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Lee Hachadoorian's user avatar
Lee Hachadoorian
  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
22 votes

Casting geometry to MULTI using GeoPandas?

19 votes

How to refresh the attribute table of a layer after editing the table in the DB-Manager?

15 votes

How to convert a complex project of shapefiles to a SpatiaLite database?

13 votes

What is the SRID for EPSG 102743?

12 votes

Setting SRID in Spatialite table?

11 votes

QGIS Multiple CASE WHEN/THEN Statements for Expression Based Labels

11 votes

Does anyone know what a geoid10 and its numbers mean?

9 votes

Splitting shapefile into many shapefiles with open source?

9 votes

Visualizing bounding box as polygon

9 votes

Work around for “Couldn’t load PyQt” error with QGIS 3.0.3 on Ubuntu 18.04?

8 votes

Clustering of Spatial Data in R or Python

8 votes

R raster Package Moran's I interpretation

7 votes

Transform GeoJSON geometry to WKB

7 votes

Installing qgis-ltr or qgis-ltr-full with OSGeo4W or both?

7 votes

How can geographic coordinate system such as WGS84 draw on screen?

6 votes

QGIS Heatmap by value (NOT by point-densty)

6 votes

How can I create a merged buffer in QGIS then count points that fall within it

6 votes

Postgis installation

5 votes

Taking Union of several geometries in GEOS Python?

5 votes

What projection is this?

5 votes

How can I average point features spatially in QGIS?

5 votes

Summarizing population by neighborhood using PostGIS

5 votes

Decimal Degrees to Meters

5 votes

Spatialite return XY coordinate in Double Precision

5 votes

How to create a QGIS map of unprojected data?

4 votes

QGIS Two people working on one shapefile at once?

4 votes

Quantitative vs Qualitative heatmap

4 votes

Do 1KB Shapefiles with bigger .shp.xml contain any usable data?

4 votes

QGIS installed via Windows Anaconda fails to launch

4 votes

ST_Within is only working on selective rows