In QGIS version 3.24, it is now possible to mask layers using other layers. It is necessary to create a group of layers, where the mask layer and the masked layer will be located. In the layers panel,...
Vsevolod Tsukanov's user avatar
11 votes

Filtering which points to display using expressions in QGIS

Switch to Rule-based and use "Drilled ID" IN ('value1', 'value4','value8') Consider setting a filter if you don't want to display anything else.
Bera's user avatar
  • 77.7k
11 votes

Using multiple XY fields for geometry definition in point layer in QGIS

Use a Geometry Generator style for your point layer with an expression that creates a point based on x/y coordinate values for surveyed locations if it exists and else create a point based on x/y ...
Babel's user avatar
  • 74.9k
11 votes

Representing five categories of data in one symbol using QGIS

Using "Data defined override > Edit...", use the following expressions. (Edit field names) For "Size": CASE WHEN "Light"='Dark' THEN 4 WHEN "Light"='...
Kadir Şahbaz's user avatar
10 votes

Drawing wavy/wiggly lines in QGIS

An expression that solves this was added to QGIS 3.24 ( Use this expression in the Geometry Generator: wave($geometry, 15, 3)
Baswein's user avatar
  • 2,396
10 votes

Assign a specific color to vector layer based on RGB codes in attribute table

In the layer styles panel if you click on simple marker, there is a small box to the right of the fill color combo box - if you click on it you can select edit from the menu and enter the expression ...
Ian Turton's user avatar
  • 83.2k
10 votes

Permanently viewing vertex of polygons in QGIS

Using the green plus in the symbology tab of your layer properties, add a second symbology. Change that type to border - marker line and the placement of the markers to every vertex.
Erik's user avatar
  • 17.1k
10 votes

Performing basic labelling with PyQGIS

There is no problem with @Kezah's answer. I've edited the script and it works. Please check it. Avoid using startEditing() and dataProvider().addFeatures() together. Use either one. If you construct a ...
Kadir Şahbaz's user avatar
10 votes

Displaying label if field contains 'X' or 'Y' value in QGIS

Use this: CASE WHEN "Status" IN ('Week', 'Active') THEN "Drilled ID" END
Kadir Şahbaz's user avatar
9 votes

Changing marker shape based on a rule or column value in QGIS?

Another approach is to use nested Rule-based styling for "study name" and "topsoil / other" categorical fields, followed by size assistant for "sample numbers". Starting from Layer Properties | ...
Kazuhito's user avatar
  • 31.2k

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