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robin loche's user avatar
robin loche
  • Member for 6 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
6 votes

Is EPSG defined separately for each geometry column?

5 votes

Getting timestamp of each time pings enter and leave a radius

5 votes

Calculate distance between two consecutive points within the same group in PostgreSQL

5 votes

Simplify geometry

5 votes

Optimizing PostGIS query on table using buffered point

5 votes

PostGIS functions for generating centerline from polygon

4 votes

Getting the width or maximum distance of multilinestrings

4 votes

Why doesn't ST_Intersects work with multiple rows of geom

3 votes

PostGIS - Polygon crossing latitude 0 and longitude 180

3 votes

How do I optimize a spatial query in PostGIS

3 votes

Create a new table, sorted by st_area function in descending order

3 votes

Removing certains routes from pgrouting output table

3 votes

Determine envelope of geometry for all zoom levels

3 votes

Calculating minimum river width for a route within the river in PostGIS/Python

3 votes

Calculating accurate distances using various ST_Distance options

3 votes

Speed up intersection, union in PostGIS?

3 votes

What is the full syntax SQL reference for the `geometry` data type?

3 votes

ST_DWithin exponentially slow. Cannot find what I am doing wrong

3 votes

Getting the distance in km between two coordinates within Hungary

3 votes

function pgr_pointsaspolygon(unknown) does not exist

3 votes

Clustering large number of locations

2 votes

Postgis/Postgresql - Interpolate equadistant points based on weighted attribution similar to QGIS Interpolation(Heatmap Kernal Density Estimation)

2 votes

Combining grid of points to closest distance of several subqueries results using PostGIS

2 votes

Creating or updating geometry polygon column with new point using PostGIS

2 votes

Is it possible to get one geometry per area/box in PostGIS?

2 votes

imposm3 on PostGIS to mapnik conversions

2 votes

Cut linestring segment at centroid in PostGIS

2 votes

Store Lon,Lat in generated column - PostgreSQL 12

2 votes

Why do two tables with valid geometry return self-intersection errors when intersected?

2 votes

Postgres/PG_Tileserv increase speed