I'm using QGIS 3.22.4 then tried 3.22.7. I am using the clip tool. The input layer is a point(point) shapefile (verified in layer properties under information-geometry section). I have tried this with multiple different polygon overlay layers and all are giving me issues when running the tool if I try to save the result as a shapefile. Error message is "Attempt to write non-point (MULTIPOINT) geometry to point shapefile". On any of these I will get resulting points from the clip but only if I let it run as a temporary layer. Then I need to go and export the temporary layer to a shapefile however i have the same issue there with the same error message UNLESS I check the box for force-multi.
I've tried this with multiple file types including from a KMZ type Polygon(PolygonZ). I then exported the polygon that was originally a kmz into a shape file and regardless of the options I chose on export the resulting shapefile was still Polygon(MultiPolygon) and would produce the same errors. Then I tried running the multipart to singleparts tool on it and the resulting saved shapefile has a geometry type of Polygon(MultiPolygon) still. same result if I try to run the clip tool using that, I have to let it run as a temporary file, then export as a shapefile and choose force multi. Am
Am I missing something very obvious here? Is
Is the issue not with the polygon files?
I used to use the clip tool without any issues and now I cantcannot run anything. Thanks in advance for any help.