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Results for world file parameters
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2 votes
1 answer

World file calculation when rotation is close to 90 degrees

I am trying to calculate a world file for an image given the following information. … (irrelevant) both the D and B parameter get very large incorrect values. However, I don't really see how to fix this as it seems an inevitable part of using a world file. …
user154228's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

formula to calculate geo-referencing paramerters

Now I want to generate world file parameters for overlapping two data. I am using DotSpatial (github DotSpatial) as an base library for rendering the GIS data. … How can I generate the required parameters programmatically? Parameter details are here I need something like below …
rughimire's user avatar
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Adding Raster to ImageServer: What are the Geodata Transformation Parameters?

My original image file is accompanied by a world file, containing the six parameters of an affine transformation. … I want to use them in Add Raster's Geodata Transforms parameter to georeference my raster image. …
306's user avatar
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0 votes

How to determine the UTM zone in a world file

So the answer to this is that the world file parameters can be any UTM zone you want. … Then the software will just assume the parameters in the world file are defined in the map projection you specified. …
jlcv's user avatar
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1 answer

Georeference Raster File with WorldFile into an aerial photo using GDAL [duplicate]

PROBLEM: I have a raster file in this case it is an ortomap: and it has JGW (World File) 0.683772574816354 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 … What gdal console commands should I commit on those 3 files and what parameters should I consider? (I was thinking gdal_translate/gdalwarp maybe) …
user10787's user avatar
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Reset raster extent in QGIS with Python

I have a raster layer with a corresponding world file. … An external program changes the translation parameters in the world file, so I reload the raster by calling layer.triggerRepaint() as described in this answer. …
Alden's user avatar
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Creating custom projection using provided Helmert Parameters and ArcMap?

I am based in South Africa and the firm I'm working for makes use of the Cape Lo23-based system, while the rest of the world around me has moved on to the WGS based Hartebeesthoek datum. … I've been provided with conversion parameters in a file as seen below: Helmert transformation Control file with common points: LO23-WG23.txt System: Hartebeesthoek Lo23 T10 -2268.780 …
aQuafr3sh's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

GDAL_TRANSLATE Assumes Picture is Orientated North? [closed]

I read over the translate docs again and there seem to be no parameters with which I can tell GDAL to read data about orientation using a 'world file.' … I will continue to work on projection because I have a few leads but this 'world file' business and image rotation I do not even know where to start. …
user2316667's user avatar
4 votes
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Creating custom CRS based on local project parameters in QGIS?

The property lines were provided to us with a .prj file using NAD83 State Plane Coordinates. … In the past, we have utilized ArcGIS (or notepad) to create a projected local coordinate system based on our project parameters and assign its .prj to the data frame of our .shp file, and tell ArcGIS to …
Westy911's user avatar
0 votes
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Writing Python script tool for Data Driven Pages?

What I am trying to accomplish is exporting JPEGs with a world file that follow data driven pages. I would like to automate this process as much as possible, creating a tool for it. … Something with parameters that allow me to pick the folder, the file name,, the width, height, etc. So I did a test with an input for folder and file name. …
vss031712's user avatar
6 votes

Creating .tfw world files from .tiff & coordinates in Excel?

From Wikipedia World file, with a real world file the generic meaning of the six parameters are 3.0384141414141403 A: x-component of the pixel width (x-scale) 0 D: y-component of … (width and height) you can compute the A,E,C,F parameters, but not D and B (usually 0, no rotation). …
gene's user avatar
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Understanding TIFF file georeferencing

I am new to maps and ArcGIS field, and having some issues understanding the used georeferencing systems, I have a dem.tif file, when extracting information I get X and Y in very large number, I used osgeo … ,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],PARAMETER["central_meridian",33],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["false_easting",500000],PARAMETER
nwara97's user avatar
9 votes
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Specify directories for use with gdaltindex

The majority of these files are Tiff's with a world file and have not yet been converted to geoTiffs. … It looks like I can use -skip_different_projection to take care of the projection issue, but my search hasn't turned up any parameters of gdaltindex to specify directories, so any help is much appreciated …
Paul's user avatar
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Filling Polygon with SVG File so it Will Appear Only One Time in QGIS 3.4.2

I have a layer that shows the world, without Antarctica and small islands. This layer is made of five different polygons. … However I change the Texture width parameters the SVG was not fitting perfectly. What is needed to be done in order of make it fit? …
Nitzan Matan's user avatar
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8 votes
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Manipulating Azimuthal Equidistant Projections in QGIS

This is what I have tried so far: Added shapefile of world countries projected as Azimuthal Equidistant with Chicago as the center Opened properties, metadata tab, copy proj4 parameter code Went to settings … , custom projection, paste in proj4 code, changed the lat/lon from that of Chicago to that of Edinburgh Saved shapefile of world countries, specified my new custom projection, added new file to map My …
Dan Wolf's user avatar
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