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nr_aus's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

Utility and Pipeline Data Model 2016 Valves Layer

1 vote

Combining two different layers of the same area to see the differences over time

1 vote

What coordinate system is this? How can I project it to WGS84 (lat-long) system in Python?

1 vote

How to remove the thousands separator from multiple layers in ArcGIS Portal after publishing from ArcGIS Pro?

1 vote

Filter layer to show features from -180 to -90 days from today

1 vote

Database support in GE Smallworld?

1 vote

Where can I host GeoServer that will allow multiple users to edit on ArcMap?

1 vote

Splitting proportional/graduated symbols using QGIS

1 vote

QGIS 3.2 - Forcing column type when importing csv

1 vote

.prj files from ESRI aren't WKT

1 vote

What is the difference between ArcGIS Online and Living Atlas?

1 vote

QGIS 3.14 hangs when I use Data Source Manager on Windows 10

1 vote

How to find features from edge_id in PostGIS topology?

1 vote

Why can't I make GeospatialPDFs using QGIS 3.14?

1 vote

Private Surface Water Mains In Between Public Mains Analysis

1 vote

Solving Traveling Salesman-like Problem

1 vote

Create contours based on text attribute of point data (isogloss map)

1 vote

Croping a layer to match another one in QGIS

1 vote

Problem with opening .las files in QGIS

1 vote

Access Terminal Commands with QGIS

1 vote

QGIS Refactor Fields unwanted behavior

1 vote

Append different geometry to layer within GeoPackage

1 vote

Replacing existing geometry in QGIS 3

0 votes

Impeding PyQGIS saving changes to file on disk immediately

0 votes

QGIS not finding all layers?

0 votes

GRASS v.clean tool in QGIS gives empty output

0 votes

FME Workbench Reader select tables to import using wildcards

0 votes

Merge intersecting polygons into one which are part of the same feature

0 votes

ArcMap basemap imagery does not shift, regardless of transformation selection

0 votes

Overwrite in ArcGIS Portal hangs for hosted GeoJSON and FGDB