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16 votes

Getting QGIS to use dedicated graphics card (GPU) over integrated?

I am a GIS developer and geospatial analyst. I use QGIS professionally. QGIS does make limited use of parallelized GPU acceleration, but only for raster rendering, namely: slope aspect hillshade ...
Beetroot's user avatar
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5 votes

Uninstalling ArcGIS Desktop 9.2 to install ArcGIS Desktop 9.3?

I think the best advice that you are likely to get on uninstalling/installing this very old software is a thread at GeoNet. It mentions precisely the same error message as you are seeing.
PolyGeo's user avatar
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2 votes

How to display some contour lines and hide others?

For my personal work, I have found that this formula: MOD("Contour", 50)=0 was the only one that proved to work. I am using ArcGIS 10.6
Phoukhong Phongsa's user avatar
2 votes

How to resolve Projection library error. proj error "Permission denied" in MapServer on IIS

Sorting out the permissions may be a pain, I would try putting the epsg files in a location that you know IIS will read, then reference that location through the map file through a CONFIG statement. ...
nmtoken's user avatar
  • 13.6k
2 votes

qgz-projects can't be opened in QGIS 3

Running win 10 64 bit. Had the same problem. Problem solved in QGIS 3.6
Linus's user avatar
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QGIS bat file for 64 bit build

Answer based on @klewis comment : In your code, try changing %Program Files (x86)% into `%PROGRAMFILES% Check the environment variable PROGRAMFILES in the "System variables" list. It should point to ...
gisnside's user avatar
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Latest version of QGIS on Windows 7

The last QGIS versions provided by OSGeo4W (either the Network installer or the all-in-one stand-alone installer) running on Windows 7 SP1 64 bit are QGIS LTR 3.34.5-1 and QGIS 3.36.1-1. QGIS LTR ...
Andrea Giudiceandrea's user avatar
1 vote

Creating virtual raster produces gaps along edges in QGIS?

You might need to check on the vrt. If necessary add the nodata tag to inform gdal that the white strips in the border is a Nodata Value - you need to check the value of this data to know. If you ...
gisnside's user avatar
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Exporting many TIFFs issues in ERDAS Imagine 2016?

I am following this up to everyone. This morning on a new refresh day. I went over to the Export tool to export many TIFF. This one is working without any problems. So here is the picture of what I ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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1 vote

GRASS and SAGA function not working with QGIS 2.18.12

SAGA has been updated to the version 2.3.2 and some tools for example saga:majorityfilter have 1 more parameter and do not work with the old configuration.
Javier Diez's user avatar
1 vote

GRASS and SAGA function not working with QGIS 2.18.12

From @AndreJ comment, a useful tip & insight knowledge : "Make sure you have no processing modules in your .qgis2 folder. Processing was moved to the core plugins some time ago, but old ...
gisnside's user avatar
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Uninstalling ArcGIS Desktop 9.2 to install ArcGIS Desktop 9.3?

ArcGIS 9.2 leaves some entries in the registry. You have to manually remove the entry of ArcGIS in registry. Until those entries are not removed, new installation will lookup those values and if found ...
Shrisha Makaju's user avatar
1 vote

Iterate through features of a feature class and buffer them?

I've had problems like this with where clauses in SelectLayerByAttribute when I try to build the clause right in the function parameter list. I work around it by building the where clause in a string ...
Dan C's user avatar
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r.sun.daily - WARNING: Unable to rename null/cell file [...] to [...]: File exists (GRASS GIS 7.0.4)

Found the issue, instead of using the regular output parameters I had to add the suffix of ´_basename´ to each. With this it correclty creates numbered outputs. So instead of: r.sun.daily --o ...
Tins's user avatar
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r.sun model crashing (GRASS GIS 7.0.4, Windows 7 Enterprise SP1)

Issue is fixed with the help of the following post: Solar irradiation calculation using r.sun. It was the case that my layers had different sizes. I thought it was fine by using the DEM, which set ...
Tins's user avatar
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1 vote

Fresh Install of ArcMap 10.4 Stalls on "Loading Document"

I had this problem after upgrading from 10.3.1 to 10.5.1. For me it was also a graphics adapter problem. In my case, somebody had installed both an NVIDIA display adapter/driver and an Intel graphics ...
Dowlers's user avatar
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Fresh Install of ArcMap 10.4 Stalls on "Loading Document"

I had the same problem due to what turned out to be a graphics driver issue. In my case, I was using a ThinkPad docking station for my second monitor, and was able to successfully run ArcMap after ...
Jeff B's user avatar
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Starting ArcMap says system clock has been set back more than 24 hours?

More information about the comment made by @Tim Sexton can be found here: This is an Esri technical support article regarding: How To: Clear or ...
Andres's user avatar
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Making GRASS GIS 7 Ubuntu bash file work on Windows 7

So, I finally opened the ticket after a few years, and found the solution. The problem with renaming null and cell files is on Windows' side, nothing can be done about that. It is not possible to read ...
Hynek G's user avatar
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Accessing ArcView 3.X help after Windows 7 install?

Help files old style are being banned from Win7, 8 and 10. However, you can try this method, which can make the Help Files live again. Do not forget to de-activate automatic Windows update. http://...
Sobral Almeida's user avatar
1 vote

Install gdal executables

Don't be intimidated by the switch from .exe to .whl. While the former were installed by double-clicking, the later needs to have a command prompt to install. First make sure you have pip Let's take ...
Mike T's user avatar
  • 42.4k
1 vote

How to display some contour lines and hide others?

I've used the MOD("Contour", 50)=0 expression in ArcGIS 10.1 to 10.8 and it always Works fine. on the other hand, I'm new in QGIS 3.16 and the double equal sign threw an error... this was ...
Marcela_R's user avatar

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