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Don Meltz's user avatar
Don Meltz's user avatar
Don Meltz
  • Member for 13 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
120 votes

Measuring accuracy of latitude and longitude

53 votes

Seeking sources for US Zip Code Boundaries

33 votes

Displaying local file in Google Maps?

30 votes

Why latitude/longitude and not other way round?

13 votes

Deleting columns/fields from polygon shapefile attribute table?

11 votes

Deciding what interpolation method to use for resampling raster data?

11 votes

Explaining what GIS is to 11 year old kid?

11 votes

For every point, distance to nearest polygon of type X?

10 votes

Citing ArcGIS Desktop when writing papers?

9 votes

What is a GIS Professional?

9 votes

Seeking introductory texts about coordinate system projections?

8 votes

Are there any convenient sources of color palettes to use in ArcGIS software while producing maps?

8 votes

AutoCAD to ArcView

7 votes

What is ArcGIS for Desktop (and Geodatabase) equivalent to Regions of ArcInfo Workstation Coverages?

6 votes

Converting between KML and shapefile (SHP) format

6 votes

Turning on GRASS plugin in QGIS

6 votes

Permanently reordering fields in data (shp, gdb) without using FME or another ETL tool

5 votes

Does OpenGeo Suite no longer exist? What is a good alternative?

5 votes

script for automated line drawing procedure for set of start and end points

5 votes

Optimizing ArcGIS Desktop performance using MXD Defrag?

3 votes

Eliminating gaps in ArcGIS union operation?

3 votes

Is there a web mapping server works on a linux shared hosting account?

2 votes

How do you set OFFSETA for a Viewshed in ArcGIS10?

2 votes

Including multiple layouts in one ArcGIS Desktop project

2 votes

Shape area in not adding up

1 vote

Convert XY points to a line?

1 vote

How to build topology without Standard/ArcEditor or Advanced/ArcInfo license?

1 vote

Define "geospatial data" for a non-GIS professional

1 vote

Define the "system" in Geographic Information System

1 vote

Merging various road data into single layer using ArcGIS for Desktop?