I want to convertgeoreference a cadastral map in dwg format to a kml format. The dwg is not georeferenced.
The softwares I have at my disposal: a 30the lat-day free trial Windows versionlong of Autocad 2019 & Autocad Map 3D and Inkscape3+ points on Ubuntuthe map but do not have the scale.
I tried "Set Location" fromin Autocad Map 3D but it references using the lat/long & direction for only one point and then one has to scale the map. I do not have an accuratea scale. But I have accurate latitude/longitude for more than 3 points on the map from another source.
WouldHow do I need a plugin within Autocad that manages to georeference with multiple lat/longs? And how does one getthe map without a kml finallyscale?