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  • Member for 10 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
16 votes

Adding Properties to a feature in Google Earth Engine

15 votes

Is there a professional certification available for QGIS users?

13 votes

Create Layer from Selected Features tool: How is the list of features stored?

11 votes

How to merge two shapefiles with partial difference in QGIS?

11 votes

Difference between irradiance and radiance, remote sensing reflectance and water leaving radiance

10 votes

Sum integer values if values in another column are equal in QGIS?

9 votes

What are Definition, Algorithms and Practical Solutions for Concave Hull?

9 votes

Does Calculate Geometry tool exist in ArcGIS Pro?

9 votes

Saving shp polygon from Google Earth

8 votes

What is the purpose of PostGIS on PostgreSQL?

8 votes

How do I combine layers in Google Maps?

8 votes

Artifacts in gdalwarp output (from polar stereographic to azimuthal equidistant)

8 votes

How are unsaved/temporary edits stored during versioned editing?

8 votes

Using two different reference scales in one MXD

7 votes

Why is a normalized parameter involving the Green band and Red band not used for Vegetation determination?

7 votes

Learning JavaScript for GIS?

7 votes

Seeking urban area shapefiles for France, Germany and Belgium?

7 votes

What are the min and max values of Map.addLayer on Google Earth Engine?

6 votes

Exporting attribute table with 100,000+ features into Excel file using ArcGIS Explorer?

6 votes

What is the correct format for APA referencing maps produced in QGIS, including data layers?

6 votes

Why are date vaules displaying a trailing 'Z' when layers are published with Geoserver and a PostGIS data store?

6 votes

Identifying Coordinate System of Shapefile when Unknown?

6 votes

How do I address this error message in QGIS, "CSV file must be in UTF-8 encoding"?

6 votes

Getting 8 digit watersheds for USA

6 votes

Choosing cell size in LAS Dataset to Raster Tool

6 votes

Evaluating training samples for supervised image classification in ArcGIS Pro?

6 votes

Adding vector layer to QGIS?

6 votes

How to read a raster value table (VAT) in QGIS?

6 votes

Why is shapefile non recognised in the dataset?

6 votes

Extract value from vector to another

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