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TDavis's user avatar
TDavis's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
  • Manitoba
42 votes

What are the benefits of hexagonal sampling polygons?

9 votes

Placing point symbol on center of polygon in ArcMap?

6 votes

Buffers with Varying Distances around a Set of Points

6 votes

Making a map that can be easily resized or scaled

5 votes

How to randomly select from existing points within each polygon?

4 votes

Add new value combination to unique values, many fields symbology in Arc

4 votes

Find nearest point (in file A) for every point (in file B)

4 votes

In arcgis how do I filter my geo data in a certain state?

4 votes

Group legend in ArcMap basing on field value

4 votes

Arranging top of columns in legend

3 votes

Adding XY Points to ArcMap?

3 votes

How do simple statistics based on polygons?

3 votes

How to find neighbouring polygons with same attribute value?

3 votes

Joining data points to matching polygons

3 votes

Arcgis not seeing my column header to join tables

2 votes

Convert Labels to Annotation greyed out using ArcMap

2 votes

Creating a polyline from point data that represents multiple linear features in ArcGIS 10.0

2 votes

Calculating distance in ArcGIS for Desktop?

2 votes

Generate near table failed

2 votes

Create symbology from multiple layers

2 votes

Keeping attribute table when converting from polygon-based feature layer to grid layer

2 votes

How to get turn angle, line orientation and line length in ArcMap 9.3.1?

1 vote

Grouping polygons that are part of fishnet using ArcGIS Desktop?

1 vote

What type of remote sensing methodology is commonly used to locate and track the movement of woodland caribou herds?

1 vote

Reading *.cdf files in ArcMap?

1 vote

Feature not added to KML Vector Layer in Firefox

1 vote

Calculate distance using 2 sets of lat/long values in the same record

1 vote

Cut polylines at intersections in QGIS (or how many km road for each country)

1 vote

How can you insert a custom symbol?

1 vote

Converting files for use in fragstats