By copying rows of the attribute table of a polygon shapefile, I figured out how to extract the points of the given polygon but to my surprise, they are formatted backwards:
-87.529571533203125 34.55934906005859375,
-87.52953338623046875 34.3049163818359375,
-87.93964385986328125 34.31328964233398438,
-88.17311859130859375 34.32147979736328125,
-88.1404571533203125 34.58187484741210938,
-87.95177459716796875 34.57530975341796875,
-87.52912139892578125 34.56753158569335938,
-87.529571533203125 34.55934906005859375))
Is there a way to export these points in the same way but formatted as lat/lon xx.xx, -xx.xx points?(only US counties are being processed).
If not and post-formatting is the only option, if there is anyone out there who has already done
If not I guess I will just have to write a formatting script but it will be a pain to execute on all 4703 counties.