There is no service or readily available tool that I can think of. But if you are comfortable on the command line and willing to spend some time tinkering, here is a way that can work
- Download the OSM shapefile.
- Import the shapefile to TileMill..
- Once you style it, export it as a georeferenced PNG.
- download the OSM shapefile
- import the shapefile to TileMill.
- OnceThe following command should work once you style it,have installed export it as a georeferenced PNG.nik2img; it will produce a PNG and matching world file from your TileMill export: <TileMill export name>.xml <desired file name>.png -d <pixel width> <pixel height> --srs <desired projection, probably 900913> --bbox <bounding box parameters> -v -w pgw
- Use gdal_translate to convert it to a GeoTIFF.
- Use gdal_translate to convert it to a GeoTiff.The following command should work:
gdal_translate -of GTiff -a_srs <desired projection, probably EPSG:3857, as above> <desired file name>.png <desired file name>.tiff