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open layers OpenLayers tutorial: map doesn't show up

I'm following an open layersOpenLayers tutorial and already there is something wrong after trying to represent a simple map.

I will show you the code I copied from the tutorial and when opening my htmlHTML file with firefoxFirefox, it should show me a osmOSM map. However it doesn't do anything. I have tried to write "Test" into my html, and that worked, thus I guess the problem lies somewhere else.

That's the htmlHTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./lib/OpenLayers/ol.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css">
    <div id="js-map" class="map"> </div>
    <script src='./lib/OpenLayers/ol.js'> </script>
    <script src='./Main.js'> </script>

That's the js code:

    window.onload = init;
    function init(){
        const map = new ol.Map({
        view: new ol.View({
            center: [8.25, 49.97],
            zoom: 11.1,
            maxZoom: 15,
            minZoom: 5
        layers: [
            new ol.layer.Tile({
                source: new ol.source.OSM()
        target: 'js-map'

I guess, there is a typo somewhere but I just can't see it.

Another possible problem is that I'm using Ubuntu. perhabsPerhaps it has something to do with that?

Here is also a screenshot from the project folder:

enter image description here

open layers tutorial: map doesn't show up

I'm following an open layers tutorial and already there is something wrong after trying to represent a simple map.

I will show you the code I copied from the tutorial and when opening my html file with firefox, it should show me a osm map. However it doesn't do anything. I have tried to write "Test" into my html, and that worked, thus I guess the problem lies somewhere else.

That's the html code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./lib/OpenLayers/ol.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css">
    <div id="js-map" class="map"> </div>
    <script src='./lib/OpenLayers/ol.js'> </script>
    <script src='./Main.js'> </script>

That's the js code:

    window.onload = init;
    function init(){
        const map = new ol.Map({
        view: new ol.View({
            center: [8.25, 49.97],
            zoom: 11.1,
            maxZoom: 15,
            minZoom: 5
        layers: [
            new ol.layer.Tile({
                source: new ol.source.OSM()
        target: 'js-map'

I guess, there is a typo somewhere but I just can't see it.

Another possible problem is that I'm using Ubuntu. perhabs it has something to do with that?

Here is also a screenshot from the project folder:

enter image description here

OpenLayers tutorial: map doesn't show up

I'm following an OpenLayers tutorial and already there is something wrong after trying to represent a simple map.

I will show you the code I copied from the tutorial and when opening my HTML file with Firefox, it should show me a OSM map. However it doesn't do anything. I have tried to write "Test" into my html, and that worked, thus I guess the problem lies somewhere else.

That's the HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./lib/OpenLayers/ol.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css">
    <div id="js-map" class="map"> </div>
    <script src='./lib/OpenLayers/ol.js'> </script>
    <script src='./Main.js'> </script>

That's the js code:

    window.onload = init;
    function init(){
        const map = new ol.Map({
        view: new ol.View({
            center: [8.25, 49.97],
            zoom: 11.1,
            maxZoom: 15,
            minZoom: 5
        layers: [
            new ol.layer.Tile({
                source: new ol.source.OSM()
        target: 'js-map'

I guess, there is a typo somewhere but I just can't see it.

Another possible problem is that I'm using Ubuntu. Perhaps it has something to do with that?

Here is also a screenshot from the project folder:

enter image description here

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open layers tutorial: map doesn't show up

I'm following an open layers tutorial and already there is something wrong after trying to represent a simple map.

I will show you the code I copied from the tutorial and when opening my html file with firefox, it should show me a osm map. However it doesn't do anything. I have tried to write "Test" into my html, and that worked, thus I guess the problem lies somewhere else.

That's the html code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./lib/OpenLayers/ol.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css">
    <div id="js-map" class="map"> </div>
    <script src='./lib/OpenLayers/ol.js'> </script>
    <script src='./Main.js'> </script>

That's the js code:

    window.onload = init;
    function init(){
        const map = new ol.Map({
        view: new ol.View({
            center: [8.25, 49.97],
            zoom: 11.1,
            maxZoom: 15,
            minZoom: 5
        layers: [
            new ol.layer.Tile({
                source: new ol.source.OSM()
        target: 'js-map'

I guess, there is a typo somewhere but I just can't see it.

Another possible problem is that I'm using Ubuntu. perhabs it has something to do with that?

Here is also a screenshot from the project folder:

enter image description here